Home > Royal Package(28)

Royal Package(28)
Author: Lili Valente

Nick sucks in a breath through his teeth. “Jesus, do you think she’s that bad?”

“I would hope not, but I’ve been rolling this around in my head for days, and it’s the only thing that makes sense. The Rochat royal family was afraid I would bail on the awkward twin, so they sent the poised, confident, and intelligent one in her place.”

“I think it’s premature to question Elizabeth’s intelligence,” Jeffrey rumbles. “I remember her. She was shy; she wasn’t stupid.”

“He’s right,” Nick agrees. “And, I mean, if you’re right about this, their plan is actually kind of brilliant. Sneaky and wrong,” he adds quickly, lifting his hands in the air when I shoot a glower his way, “but clever. Elizabeth obviously realized her stutter and lack of social acumen were straining your patience and decided to do something about it.”

“Allegedly,” Jeffrey says. “We shouldn’t jump to conclusions without more evidence. Right now, all we have is Andrew’s hunch.”

“And the fact that she doesn’t stutter around me,” I remind them. “She’s also in incredible shape for a woman with asthma who stays indoors all day, she bears up under social pressure surprisingly well, and she’s miraculously developed a sex vibe overnight.”

Nick’s brows dart toward his hairline, and even the usually unreadable Jeffrey looks vaguely scandalized.

“Oh, stop,” I scoff, a frown clawing at my forehead. “I didn’t sleep with her. Of course I didn’t. I kissed her the night we ran the maze, that’s all. But it…wasn’t awful.”

Jeffrey grunts, and Nick’s startled brows rearrange themselves in a dubious position.

“Fine, it was a good kiss,” I admit, stalking toward the windows overlooking the great lawn. “Very good. Far too good for a woman who has not, to my knowledge, dated. Ever.”

“Ever?” Nick echoes.

“Ever,” I confirm, casting a meaningful glance his way.

I’m not about to discuss the fact that Elizabeth is likely a virgin with my brothers—that would be disrespectful—but the possibility hangs in the air, unspoken, yet deeply troubling all the same. I’ve never slept with a virgin, not even when I was one, and I’m not too proud to admit that a twenty-five-year-old woman who’s never been with a man isn’t something I’m prepared to handle.

If we loved each other, things would be different.

But we don’t. And we won’t. And I don’t want to be anyone’s first (and maybe only) lover. That’s too much responsibility for a man who already has the fate of an entire kingdom resting on his shoulders.

“Well, I imagine that’s something she would keep to herself,” Jeffrey chimes in, trailing me across the room. “It would be awkward to share her romantic history with her fiancé, don’t you think?”

“He has a point,” Nick says.

“No, it wouldn’t have been awkward,” I insist. “I made it clear years ago that I didn’t mind if she dated before we were married. I encouraged it, in fact. I intended to live my life the way I pleased until things were official, and I wanted her to do the same.” I turn, crossing my arms. “But my man on the ground in their village says no one there has any recollection of Elizabeth dating. Not even when she was a teenager, let alone recently.”

“Speaking of your man on the ground,” Nick says, “if you trust him so much, why not have him head over to the Rochat estate and spare Jeffrey the trip?”

I shake my head. “I don’t want anyone outside the family to know about this. If I’m wrong, and word gets out about what I suspected, it would be embarrassing for everyone.”

“Not to mention how it would get you in hot water with your wife,” Nick says.

“And her sister,” Jeffrey adds.

Nick hums in agreement. “Right. I don’t imagine either of them would be flattered to learn you thought they were capable of something as underhanded as making you fall in love with one girl and then swapping her for another.”

“I’m not falling in love with anyone,” I say, the words emerging more sharply than I intended. Taking a deeper breath, I soften my tone. “Yes, I find this version of Elizabeth more enjoyable than the person I’ve been talking to on the phone for years, but that’s it. And if she’s actually Sabrina, then I’m finished with both of them. I won’t marry a liar. I want better for the kingdom, and myself, than that.”

“As you should,” Jeffrey rumbles. “But what if she is Elizabeth? What then?”

“What do you mean, what then?” I ask, my frown deepening.

“Are you going to stop trying to scare her away?” Nick asks, moving to stand beside Jeffrey, both of them staring me down like I’m the one who’s in hot water. “It seems like the two of you are getting along really well. And if you enjoy kissing her, and she enjoys kissing you…”

“No.” I press my lips together, thinking of how eagerly Probably Sabrina bounded out onto the trail again after the endless court welcome session yesterday. “She’s not Elizabeth. I’m almost one hundred percent sure.”

Nick makes a face that makes it clear he’d like to keep pressing me, but in the end, he sighs and jabs a thumb toward the door. “All right, then. I’ll get online and see what I can find.” He claps Jeffery on the shoulder on his way out. “Drive safe and ping me if you need me to throw up a quick website to confirm whatever story you whip up to gain access to the Rochat estate.”

“And wear a fake mustache or something,” I add, motioning toward Jeffrey’s face as Nick slips out the office door. “And a hat. And sunglasses. Dark ones.”

Jeffrey grunts.

“I’m serious,” I insist. “If by some insane stretch of the imagination, this woman does turn out to be Elizabeth, and I don’t manage to scare her away, then the Rochats could be family someday. You’re bound to run into them again at a social function. Best if you make it hard for them to recognize that reporter who came sniffing around before the wedding.”

“I’ll take care of it,” Jeff says. “I know how to fly under the radar. I’ll get what you need. But while I’m gone, you should think about something.”

“What’s that?”

“Grandfather wanted an alliance between our families. It was his dying wish.”

“I’m aware of that,” I say, my voice tight. “And if I have no other choice, I will marry Elizabeth. I understand my obligations to the family, brother, believe me.”

“That’s not what I meant.” He holds my gaze. “I meant… Does it matter which sister you marry? If you and Sabrina are a good match, why not—”

“No way in hell.” Shocked laughter escapes my clenched jaw. “You aren’t seriously suggesting I marry a woman who has done nothing but lie to me since the moment we met?”

“Maybe she didn’t see that she had another choice,” Jeff says. “Maybe she and Elizabeth realized you’re betrothed to the wrong sister, and they’re trying to remedy that the only way they know how. Maybe she intends to come clean about her identity. Eventually.”

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