Home > My Greek Island Summer - a laugh-out-loud romantic comedy(18)

My Greek Island Summer - a laugh-out-loud romantic comedy(18)
Author: Mandy Baggot

‘Could that happen here?’ Becky asked, looking to Elias who still hadn’t broken into any kind of a sweat. ‘I mean… don’t the Greeks like a siesta about now?’

‘Siesta is in the early afternoon,’ he answered. ‘It is almost six now.’

‘Is it? Bugger. They’re not going to wait much longer. If it hasn’t taken off already,’ Petra continued. ‘Maybe they’re just pretending there’s a chance we’re going to get on it.’

‘Why would they do that?’ Becky asked. If she was soaking in her own bodily excretions for no reason she was not going to be amused.

Petra shrugged. ‘Airlines do all sorts of shit. Like tell you they’ve run out of cheese and ham sandwiches because one of the cabin crew has earmarked the last one.’

‘Your boarding pass is ready?’ Elias asked.

‘Yes, it’s in my hand,’ Becky replied. And that was sweaty too. She had been holding it carefully between thumb and forefinger for the last ten minutes in case the sweat started to make the ink on her name and seat number rub off. They were about to scan into a deserted security area. This had to be promising. If they zipped through here, they could be at the gate in mere minutes and on board and she wouldn’t have to get in touch with Ms O’Neill at all. She might be slipping into her swimming costume and diving into that inviting pool in an hour or so… and right now, the thought of cool, refreshing water running over her shoulders and down her back was the best kind of daydream.

Elias scanned and was through the gate. Becky was next. Was this really happening? Was all her concern for nothing? Bleep! She was through. She turned back to watch Petra scan her pass and then, no matter what the airline representative said, she was going to run for her life to the gate.

Just as Petra barrelled through the gate, rucksack almost getting caught up in the automation, a walkie-talkie crackled into life and their ambassador started talking into it.

‘Let’s go!’ Petra exclaimed. ‘While he’s distracted!’

‘Wait,’ Elias said, holding his hand out as if he intended to stop anyone who tried to move. He seemed to be looking curiously at the airline man.

‘We don’t want to wait. We want to make this connection if there’s a chance,’ Petra said.

The talking into the two-way radio ceased and the man raised his arms in the air like he was about to conduct a philharmonic orchestra.

‘Stop! Everybody stop!’

‘Everybody stop?’ Petra queried. ‘What’s he talking about? If those two with the walking sticks stop, they’ll probably seize up and never be able to get going again.’

Elias said something in what Becky presumed was Greek. It sounded blunt and direct and was aimed at the guy in the tabard.

‘What’s happening?’ Becky asked, shifting her espadrilles a little closer to Elias.

‘Why do we have to go back to the desks?’ It was Elias speaking English now. His question prompted others in the group to begin their own questioning of the man allegedly in charge. Why weren’t they scanning their boarding passes to head through security? Where had any sense of urgency gone? Why was no one moving at all? Becky could feel this wasn’t a good situation to be in. Something was afoot – more than her sweaty toes in the pleather shoes.

‘The plane has gone, hasn’t it?’ This was Elias too and as soon as the sentence was out into the airport air there was a collective gasp of despair from everyone in their group.

‘We all need to keep calm and go back to the desks,’ the man reiterated. He was whirling his arms now, like he was one of those crazy policemen directing traffic as if the road was on fire.

‘Just tell us,’ Elias ordered. ‘Has the plane gone?!’

A general hubbub ensued, the largely previously mute party now all wanting answers and seemingly the representative was reluctant to give those answers. Until finally…

‘I am afraid the plane has gone.’

Becky’s heart sank. This was not a scenario she had envisaged when Hazel and Shelley were taking her through difficult eventualities that could occur while travelling. Drink-spiking. Shark attack. Bumping into Lulu. Apparently, Hazel had embarrassed herself at karaoke when Lulu was actually in the room. Becky had no real idea who Lulu was but the mortified look on Hazel’s face even when she was retelling the story had been enough… But no one had seen a missed connection coming. What happened now?

Suddenly, amid a flurry of mobile phone gazing and backpack swinging, the two men in shorts and trainers were off, scanning back out of security and sprinting off to who knew where.

‘Where are they going?’ Petra asked out loud. Then her eyes seemed to come alive and she stepped backwards towards the scanners again. ‘Is there another flight we can get on?’

‘Please,’ the man in airline livery began again. ‘We all need to return to the desks where we can help you further.’

‘Is there another flight?’ This time Petra was asking Elias.

Elias looked at his watch then nodded. ‘Yes, but with Sky Express…’

‘Well, what are we waiting for?!’ Petra exclaimed, scanning her pass and looking to Becky as the gate slid away and allowed their exit back out of security. ‘We can get on it.’

‘And it is leaving in fifteen minutes,’ Elias answered, still as cool as a cucumber. ‘By the time you have made it to the desk and bought a ticket, you will not make it to the gate and onto the plane.’

‘But those guys thought they could—’

‘They won’t,’ Elias said with authority. ‘And I suggest that we head back to the airline desk and hope they can book us onto the flight early tomorrow morning before the guys realise they are out of luck. Two less passengers to worry about.’

‘Shit! You’re right!’ Petra exclaimed. ‘Come on, Becks, get a shift on and scan out!’

‘What happens when we get to the desk?’ Becky asked Elias as they took it in turns to scan their boarding passes. ‘We try to book on to another flight and then…’

‘And then,’ Elias began, ‘you should call your superiors. Tell them that whatever mission you were supposed to arrive to settle in Corfu, that it will mostly likely have to wait twenty-four hours.’




Sofitel Athens Airport, Athens

It was simply an inconvenience. That was all Elias should see it as. As annoying as it was not to arrive in Corfu tonight, it was the fault of the airline and not the universe trying to tell him something.

He hung his jacket up in the wardrobe and selected a pale pink short-sleeved shirt from his case. It was hot outside and currently he was cooling off thanks to the hotel air-conditioning. It was a standard room, but it was spacious enough and it was with the compliments of the airline. They were putting up the thirteen travellers (including the two who had tried to get a flight off the mainland with Sky Express) at the five-star hotel right opposite the airport. Tomorrow morning at 8.30 a.m. they would be on the next flight to Corfu. He slipped on the shirt and looked at his watch. Six-thirty and downstairs there was a complimentary meal waiting for him. Except he wasn’t sure he wanted to stay in the hotel all evening. It had been a while since he had visited Athens for anything but business. It had been even longer since he had walked through the Plaka district and taken in the Acropolis. The very last time had been with Hestia. Suddenly it was all he wanted to do. See the beauty of his nation’s capital through fresh eyes. He began to fasten the buttons of his shirt with renewed vigour.

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