Home > Beloved Liar (The Reed Rivers Trilogy #3)(17)

Beloved Liar (The Reed Rivers Trilogy #3)(17)
Author: Lauren Rowe

And now, here I am. Tossing and turning as I await a return text from Georgina—confirmation she’s alone in that fucking hotel room.

Exhaling in resignation, I grab my phone and tap out another text to her, asking her if she’s home yet, even though I know she is... Also, even though I’ve already sent her three similar texts, none of which she’s answered.

Are you back at your hotel yet? PLEASE REPLY.

This time, Georgina texts back immediately.

I told you not to text me, Mr. Rivers.

A huge smile spreads across my face. If she’s answering me, then she’s alone. Has she been alone all night... or did whatever guy from the bar just now leave?


Me: Just want to make sure you’re safe and sound.

Georgina: Do I need to sic my lawyers on you? That’s four texts tonight. You’ve long since crossed into stalker territory, dude.

Me: I thought you said you were turning off your phone until morning.

Georgina: I lied. That’s this thing where a person says one thing but does another. Oh, wait, I don’t need to explain that to you. You know all about lying, don’t you?


Again, I smile. Even when Georgina is bitch-slapping me, she turns me on.


Me: Are you back at your hotel?

Georgina: None of your business.

Me: Just want to be sure you’re safe.

Georgina: My safety isn’t your concern.

Me: Yes, it is. You’re my friend, remember? Also, you’re working on the special issue. While you’re doing that, your safety is my top priority. If you don’t tell me where you are, then I’ll call your father to ask him if he happens to know how to use the “Find My iPhone” feature. I’m assuming you’re on your father’s phone plan?

Georgina: Goddammit! You can’t keep doing that! Yes, I’m at my hotel, you wack job! I’ve been here for well over an hour, doing research on my laptop.

Me: Did you get hit on at the bar?

Georgina: What do you think?


My heart rate spikes.


Me: But did you come back to your room alone?

Georgina: None of your business. But because I’m a saint, and we’re friends, I will admit the guy who hit on me at the bar was a turd. He was good looking, but within two minutes of talking to him, I hated his guts. And not in a good way. Not the way I hate your guts. Like, for real.


I sigh with the force of a thousand hurricanes. And smile at the backhanded compliment.


Me: Thank you for telling me that. I had a semi-psychotic breakdown tonight, imagining you going home with someone else. The thought damn near gave me a stroke. I actually drove around for hours tonight, aimlessly looking for your parked car outside random bars.

Georgina: You did not.

Me: I did. Bernie says hi, btw.

Georgina: You went to Bernie’s Place? Well, that’s not crazy or anything.

Me: You drive me crazy.

Georgina: Good.

Me: Georgie, let me come to your hotel now. I need to see you.

Georgina: It’s almost 3:00.

Me: I don’t care.

Georgina: Well, I do. I’ve got important meetings at work tomorrow, including one with CeeCee and Zasu. I need to get some sleep, so I can kick ass tomorrow.


I feel oddly encouraged about this entire exchange. She isn’t shutting down the concept of seeing me, really. She seems to be saying now isn’t a good time.


Me: Okay, let me take you out to dinner tomorrow night.

Georgina: Zasu and I are doing a working dinner tomorrow night, probably until late into the night.

Me: Lunch tomorrow, then.

Georgina: Like I said, I’m going to be in meetings at RnR tomorrow.

Me: Still, you need to eat.

Georgina: I’ll grab a sandwich at my desk.

Me: When can I see you?


Three little dots wiggle underneath my text, signaling Georgina is typing. But, suddenly, the dots disappear. And no text from her arrives for a long moment. I stare at the screen for what seems like forever, willing something to appear, until, finally:


Georgina: I’m sure our paths will cross organically, thanks to the special issue. Let’s let fate take the wheel.

Me: Fuck fate. I’m taking the wheel.

Georgina: I’ve got to get some sleep. Goodnight, Reed.


I stare at my phone. Excitement, disappointment, determination, relief coursing through me. Finally, I tap out my reply.


Me: Goodnight, sweetheart. Sweet dreams. XO


Again, those three little wiggling dots appear underneath my text, and I hold my breath, praying for a little “XO” from Georgina in reply to mine. But another text from Georgina never comes. And so, finally, I put my phone on the nightstand, roll over and force myself to sleep.



Chapter 10



Wednesday 11:34 am


“Welcome back, CeeCee!” After hugging her enthusiastically, I take the chair across from her at her large glass desk. “Thank you so much for agreeing to see me privately, before our meeting with Zasu.”

“Margot said it was an ‘urgent’ personal matter. Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine. How was Bali?”

“It was wonderful. But let’s talk about this personal matter.” She looks anxious. “Do you have a problem with Zasu?”

“Oh, gosh, no. Zasu is a goddess. I worship her. No, it’s... I don’t really know how to say this, so I’m just going to spit it out.” I take a deep breath. “It’s about Reed Rivers.”


“We had a bit of a fling, CeeCee. A highly mutual, consensual, amazing, fun fling for a week at his house. And then he was an asshole. And now it’s over.”

CeeCee furrows her brow. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“No, it’s fine. It couldn’t have ended any other way. But my fling with Reed isn’t what prompted me to ask for this meeting, specifically. That’s merely context so you understand what I’m about to ask you.”

Anticipatory dread overtakes CeeCee’s elegant face. “Okay...”

I take a deep breath and proceed to unload the entire, embarrassing, enthralling, heartbreaking story. All of it. Including my discovery that Reed donated the money for my grant. “Honestly, knowing Reed funded the grant is making me question if I got this job on the merits of my writing. Forgive me if this is an insulting question, but did you and Reed broker a deal where you both got the special issue, Reed got access to some tits and ass he wanted, and you got that coveted interview of Reed you’ve been wanting for two years?”

CeeCee looks ashen. “Oh my gosh, Georgina. No! I’m heartbroken you’ve even had to wonder these things! I promise you, the way the grant happened wasn’t like that at all—though I totally understand how it looks that way to you. Darling, I would have hired you, regardless. You’re a star. I knew it the minute I met you. And then I read your writing samples, and I knew I had to have you, no matter what.”

My shoulders soften. My spirit expands. “Oh, I’m so relieved to hear you say that.”

CeeCee explains everything to me, all of which is right in line with what Reed told me in his texts.

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