Home > The Cerulean (The Cerulean Duology #1)(11)

The Cerulean (The Cerulean Duology #1)(11)
Author: Amy Ewing

The acolytes served those seated at the table, and Sera could tell her mothers were just as uncomfortable in this situation as she was. Her orange mother kept half rising from her seat every time one passed, until her green mother put a hand on her thigh and murmured, “Otess, stop.”

“I don’t like being served by an acolyte,” she whispered back. “It isn’t right. I should be serving them.”

“We all serve in the City Above the Sky,” the High Priestess said, and Sera’s mothers started. “Do not let it upset you. My acolytes are honored to attend to the family of the chosen one.”

Acolyte Endaria nodded as she refilled her orange mother’s glass. “Indeed, we are. You have given us a great gift.”

“And what is that?” her purple mother asked. Sera was surprised by her terseness. She had never heard her purple mother speak in such a tone.

Acolyte Endaria smiled. “Why, you have given us the chosen one.” She set down the pitcher and took both of Sera’s purple mother’s hands in her own. “The City thanks you.”

“I did not birth Sera for the City to take her away, thank you very much,” her purple mother said, pulling her hands back.

“Kandra,” her orange mother said, shocked.

Acolyte Endaria looked to the High Priestess, who waved her away. “It’s all right, Endaria. Gather the novices. The time of adoration is nearly at hand.”

Sera didn’t like the sound of that.

“I cannot pretend to understand the pain you all must be feeling,” the High Priestess said to Sera’s mothers. “And I cannot prevent the suffering you will feel at Sera’s loss. But know that you are helping to keep all these families together.” She swept out a hand at the Cerulean sitting on blankets, laughing and eating and teasing one another, casting furtive glances at the table. “There is great worth in that.”

Her purple mother muttered something Sera could not hear, and her green mother was sitting ramrod straight on her stool.

“Of course there is,” her orange mother said, but she was looking down at her plate.

Sera felt miserable. It was one thing to be frightened herself, but to watch her mothers being told they should be honored and thanked was unbearable. She picked morosely at her salad of melon and pomegranate seeds and wondered when the feast would end and she could go home. She wanted her orange mother to make lavender tea like she always did after dinner, and her purple mother would take out her harp and play for them while Sera and her green mother washed and dried the dishes.

The High Priestess stood and silence fell. “My children,” she said in a ringing tone. “It is nearly time for the adoration of our chosen one. Think about what you will say, how you will honor her. For she is the light that Mother Sun has chosen for us.” She turned to Sera and held out a hand. “Come,” she said.

Sera stood but didn’t take the proffered hand. She did not need the High Priestess to lead her like a little child. If she was old enough to die for her City, she was old enough to walk on her own.

The High Priestess hesitated only a second. Without another word, she turned and walked off down a path between two hydrangeas. Fireflies lit their way as they wound deeper into the Day Gardens. Sera had to duck to avoid a low-hanging bough of ivy, and then they came upon a clearing at the edge of the City, where the Great Estuary spilled over. The planet below was dark, as if it too was having a moment of adoration for Sera.

“The Day Gardens represent life and new beginnings,” the High Priestess said. “As the Night Gardens represent death and endings. Your journey begins here, in the farthest spot from death. Tomorrow the celebration will be in the temple, halfway between life and death. And then the next day . . .”

“The Night Gardens,” Sera said.

“I know this is hard for you,” the High Priestess said. “But it will only be hard for a short while. By allowing the City to thank you, to spend time with you, to know you and appreciate you . . . it will be better for everyone. I hope you can see that.”

Sera thought it might have meant more if anyone in the City besides Leela had tried to know her before she was chosen. She could hear voices, the acolytes leading the way, the whispers of excitement from the Cerulean following them down the path. How many families would leave this celebration feeling uplifted? How many would stay up late into the night, whispering excitedly about the new chapter their City was about to embark on?

How many would feel even a shred of pity for her, or her mothers?

Sera had to decide who she was going to be, in this moment, at the end of her days. Would she be selfish and tell them all how she really felt? Or would she smile and thank them and give them hope?

What did Wyllin do? she wanted to ask. She imagined the Cerulean woman standing here, in this very spot, beside this very High Priestess, waiting to be adored. Did she stand tall and proud, or did she lash out in fear? Sera felt an overwhelming sense of connection to the stranger who died so many years ago. The tether Wyllin created, Sera would break.

We are the Cerulean, she thought determinedly. Our blood is magic.

Acolyte Klymthe’s face peered around the edge of a rosebush. The High Priestess looked down at Sera, as if waiting for her permission.

“Let them come,” Sera said.




THE SECOND EVENING OF CELEBRATION WAS MUCH LIKE the first, only in the temple this time. And before she knew it, it was the morning of the ceremony, and Sera awoke with a knot in her stomach and shards of fear lodged in her heart.

She could hear the novices singing, welcoming the start of a new day. In dwellings across the City, Cerulean were waking up and preparing for a great change. Sera could imagine the excitement, the nervousness, the giddy anticipation. And she found she couldn’t begrudge her people their joy. If she hadn’t been chosen herself, how much sympathy would she have spared for the one selected to bear this mantle?

At least there would be no more celebrations in her honor—she’d had quite enough of those. The one in the temple had been as exhausting as the one in the Day Gardens. She’d done her best to be strong, to be kind, to listen to her people as they thanked her or praised her. Some had been so effusive, an acolyte would have to step in and lead them away. Others had cried, confessing their fears of leaving this planet behind and heading into the unknown of space. Sera had found that she didn’t need to say anything, that a simple nod or a touch on the shoulder was sufficient. Which was good, because she did not know what to say.

Sera got out of bed, her skin tight on her bones. There was a dry spot on her tongue that wouldn’t go away. When she brushed out her hair, her scalp prickled.

She slipped into her dressing gown and padded down the hall to the kitchen, following the smell of garlic and tomato.

The sound of voices made her stop just before the arched doorway.

“. . . another child,” her green mother was saying.

“That isn’t the point and you know it, Seetha,” her purple mother said.

“I know.” Her green mother sounded contrite. There was a pause, and when she spoke again her voice was quiet and laced with pain. “I don’t know what else to say. I don’t have any answers. This is an agony I have never felt before.”

There was a silence—Sera assumed they were blood bonding—then her purple mother muttered something angrily. Sera caught the word curious before silence fell again, followed by the unmistakable sound of kissing.

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