Home > The Priest (The Original Sinners #9)(10)

The Priest (The Original Sinners #9)(10)
Author: Tiffany Reisz

“Something like that. Or their own tongues if I’m feeling particularly sadistic. And then Lysol after. And bleach. I keep a very clean dungeon.”

Cyrus stared at her, stared a long time.

“Yes?” she said with a smile.

“Sorry. Head swam there a second,” he said.

“Kink isn’t for everybody.”

Cyrus wiped a drop of sweat off his forehead. The cold house was suddenly not so cool anymore.

“All right. The scene ends with him coming and cleaning it up. Then he pays you?”

“Oh, forgot that part. I get paid upfront.”

“How much, can I ask?”

“Really depends on what he wants. A basic two-hour pain session is going to be about five hundred dollars, and I usually get tipped another hundred. That’s here in Nola. I charged a lot more in New York.”

“Nola gets a discount?”

“Nola’s got a much lower cost of living than Manhattan.”

Cyrus chuckled. “I believe that.”

“For more serious scenes—blood-play, fire-play, all-nighters—it can run into the thousands of dollars.”

“That’s a lot of money. You must be rich.”

“I do okay. I mostly see clients now for fun. Old regulars from New York fly down. And I have a few new locals I adore. I might only see five to ten clients a week.”

“So a regular two-hour scene, just the basics, would cost a man six hundred dollars minimum?”


“That’s a lot of money.”

“I’m worth it.”

Cyrus nodded, leaned back on the sofa, and exhaled.

“Another question…you do anything they pay you to do?”

“Within reason,” she said. “We all have our limits. But if it’s something I’m not into, I can refer the client to someone who will do it. I know a specialist for almost every fantasy, every fetish.”

“What won’t you do?” he asked and didn’t know why he was asking. Just nosy, if he was being honest.

“You’d be surprised by the guys who want me to dress up like a ‘sexy Nazi’ and order them around in German. That’s a hard ‘no’ for me,” she said. “Nazis aren’t sexy.”

“That’s one hell of a fantasy.”

“Many of the men I know with those sorts of fetishes are as horrified by them as you are. The brain is weird. If a man gets the standard set of wiring, he’ll find a woman sexy, or another man, or both. Nothing fancy. If you get a slightly different set of wiring, you’re turned on by popping balloons, dressing like a baby, getting beat up by Nazis, and you have very little say in the matter.”

“Wait. Balloons? You serious?”

“They’re called looners,” she said. Cyrus boggled at her. “Don’t judge. They can’t help it. Even vanilla people have unwanted fantasies—rape, violence, incest. Just because someone calls their lover ‘Daddy’ during sex doesn’t mean they want to fuck their own father.”

Cyrus looked up at her in surprise.

“Yes?” she asked.


“Your eyes got very wide when I said the word ‘Daddy.’ Did it get to you?” Her tone of voice wasn’t flirtatious, but curious. She sounded like a therapist trying to diagnose a patient. He better get out of here fast or she’d be interviewing him instead of the other way around.

“I didn’t know it was considered a kink, that’s all,” Cyrus said. “Girls say it all the time as a joke.”

She bowed her head. He could see she was trying not to smile, trying not to smirk.

“You like being a sex worker?”

“I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t find it satisfying on more than one level. There are, I promise, easier ways to make money.”

“Then why do it?” he asked.

“I’m a sadist.”

Cyrus laughed.

“You don’t believe me?”

“Of all the crazy shit you just told me, that’s the craziest. You’re a sadist?”

“I’m a sadist.”

“I used to be a cop. I met sadists. You are not a sadist.”

“You’re confusing sadists with psychopaths. Maybe this answer will make more sense to you,” she continued. “I like having power over people.”


“Power. Have you ever felt it? Power over someone?”

Hard question. Easy answer. “Yeah.”

“Did you like it?”

He answered it honestly before he could stop himself. “Too much.”

“There’s your answer.”

“You like having power enough to order someone to kill himself?” he asked, casually as he could.

Either she was the best actress in the world or his question had caught her completely off-guard.

“I would never do that,” she said, almost breathless. “Never.”

He believed her. Maybe he shouldn’t but he did. “Had to ask.”

“Right. Of course.” She stood up. “Now if we’re done here, there’s a little girl and a very pregnant woman upstairs who are expecting me to take them to get chocolate chip waffles at eleven, and I would hate to disappoint them. And me. Since we’re being honest with each other, the waffles are mostly for me.”

Cyrus stood up. He knew when he was being dismissed. He followed her from the room to the front door of the house and down to the gate. Her fingers flew over the keypad too fast for him to see the code. The gate yawned open.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t help you more, Mr. Tremont. Truly. I don’t like knowing a priest called me before he shot himself. Maybe if he got me on the phone, I could have helped him.”

Cyrus stepped onto the sidewalk and turned back to face her.

“Could you answer one more question for me?”

“Of course.”

“This is all speculation, but can you imagine any scenario where a man would call you right before he killed himself? Anything? Anything at all?”

She exhaled through her nose. Her brow furrowed.

“I had a client once who called me after he committed a crime. Hit and run. He’d been drinking. He thought he’d killed the other driver.”

“What did you tell him?”

“I told him to tell me where he was. That way if he hung up, I could call 911 and tell them where to look for him. After that I tried talking him into turning himself in to the police immediately, that a couple years in jail was better than eternity in a grave. Thank God he listened.”

“Can you think of any other reason Father Murran might have called you?”

“Maybe,” she said.


“I can’t say.”

“Can you give me a hint?”


She hit a button on the keypad. The iron gate started to close.

She turned and walked back toward the house.

“Ms. Sutherlin? Nora? Nora?”

“I told you I was a sadist, Mr. Tremont. Do you believe me now?” she called to him without looking back. Then she was in the house with the door closed behind her. The queen was back in her castle, the knight-errant on the wrong side of the drawbridge.

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