Home > Glass Heart Savage(47)

Glass Heart Savage(47)
Author: Lindsey Iler

She hits the bottom step, staring at me at the top. Anger and resentment swirl in her eyes as she inspects me. Is she hoping I’ll apologize? I won’t. Does she expect me to run after her? It’s not going to happen.

Everything has been leading up to this moment. The fallout. The beginning of the truth that shall set us all free.

“You’re a savage in a saint’s clothing, Marek!” she shouts.

I’m quick, taking the stairs two at a time. We have an audience, which is exactly what I want. This won’t work until the people watching us see her go down.

“I’ve never claimed to be a saint, Palmer. Don’t act like you didn’t know what you were getting into the minute you climbed into bed with Byron and me!” I holler for them all to hear. Now they have a real reason to call her a whore.

In the corner, Delaney’s eyes widen, and Breaker’s mouth lifts in a wild smirk. He and Dixon are the only ones who know what this is all about.

Palmer storms through the house, her best friend on her tail as our classmates sling insults at her. It’s nothing she hasn’t already heard. They’ve used my public denouncement to, once again, tear Palmer down. I’ve given them permission.

I walk over to the front window and watch Delaney comforting her best friend. I’ve exposed her for my own benefit. She won’t ever see it any other way. There will be no forgiveness.

“That was hard to watch. I’m not going to lie,” Breaker says, coming to stand next to me.

“It had to be done, right?” I shrug, ignoring the pit in my stomach.

“Now let’s hope the right people heard.” Breaker pats me on the back and disappears into the crowd, leaving me to watch Delaney’s taillights disappear into the mountain roads.

It’s easy to hurt others when you pretend like no feelings are involved. What isn’t simple is ignoring those feelings and choosing to dig the knife deeper into someone’s chest.

Maybe one day you’ll thank me, Palmer.



Chapter Thirteen




Tonight marks the only time at Glass Heart Academy where dress code doesn’t matter. It’s a week before Halloween, and since the early eighties, it’s been our campus’s way of avoiding a traditional celebration.

Rumor has it, back in the seventies, a shit ton of community religious leaders rallied together to stop the celebration of Halloween, deeming it a night of debauchery and devil worship. From pictures I’ve seen in the archives, those old grumbly men may not have been far off.

Now, instead of Halloween, we have a celebration that allows everyone to remove any evil thoughts from our minds. The bonfires are meant to rid our Earth of the unwelcomed, and we’re encouraged to throw glass hearts representing our oaths into the billowing flames. It’s where the school got the name, ironically.

To me, it’s too Salem Witch Trial-like, but through the years, our student body has embraced it. In fact, it’s one of the most anticipated events. The staff turns a blind eye to the blatant parties happening on campus, which gives students the freedom to decide who they want to be for one night and solidify it with a ceremony.

As per tradition, our oath would be written on the glass heart in blood. As we’ve evolved, that requirement has changed to a red permanent marker.

Last year, this event happened right after Reed’s disappearance. I wrote Those who caused her harm. I’m not quite sure if throwing a glass heart into a scorching fire has the ability to “rid our Earth”, but I get the sentiment behind the ceremony.

I’m swiping dark red over my lips and inspecting my handiwork when a knock startles me. With lipstick in hand, I open the door, and the beauty standing in front of me stuns me silent.

“You look gorgeous.” I step to the side, allowing Delaney into my dorm room. She twirls, displaying the flowy, sparkly dress, under her fur coat. She’s paired it with tall black boots, which I’d never think to put together. She somehow makes the look flawless.

“Now, what are you wearing?”

“I don’t know. It’s supposed to snow.” I open the doors of my closet. Combing through my options proves I need to go shopping more often.

“Snow, you say?” I hear the clink of metal on metal and turn to find my curtains wide open. White flakes conceal the windowsill of the second story room. A quick glance outside shows the ground covered in snow. “It’s going to be a cold one.”

“Do we have to do this?” I whine, knowing full well Delaney won’t let me get away with this one. I curl my lip, disgusted by the idea of having to trek through campus in the freezing cold.

“Yes, we have to do this. You, out of any of us, have the most shit to come to terms with.” She pushes past and skims through my closet, returning with a short black dress, glittery belt, and Reed’s shiny Christian Louboutin pumps. “Put all this on”— she tosses everything into my hands, turns back to the closet, and digs out my black peacoat— “and wear this, so you don’t freeze your ass off out there.”

“You chose the shortest dress I own. Staying warm isn’t an option.” I throw everything on the bed and start getting dressed. Once I’ve tugged and prayed the dress will grow an inch or two longer, I give up and check the mirror in the corner of my room.

My hair is longer, the waves falling past my shoulders. I’ve started to gain the weight I lost after Reed’s disappearance. At the time, eating had been the last thing on my mind. For once, I’m starting to feel like my life is getting back on track.

Outside of the Glass House Boys, that is.

I’ve spent the last week avoiding them, trying my hardest to focus on everything but them. They haven’t made it easy on me. Surprisingly, Marek is the only one who’s managed to keep his distance. Breaker still tries to get a rise out of me, but every time, I push him away. Byron and Dixon, they’ve made it their personal mission to make me feel uncomfortable. A glance here, a jab there. It’s all a game.

If only Marek’s friends knew the truth. I wonder how well this little unit would stick together.

“I visited my parents yesterday.” I stare at Delaney through the mirror.

“How’d that go?” She grimaces, knowing what my parents are like.

“They heard about what happened to me.”

“No offense, but they’re assholes for not reaching out to you.” She stands and inspects her lipstick over my shoulder. “After everything with Reed, you’re their only living daughter.”

“I know, but while I was there, I went into Reed’s room without them knowing.” I turn and lift my mattress, pulling out a notebook and handing it to Delaney.

“What’s this?” She opens it, narrowing her eyes with every flip of the page. “What are all these addresses?”

“I have no idea.” I take the notebook back and skim until I hit one of the last entries. “And what are all these numbers? None of it makes any sense.”

“Maybe it doesn’t need to. Maybe these don’t mean anything.”

“I’d believe that if this notebook wasn’t under her floorboard.” I lift the mattress again, stashing what may be the last important thing that belonged to my sister. “If she hid it, then she thought it held some sort of value. It’s where she’s hidden stuff from our parents since we were little. I should’ve looked sooner.”

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