Home > The Marriage Pact Mistake(15)

The Marriage Pact Mistake(15)
Author: Julia Keanini

"I'm glad that you found Mrs. Price." I finally discovered a way to speak the truth without offending the couple who had been nothing but kind to me.

Mrs. Price smiled and then looked at her husband who nodded in agreement with me. I guess Mrs. Price at least had that? Even if she wasn't the great love of his life, she was there. By his side. Would that be enough for me if Easton didn't love me back? If I was a convenient relationship that was safe?

No. It wouldn't.

The drive home was spent back on the topic of real estate. After I got home, I scrubbed off all my makeup and finally made my way to bed at about 11.

As I lay in bed that night, I wondered if Easton was thinking of me. I'd texted him that I'd had dinner with his dad and stepmom, and he’d sent a number of emojis in return that basically said, “That's crazy, but thanks for filling in for me.”

My mind then went back to what Easton's dad had said. If a person ended up with a partner they worked well with but without the passion and love, could they understand what the other person meant just by their emojis?

My phone beeped a second later to tell me that Easton was indeed thinking of me. I smiled as I pulled my phone close to my chest and then looked down at it to read what Easton had sent.

Miss you, Jos.

That was all the text said. But it was enough for me to hope that I was the one who filled Easton with passion. And maybe I was his great love? Because I knew that was exactly who Easton was for me.



Chapter Seven



My heart was beating so hard against my chest that I worried it might spill out. The tickets were bought and in my jacket pocket. I'd secured a permit for us to climb our favorite rock face in Tennessee, and Easton had just texted to tell me he was on his way home from the airport.

This was it. Tonight I would go to bed knowing the truth. Scenarios of how this day could play out raced through my mind, and I knew it would go one of two ways. Scenario one, Easton would feel exactly the same way I did, and we would finally start our lives together as more than friends. We'd be the best of couples because we had a foundation of trust and friendship that was stronger than any bond I'd ever seen. I couldn't help but race ahead to white dresses and white picket fences. But I knew there was a scenario two as well.

However, I wouldn't let myself dwell on my fears and doubts. Easton had to love me. He had to.

"Jos!" Easton called out as I heard the front door open, and I raced out to the living room.

Easton dropped his travel bag and pulled me into his arms. He held on tight as I burrowed my face into his chest. This was where I belonged.

"How was New Zealand?" I asked.

Easton loosened his grip, so I felt the need to step away. At least for now. After I told him the truth, all bets were off.

"It was beautiful. As always. But you know? I was excited to come home," Easton said as he picked up his bag and took it into his room. The guy was so considerate. What kind of man made sure to keep our space clean because he knew how much it meant to me? Easton.

"Does that mean you're ready for retirement?" I asked as he came back out of his room.

He nodded. "I think so," he said with a grin. "Who would’ve thought, right? Easton Price, ready to settle down."

My heart flipped at those words, and I knew what I had planned was perfect.

"You ready to go?" he asked as he looked out the window at the clear, blue sky. It was a perfect day for climbing.

But was I ready? I loved Easton with my whole heart. I couldn't bear to lose him if he didn't reciprocate my feelings. But if I said nothing, could I bear that? I didn't think I could, so I knew what I had to do.

I checked my jacket pocket to feel the envelope of tickets and then nodded. Our gear was already loaded up in the back of my Jeep; there was nothing left to do but go.

"Then let's get out there," Easton said as he swung an arm around my shoulders and led me to my car.

He hopped into the driver's seat even though it was my car—a habit we'd fallen into years before. Easton didn’t have a car when we were in college, though his parents had begged to buy him one. But he didn’t feel the need to have one, and I'm sure he also enjoyed driving his parents crazy by not accepting the gift that they felt was a necessity. Then he didn't buy a car for a few years after college because he was traveling so much and there hadn't really been a need. We went most places together, and anywhere I wasn't going, he could usually borrow my car or get a ride share. I never minded because Easton was the kind of person to leave things better than he found them. My car always came back to me with a full tank of gas and usually washed as well. Besides, we both knew how much I hated driving long distances, and Easton loved it.

The hour-long drive went by almost too fast because I knew what I'd have to do before we could start our drive back home. Fortunately, Easton was all too content telling me about his trip and bungee experience because I wasn't able to utter much more than “Uh huh” and “Wow.”

I was going to do this. I was about to tell my best friend in the world, the man who meant more to me than any I wasn't related to, that I loved him. I always had, and I always would.

My stomach flipped in an unpleasant way that made me glad we'd just pulled into the parking area.

We were there.

I closed my eyes before following Easton out of the car and taking my share of the equipment. We'd done this same thing so many times, we didn't even have to exchange words. I knew what to take and what to leave for him to carry.

The walk to the rock face went by in a blur, and we were soon geared up and climbing. Why was the day going by so fast?

"Are you okay?" Easton asked as he paused on our climb to catch his breath.

"Hm?" I asked, and I saw from my peripheral vision that he'd turned my way.

"You're just a little quiet today," he said.

Oh, he'd caught that. Of course he had.

"Um," I wasn't sure what to say.

I could feel the concern in Easton's gaze and knew I had to say something good.

"It's just hit me harder than I thought. This is the end of an era, ya know?" I said, feeling great about my explanation. Easton knew I didn't do well with change.

"Yeah. It is. But I think it's good for me. For all of us," he said.

I wasn't sure who he meant in his all of us description.

"Priscilla is fully on board with all of the changes, and I get to spend more time with you. Win, win."

Oh, that's who he meant by all of us. I couldn't even be too ecstatic about the spending time with me part because the last thing I wanted to talk about was Priscilla, especially on this day that was supposed to be all about us. So I nodded once before climbing again, too quickly to keep up a conversation.

I made it to the top and pulled myself over the ledge as I felt Easton watch me. He always had me go up first, just in case I needed help. I knew some women wouldn't appreciate the chivalry, but he knew I did.

Easton was up and over the ledge seconds after I was. I scooted so that just my ankles and feet were dangling over the ledge, allowing me to take in the brilliant view of greenery, rolling hills, and rocks facing us. The sun was high in the air, and the warmth beat down on me enough that I took my jacket off carefully. I wasn't quite ready for Easton to see the envelope.

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