Home > The Gift of Cockleberry Bay (Cockleberry Bay #3)(16)

The Gift of Cockleberry Bay (Cockleberry Bay #3)(16)
Author: Nicola May

‘You sound as if you need it, girl,’ Rosa told her.

Titch then smiled. ‘That’s better – and breathe… I just needed to get that off my chest, Rose – sorry. Ritchie is on a double shift at the chip shop later today, so I’ve left him to lie in. The poor sod, he usually gets my morning rant.’

‘You must both be knackered from Theo’s first-birthday celebrations too. That was such a happy party you had at your mum’s. And that cake Ritchie made was lovely. He is such a keeper.’

‘I know. A whole year has gone by since my little treasure flew out of me on to the Corner Shop floor. It seems like five minutes ago, but also five years ago. So much has happened in that time. I can’t believe I am going to be Mrs Patricia Rogers soon. It’s madness.’

Sara brought over Titch’s mug of black coffee and a tea for Rosa.

‘Are you sure you’re still OK to man the shop as planned?’ Rosa asked Titch. ‘I just need to sort some stuff with Sara this morning.’

‘Of course I am. Apart from needing to get out of the house, I’ve also come down to show you both a couple of,’ she hesitated, ‘er…things.’

‘OK, what’s that then?’

Titch reached past the curious Hot and gently pulled a blanket back in the compartment under the stroller. There, curled up together and sleeping soundly in a compact carrying crate were the Duchess’s two little dachshund puppies.

Rosa bit her lip. ‘But I thought–’

‘I thought, too, but when I went to tell Jacob I couldn’t have one of them, I fell so in love that I then couldn’t split them up, so now I have both of them. The two brothers.’

‘Will you be able to cope?’

‘You know me, Rose, I moan but I’m a doer, I can sort anything out. The puppies adore Mum too; her wheelchair is like an adventure playground and their favourite sleeping place is on her lap or tucked down the side of her. It’s put a big smile on her face, and she says she is more than happy to mind them and feed them when I’m working. Ritchie loves them too, and likes taking them for tiny walks around the block. Not too far, and he has to go slowly, but they absolutely love sniffing all the new smells. We have to keep them away from your mum’s cottage though, in case Merlin comes out and has them for breakfast.’

Sara approached carrying a plate containing a delicious-smelling bacon roll. She said wistfully, ‘I now have puppy envy.’

‘I didn’t think to ask you if you wanted one,’ Rosa said, and bent down to stroke Hot and keep him from waking all three of the sleeping babies.

‘Not at the moment. But who knows, now we are living together – and if Brown doesn’t mind. Maybe that’s the next step for us. Alec and I both have matching walking jackets already.’

‘Aw.’ Rosa took a slurp of tea then turned to Titch. ‘Dare I ask if you have names for the puppies yet?’ She smiled inwardly, thinking if Jacob were here, he would be squeezing his buttocks tightly together in dreadful anticipation.

‘Well, as they were born during the storm, we were thinking maybe Banger and Flash – ooh, that’s a bit like Bangers and Mash.’ Titch couldn’t keep a straight face. ‘We then thought that maybe we should follow the Duchess and give them lengthy pedigree names too.’

‘Despite Hot being from unknown heritage though, of course,’ Rosa laughed.

‘And I know how much it will wind Jacob up.’ Titch took a huge bite of her bacon roll.

‘Remember they are stuck with these names forever, the poor little mites,’ Rosa warned her. Sara nodded in agreement as she motioned a group of three construction workers who had just walked in, to a window seat.

‘But then we thought, me and Ritch, that since we’re not pedigree or fancy ourselves, our furry offspring should not be given posh names.’ She pointed down to the pushchair and then made the noise of a fanfare while pretending to blow a fake trumpet. ‘I would like to introduce you to Mr Sav Eloy, and the tinier little cutie is Mr Chip Olata, Mr Chips for short. So, please meet Saveloy and Mr Chips. What do you reckon?’

‘I reckon that you should tell Jacob when he’s sitting down, but it’s bloody genius, and so apt, dear friend.’ Rosa stood up. Sara was shaking with laughter as she took the food order behind them. All the sudden commotion caused Theo to start crying and the puppies to poke their little heads up in their tiny carrying crate, much to Hot’s delight who started to bark loudly at his infants.

Titch put her hand to her head. ‘It will all be OK,’ she reassured herself positively. ‘Here.’ She handed Rosa a fiver for her breakfast, which Rosa promptly gave back.

‘I’ll get that.’

‘Thanks, Rose. Could you just put the rest of that roll in a bag for me – and get Hot’s lead too. I will take them all to the shop now. I’ll get Theo fed and back to Mum, put the sausages out in your back yard for five minutes and then be a dutiful shop assistant from eight-thirty, as always.’ She took a huge noisy breath.

‘Are you sure?’ Rosa’s voice was caring as she gently stroked the puppies through the bars of their little carry crate.

‘The only thing I’m sure of, mate, is that I must be slightly crazy.’

Rosa was just helping Titch out of the café with her laden pushchair, when Nate appeared in the doorway.

‘Hey Rosa.’

‘Hi. What brings you down to our neck of the woods again?’

‘Your pretty face, of course.’

‘Hah, flattery will get you nowhere. I’m a married woman.’

Nate grinned. ‘I’ve moved into a mate’s house, South Cliffs end.’ He pointed loosely up the beach. ‘I’m looking for some work actually, if you know of any?’

‘So, you’re not at Sea and Save any more then?’

‘Let’s get in the warm, shall we?’ Nate ushered Rosa inside and shut the door behind them. ‘So, do you know of any work?’

‘Nothing here now, but…’ For some reason Rosa was slightly captivated by this man. ‘I’ve been harping on about painting the front of the Corner Shop for ages. It needs doing properly as I just did it roughly when I moved in and I want it to be in the best condition when I pass it on. Painting is probably not your thing at all, but–’

‘No, no, that’s perfect,’ Nate said immediately, allowing Rosa to fully understand what the expression ‘biting your hand off’ meant. He was obviously desperate for a job. ‘I can start sanding it down tomorrow, if that suits.’ He paused. ‘I mean, it makes sense before any more bad weather comes in during the winter. And I’d really like to help you out, Rosa, especially after you helped with the gulls, for nothing and all that. Do you have paint?’

‘I do, actually, in the back shed, and Ritchie has got some ladders that will reach. I had budgeted just £250: is that OK?’


‘Yes, cash.’

Nate kissed her on the cheek. ‘It’s a deal.’ He then added cheekily, ‘You couldn’t just sub me a tenner, could you, so I can get some breakfast?’ Then on seeing somebody about to open the café door, he darted to the toilet.

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