Author: Logan Chance

“That’s what happened with Mom? You left her because you didn’t care?”

My father shakes his head. “No, you’re missing my point.” He stands, moving over to look out the window. “What happened between your mother and me was all my fault. And I’ve felt worthless for many years because of it.”


He snaps back to stare in my direction. “Sometimes you don’t realize you’re making the wrong choices until it’s too late.” He hangs his head low, hands joined behind his back. “And then you’re left with a lifetime of regret.”

I stand. “Thanks for the life lesson, Dad.”

I walk out of his office, not looking back.








Never trust an ex...


“Just hold still Titan,” I say to the little maltipoo sitting on the leather chair next to his owner, a very relaxed Mrs. Gold. “You’ll love this, promise.” I start his blueberry facial, rubbing the mixture over his smooth coat of fur.

“He always smells so yummy after we leave here,” Mrs. Gold says, enjoying her very own blueberry facial I finished moments earlier.

I keep rubbing, making sure his fur is fully covered, and then move him over to the small sink to rinse.

“All done,” I say when I finish rinsing out the product. “Marge will be in to finish you both up.”

Marge’s job is to dry and comb the pups, and then gets them all ready for the mani/pawdi they’ll be having.

My mind thinks back to when Ellis was sitting in this very room, my hands running over his smooth face. Chills erupt at the thought of the way he stared at me with all the intensity in the world.

I wash my hands, and then make my way back out to the front entrance to wait for my next client.

“What do you think of this?” Poppi asks, holding out a magazine of the newest bachelor and how the girl who won the whole show and got the rose and engagement broke up.

“Can’t say I didn’t see that coming,” I say with a laugh.

Before Poppi can say anything more, Henry walks inside like he owns the place, carrying a little white poodle with him. A brunette scurries behind him, her gray eyes fixed on Henry. She looks familiar and I realize it’s the bartender from Bearded Goat.

“Hi Kiki, this is Mia.” Then he holds up the little poodle. “And this is Alaska.”

I smile. “Great name for a great dog.” And then I reach my hand out to shake Mia’s. “Hi, nice to meet you.”

Henry throws an arm around Mia’s shoulders. “She’s my fiancée.”

And there it is, all shiny on her left ring finger, the same rock that Henry proposed to me with. The very ring that travelled through little Peter the goat’s digestive tract.

Wonder how many other places it’s gone.

“Oh, wow.” I glance wide-eyed at Poppi before congratulating the happy couple. “Congratulations. How can I help you today?”

“We’re here to get Alaska and Mia the Spawsome whatever thing.” Henry waves his hand as if he can’t be bothered to read the package names. But then again, he’s always been like this.

Not really paying attention.

Never really reading into any type of situation.

How had I never noticed it before?

And now it all clicks. He was never in love with me. He’s in love with being made partner at his big fancy firm.

I smile, like the professional I am, and tap a few keys on the computer, checking the schedule. “I have an opening right now, actually.” Thank goodness Miss Mingle canceled. “Poppi can take you in the back.” I wave my hand, pointing to the set of white French doors and Poppi hops into action.

“Absolutely, follow me.” Poppi pushes the doors open and Mia follows behind with Alaska in hand.

“How are you?” Henry asks as soon as we’re alone.

“I’m good. Listen, Henry,” I need to tell him, “I’m kind of seeing Ellis now.”

Henry laughs like this news could ever be true. “I know. It’s not that I have you followed or anything.”

“Oh, ok. I just wanted you to know.”

He smiles down his nose at me. “I always am in the know, Kiki.”

What’s that supposed to mean?

“It means Kiki. Ellis needs me. He doesn’t need some dog shop owner like you.” He steps closer, smoothing out the non-existent wrinkles in his tailor-made suit. “It means I’m keeping the brewery going. I’m the one who’s going to keep all the little stupid ideas you have of dog beer and pink beer,” he rolls his eyes, “afloat.”

I blink, not really sure of the reaction he’s looking for from me.

“You’re grateful I’m doing this for them, right?”

I nod. “Yes.”

“I could very easily get the firm to pull the deal like,” he snaps his fingers, “that.”

“Don’t do that. Please, Henry. I know things didn’t work out between us, but the brewery deserves a chance.”

Henry laughs. “There’s one thing you need to know about me, Kiki.”

“What’s that?”

He puffs out his chest. “I’m a winner. Always have been, always will be.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

He steps close, almost too close, and I’m thankful for the counter keeping us apart. “I always win.”


“And for me to invest in the brewery and save the day I need something from you.”


“Yes you.”

I don’t like the sound of this. At all. And I’m afraid to even ask what he needs me to do.

But, I don’t need to because Henry tells me, like he’s all too excited to get the words out, “I want you to break up with Ellis.” There’s a gleam in his eyes, and I know he’s loving this request.

I’m dumbfounded. “How could you even ask that of me?” My face scrunches up with anger. I wish I could ask this ass to leave, but he’s a paying customer, so I tap away at the computer. “That’ll be sixty-five thirty.”

He pulls out his wallet, handing over his credit card. “I’m serious here, Kiki. I can’t work with a company where the owner is fucking my ex.”

“Please leave.” I don’t care if this goes against my own company standards. I wrote the handbook, so I’m allowed to break them.

“Kiki, do you want to see the Atwood’s lose everything they have?”

I don’t move a muscle. “Well, no.”

“Exactly. Now, how serious is this little puppy dog crush you have on each other anyway?”

I don’t want to tell Henry that I think I’m falling for Ellis, and that I think Ellis may be feeling the same way, so I keep my mouth clamped shut.

“Let me tell you something about Ellis. He’s not serious about you.” Henry laughs. “He’s just using you. Do you think a man like Ellis would ever go for someone like you?”

Ouch. “You did,” I spit out, holding my chin up.

Henry doesn’t say a word, just pushes off the counter, checking his watch before staring out the glass door that leads to the street. He watches the cars pass by for a moment before turning to face me once more. “I’m serious here, Kiki. I don’t lose. The only ones who are going to lose from your selfishness are the Atwood’s.” He pushes open the door, glancing over his shoulder. “I expect you to do the right thing.” And then he walks through the door, pushing his sunglasses over his eyes, not even looking back. I definitely won’t be here when he comes to pick up the dog and his soon-to-be-bride, that’s for sure.

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