Home > Enslaved (Colombian Cartel #6)(23)

Enslaved (Colombian Cartel #6)(23)
Author: Suzanne Steele

“Diga me,” was all he said. He put it on speaker when he heard Mano’s voice on the other end of the line.

“We need to meet with you and Roxanne, Antonio. You were right about somebody coming after my woman. I don’t know how the hell you see trouble coming before it rears its ugly head, but you do.”

“My brother Ricardo says the same thing. I’ve been like that since I was a kid. Meet me at the house.”

Mano snickered when Antonio hung up, still the same ol’ Antonio Wayne—a man of few words.

Antonio and Roxanne rushed through a shower. The housekeeper would make sure the bedding was changed long before the meeting was over. It didn’t matter how much Roxanne attempted helping the woman, the housekeeper always refused to let her lift a finger. Antonio Wayne wanted Roxanne at his disposal and what the man wanted he got. Antonio wanted her involved in the business, and that kept her busy. There was no time for running a house when you worked for the Colombian cartel.



Chapter Twenty Four

Page stared out the window in awe of Antonio Wayne’s property. It was breathtaking with its land and strategically placed homes. They were spread out to give the inhabitants privacy but close enough together to fight off any unwanted trespassers.

“They call it the compound,” Mano said, reading Page’s thoughts.

“It suits—very befitting.”

Mano’s head jerked in her direction, “Don’t ever breathe a word about where the Ramirez brothers are located. Very few are allowed to know their location. They must see something in you to allow you to come here for a meeting.”

“It’s you they trust—you’re the one putting your reputation on the line by bringing me in.”

“Your stalker brought you in. When somebody decided to put you in danger, it let the Ramirez brothers know you’re one of us. When outside forces start seeing you as a threat, they know you are part of 'The Club'.”

“'The Club', huh?” she laughed.

“Yeah, you’re one of the cool kids now, Chica.”

“Well, I’m honored. I plan on doing you proud.”

“You better—it could mean the loss of your life if you don’t.”

Up until now, they had been joking. The expression on Mano’s face wasn’t joking anymore. She would be sure to keep her mouth shut. She wouldn’t even tell her friend Judy. They would bring Judy into the fold when they saw fit. “My lips are sealed,” she said, staring up at the beautiful country home they’d pulled up in front of. On the way in, she had even seen horses and a barn with stables. This place was a staycation if ever there was one.

Page looked over at Mano and stroked his arm, “If I haven’t said thank you for trusting me, I’m saying it now.” He leaned over and kissed her as a way of saying: you’re more than welcome.

“You ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“I should warn you Antonio Wayne can be intense.”

“I’ve met him before, so I know what you mean.”

“Let’s do this,” he said, jumping from the SUV and going around to open her door.

A large man opened the door before they had a chance to ring the bell. His face looked like it was carved in stone, and his expression never changed. He looked lethal, like he was not only ready for trouble but anticipating it. “No need for valet parking out here in the boondocks,” he laughed at his own joke, but it sounded more like a baritone rumble bouncing off the walls.

He turned, and they followed behind him. When they got to the office door, Page wondered how a guy so broad in the shoulders could get through the doorway. He probably had to turn sideways. He was massive and looked as solid as a brick wall.

Page noticed when they went in and sat down, mountain man stood outside the door with his arms crossed, guarding the office. The man took his job seriously. Page doubted anybody could breach Antonio Wayne’s security. From the entrance of the gate, there were armed guards, cameras, and even dogs that could be let loose on a moment’s notice.

Within moments Antonio Wayne and Roxanne came in and shut the door behind them. Roxanne was dressed in jeans, boots, and a plain white shirt, and she was still as gorgeous as ever. Antonio Wayne was in a smoke grey tailored suit with a silk button-down black shirt and a multi-colored silk tie. Page had never seen him when he wasn’t dressed like a gangster—always dressed for success.

Page smiled at Roxanne, who was equally as friendly, Antonio Wayne, not so much. Meeting him at 'The Club' had been a scary experience, but here in a closed space, he seemed to take up the room with his presence. The man took intimidating to a whole new level. No wonder his enemies feared him so. Page was beginning to second guess her invite here. She scooted her body in Mano’s direction as if it would ease her anxiety, and in a way, it did. Mano couldn’t shield her from death, but damn, some anxiety shielding would be nice right about now.

Antonio unbuttoned his suit coat, revealing a holstered Glock. Page wondered if he did it for comfort’s sake or to intimidate the people in the room. She was already scared shitless and didn’t need any more intimidation. Page doubted even if Antonio Wayne tried, he could be anything but what he was. Roxanne must have her work cut out for her.

“So, fill me in on what happened,” Antonio’s strong voice caused Page’s insides to jump. She hoped it didn’t show on the outside. Nervousness was construed as possible betrayal, and she damn sure didn’t want these people thinking she’d called the authorities about the accident. Page would count on the cartel to avenge her and not the police. The man who rammed her in the back of her SUV wouldn’t be calling the cops or filling out insurance forms unless he lied and said it happened in a parking lot—even that might raise too many questions.

Mano cleared his throat as if gathering his thoughts.

“Page went out early this morning to get bread and milk at a 24/7 grocery. I guess somebody followed her because when she left, a truck tried to run her off the road. If she’d have gone over that ravine, Antonio, it would have killed her. Whoever it was wanted to do serious damage. It’s Page they’re after for sure. She’s the one connected to the fixers, so I guess it makes sense in his fucked-up mind.”

Antonio Wayne’s eyes lasered in on Page, “She shouldn’t have been going out that late by herself.” He was talking to Mano but glaring at her. Her eyes could only hold his for a couple of seconds—they were too damn intense.

“I didn’t realize I was in that much danger.” She felt the need to defend herself.

“Well, you do now,” Antonio said with no empathy. “You need to realize your life changed when you got involved with Mano. He’s a higher up in the cartel, and that puts a target on your back. You know that. They’ll do anything to get to him, and hurting you is a great way to do it. Women suffer more danger in this lifestyle. They won’t just take your life; they’ll take your dignity and respect too. They’ll break you down until there is nothing left but a shell with an empty hole. I’ve seen it firsthand and it ain’t pretty. I’ve seen catatonic women who ended up in a psych ward. They were never normal again. This thing is real, girl. Because Mano cares about you, we do too.”

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