Home > The Gift of Cockleberry Bay (Cockleberry Bay #3)(36)

The Gift of Cockleberry Bay (Cockleberry Bay #3)(36)
Author: Nicola May

‘Hmm. Sometimes that crystal ball of yours needs a good clean, eh? There were no planes even flying out of New York, let alone crashing.’

A tear ran down Mary’s cheek. ‘I was thinking all sorts, lying here, like your little mite wouldn’t have a daddy, just like you didn’t.’ She swallowed a sob. ‘Are you all right anyway?’

‘I’m fine, just sick of sick, that’s all. Of feeling it and being it.’

‘Well, I bet it’s a girl then, as that’s exactly how I was with you.’ Mary reached for a tissue and blew her nose.

Rosa sighed heavily and sat on the chair next to her mother’s bed. ‘For once I am glad that we couldn’t talk earlier. I don’t know what I would have done if you’d told me that my husband was potentially in a plane crash and then I’d not been able to get hold of him. So much has been going on that I’ve been oblivious to the world outside.’

‘And what about the police station?’

‘I called and PC Poirot was fine. He had already heard about you, as an ambulance call-out is big news in the Bay.’ Rosa sighed. ‘I shall need to go and see him tomorrow.’

Mary pushed her hair away from her face. ‘So, Titch is OK minding the shop and Hot, is she?’

Rosa clapped a hand to her forehead. ‘That’s something else – I’d better let Danny know what time I’ll be back.’


‘Theo had a bad tummy again, so Titch and Ritchie went off to Ulchester General and Danny Green, who is Tina’s son – you know, Tina, whose grandson I managed to save? Well, he showed up and said he’d look after the shop.’

‘I think I understand.’ Mary nodded. ‘That’s very trusting of you. And that poor girl and baby – not again.’

‘I know, and I didn’t have a choice about Danny helping so please don’t tell me off. If the Christmas delivery hadn’t been imminent, I would have just shut up shop, but it was a lot of pallets and I wanted to get to you fast. Somehow, I don’t think robbing somebody who has saved your son’s life would be on the agenda, do you?’

‘Unless he runs a kennels, of course. Then he’d be sorted for free dog food and diamanté leads for years to come,’ Mary joked feebly. She looked utterly exhausted.

Giving her mum a kiss on the cheek, Rosa smiled and said, ‘Save your energy for getting better, although they do say laughter is the best medicine, don’t they? Whoever “they” are.’

Mary took a large, rattling breath. ‘OK, I hear you. Now, you get off, love. I’m staying here for tonight and then that handsome Dr Reginald will be back in the morning to see if I’m fit to come home tomorrow. And don’t you be worrying about driving me back, I can get hospital transport home.’

‘If you’re sure, then I will head off. And ring me once you’ve seen the doctor. I’m sure Jacob will drive up and get you if I ask nicely.’

‘I’m sorry to have worried you, duck. I forgot for a second that you’re growing a bairn in that little tummy of yours – my grandchild.’ Mary beamed.

‘I’m fine, honestly, and your ginger potion really helps. Unfortunately, I forgot it today in all the kerfuffle. This little one is a survivor – like me, I reckon. Baby Smith is hanging in there for the duration.’

Mary couldn’t suppress a yawn. ‘I can’t wait to meet the little bundle. And, yes, you get on home. I know how much you love those fireworks, although I doubt if Titch will be with you now. Text me later, won’t you? Let me know you’re home safe and I want to know how the little ’un is. Oh, and can you feed Merlin, please?’

Rosa stood up, making sure that her mother could reach the water jug and then tidied her bed covers. ‘Of course, and before I forget – here, your favourite.’ She pulled a large bar of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk from her bag.

‘Oh, Rosa,’ Mary tutted. ‘You know how dairy makes me cough.’

Rosa smiled at her mother’s occasional lack of graciousness. ‘Right, I’d better get home and see what’s going on. I wonder what your old mate Kahlil Gibran would have to say about my having to deal with so many things at once.’

Mary looked up to the ceiling and shut her eyes. ‘He would probably say, “Most people who ask for advice from others have already resolved to act as it pleases them”.’ She then opened her eyes and reached for Rosa’s hand. ‘And please remember what I said at Halloween, Rosa. I may not get everything spot on, but what I do know for sure is that the Jacks of this world come in many guises.’ She then shut her eyes again and promptly started snoring.






Ritchie and Titch sat in the consulting room at Ulchester General, awaiting the results of Theo’s X-ray. Ritchie’s hand was turning white from the force with which his wife-to-be was gripping on to him. He, of course, said nothing.

Ben Burton, Theo’s dad and son of Alec Burton, was at the end of his phone waiting for the news. They were all praying that it wasn’t the same Volvulus from which the little lad had suffered previously and which had caused his bowel to twist and give him so much pain.

‘It will be all right, won’t it, Ritch? He’s going to be fine, isn’t he?’ Titch gently stroked Theo’s black curls. He had thankfully cried himself to sleep and was now lying peacefully in the carry cot next to them, making little snuffling noises as he breathed.

Ritchie kissed the young girl’s forehead. ‘Yes, of course it will, darling. They know him now and they sorted him before, didn’t they? And Ben’s on standby if they did need any more blood, which they won’t as they already told us they have a good supply of it, despite it being such a rare group. They are all prepared.’ He carefully moved his hand from her vice-like grip and placed it on her knee. ‘And look at him. He’s not in pain now, is he?’

Titch jumped as the door flew open. The harassed and tired-looking young doctor held out his hand to her. ‘Fielding, Dr Fielding. Mrs Whittaker?’

‘Er, no, it’s Miss, but I’m soon to be Mrs Rogers actually.’

‘Mr Whittaker, good afternoon to you.’ Ritchie felt no need to correct the blustering doctor again as he continued, ‘When did he last have a bowel movement? Theo, I mean, not you.’ He looked at Ritchie without so much as a smile.

Titch had to giggle. ‘Erm, yesterday afternoon,’ she told the doctor, ‘so I was wondering–’

Dr Fielding held up a hand and stopped her in her tracks. ‘Did you notice anything missing when you tidied up his toys last night?’ Ritchie started to laugh as the doctor held up the X-ray to show them. ‘If I’m not mistaken, that looks distinctly like a plastic car. A very tiny one, for sure, but most definitely a car. I can’t believe he didn’t choke on it.’

‘Oh my God, I told you to watch him.’ Titch began, then added: ‘Sorry, Ritchie, I was only saying the other day that you have to have eyes in the back of your bottom when you’ve got a little toddler.’

‘So, it’s not Volvulus then?’ Ritchie asked.

‘It looks more like a Mini than a Volvo to me.’ The doctor said dryly. ‘I’ve got a young daughter, so don’t beat yourself up about it, but at this age you have to watch them like a hawk as they do tend to put everything into their mouths.’

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