Home > To the Moon and Back(25)

To the Moon and Back(25)
Author: Melissa Brayden

“Do so. Why do you think I get caught up with parties and staying out late and—”

“Outrageous riders? I heard you had it written into your last film contract that there had to be a fluffy white bearskin rug on the floor of your trailer in addition to a fresh tray of European cheeses, but that Brie would not be tolerated.”

Carly grinned. “You googled me. Does that mean you like me? Can’t stop thinking about me?”

“Common problem,” the bartender said, interjecting with a wink. She smiled at him as he deposited their Diet Cokes, but didn’t encourage him further.

Lauren seemed focused on her drink. She looked so beautiful today. Dark blue jeans and green crocheted blouse that looked perfect for September. “I googled you to know what kind of human I was about to have on my hands.”

“You mean, in addition to liking me.” Carly bounced her eyebrows playfully.

“Yes, I happen to like you. There.”

“Also? That rider is completely exaggerated. That’s not at all what my rider looks like.”

“Huh. Well, who would have guessed the gossip magazines weren’t truthful?” Carly nearly spat her Diet Coke across the bar. Lauren laughed.

This was progress. She had fun bantering with Lauren. They were so different in their takes on the world. She never got bored with her. “By way of correction, I asked for cheese cubes, chocolate covered pretzels, and a fluffy blanket because I get cold. No bears were harmed in the making. What do you take me for? I love all adorable creatures. Don’t believe everything you read about me, Lauren.”

“I no longer will.”

Their fries arrived hot out of the fryer, and Carly popped one, closing her eyes as it practically melted in her mouth. She moaned quietly and felt Lauren’s gaze on her. When Carly turned, purposefully catching Lauren in the act of checking her out, Lauren quickly feigned interest in the fry basket. “So, the partying you were talking about?”

“The recreation. Ah, yes.” Carly chewed her food and tried to figure out how to explain. “It was a way to take my focus off the work. If I thought about the film all day, whatever part I was trying to tackle, it consumed me and wound up undoing any and all progress. When I started goofing off, I thought about work less and just did my job when I got there. It seemed to work until…”


Carly shrugged. “I got spoiled and greedy. You were right when you pointed that out. I didn’t take other people, or their goals, into consideration and just did what worked for me.” She shook her head. “And now, I’m trying to climb my way back out, and do better.”

“I’ve seen a difference.”

“Yeah?” Carly bumped Lauren’s shoulder with hers and took a pull from her soda.

“Yes,” Lauren said, meeting Carly’s gaze. “Your head is definitely in the game a lot more than when you first showed up for that table read.”

Carly winced. “That was a pretty awful entrance. I get that now that I have a feel for the culture here. God.”

“You’ve rebounded.” Lauren shook her head and stared at the array of bottles that lined the shelf behind the bar. “I hope I do.”

“What has you out of sorts? You were fine yesterday.”

Lauren shook her head. “I’m Wendy and I’m going to bring the set tumbling down all over again.”

Nope. Carly wasn’t letting that kind of defeatist talk fly. “That mentality will leave you on your ass.”

Lauren sat back in a huff. “It’s not like I can help it. You saw me this morning. I was a mess.”

“First day nerves. You just gotta get past ’em, and tell yourself how awesome you are. Say it. Right now.”

“I’m awesome,” Lauren said, in the most underwhelming voice possible.

“No, you’re not. You’re lame. Say it again.”

“I’m incredibly awesome.”

“Better. But I want to feel it here.” Carly placed a hand over her heart. “I can help. You’re awesome at interacting with people. Organizing things.”

“That one is true. I’m like the Marie Kondo of theater.”

Carly continued her list. It honestly wasn’t hard thinking of things Lauren excelled at. “Pool. Multitasking. Creating likable characters onstage.”

“Thank you for that. I needed to hear that.”

“Making people feel important. Kissing.”

Lauren blinked at her, opened her mouth and closed it. Her cheeks pinked up until she was a rosy shade of adorable. “Should we let that one go?”

“If you want,” Carly said, casually. She loved affecting Lauren in any way she could. It was her favorite new pastime. That blush was worth its weight in gold, and now Carly was all hot and bothered. “Doesn’t change the fact that I believe it. I’ve had multiple opportunities now to find out.” She took a sip of her Diet Coke. “Stop me if I’m out of line, but you have really nice lips.”

Lauren didn’t say anything for a moment or two, and Carly gave her that space. “So do you,” she said finally, with a shy grin.

“And you really know how to use them.” Carly slid the rest of the fries to Lauren. The rosy cheeks remained.

“You make my head get a little crazy when you say things like that.”

“You’re not my stage manager anymore, you know.”

“I know.”

“Does that…change the rules at all? Can I file some kind of official request with a union to flirt with you on occasion?” She made a show of glancing around the bar for a spot to do just that.

Lauren smiled. “I can admit that there’s…something indescribable there.”

“Lust,” Carly said matter-of-factly.

Lauren choked on a fry. Carly laughed and handed her a pile of napkins. “I was just kidding. Well, only kind of.”

Lauren finally swallowed and rebounded. “Sorry. Wasn’t expecting that. Man, you just get right to it, don’t you?”

“Life is short, Lauren. I happen to like living it.”

“I don’t live life that much,” Lauren said to her drink. “I was going to take a vacation. My first one in years. In fact, I’m supposed to be on a beach in the Caribbean right now. Instead I’m starring in a major production and having lunch at a bar with a very famous movie star.” She shook her head and smiled. “I’m not complaining.”

“Neither am I. I’m at Put Upon Pete’s in Minneapolis with the most intriguing woman I’ve ever met. Also, the most beautiful.”

“Oh, look at you, working it hard.” Lauren laughed.

“You haven’t seen anything yet.” Carly glanced at her watch. “Shall we? We need to allow five minutes for the drive and another five to pay our bill. Listen, I wouldn’t want you to be late. Good thing you have me to look out for you.”

Lauren gasped. “Is this the Upside Down? What is happening? Where’s the starlet I came here with?”

“She could be the one you go home with,” Carly said, with another playful wink.

“Carly!” Lauren covered her eyes.

Carly chuckled to herself as she paid the bill. “Drink that.” She slid the untouched shot toward Lauren. “It will get you out of your head and through your first day. Our little secret.”

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