Home > Creole Kingpin (The Magnolia Duet #1)(41)

Creole Kingpin (The Magnolia Duet #1)(41)
Author: Meghan March

As soon as he says car, I remember the Lexus I left in the parking garage, and I grasp onto that thought because it’s better than anything else running through my head.

“I have a car in the garage. I don’t want to come back, but I need to get it out of here before I close on the condo.”

Moses presses a finger to my lips to shush me. “I’ll have Jules and Trey get it. You don’t have to come back here again. I’ll take care of it.”

It’s strange having someone have my back so completely and help me deal with shit, but like I told Moses, this is exactly what I want.

No, at this point in my life, it’s what I need.

“Thank you. Then I’m never coming back. Let’s get the hell out of here.”






Somewhere close by

I see them. Rage floods my system. I want to carve her up like I did in my dreams last night. That fucking puta killed my brother. Her every single breath is an insult to me.

If she were alone, I would take her right now. Make her fucking wish she’d never been born.

But him . . . he is a problem.

A problem I have to eliminate. Soon.

As they climb in the SUV, I write down the plate number and get ready to follow them.

I hope you got my message, puta. Because I am coming for you next.









My blood is fucking boiling. Whoever painted that shit on Magnolia’s wall might think he’s coming for her next, but he’s going to find me instead.

I won’t let that sick fuck anywhere near her. Now that I’ve got her cooperation, she’ll be guarded like the Hope Diamond because she’s fucking priceless and deserves to shine in peace.

As we pull away from the building, I hold Magnolia’s hand, but my attention is on the road and my rearview mirror. With a threat like that, details matter, and I’m not going to miss a single one.

If I were sick and twisted—which I’m fucking not—and I was expecting to find my prey in her place but found it empty instead, I’d want to know where the fuck she went. Which means I’d expect her to come assess the damage, and I’d be waiting to follow her home. That’s exactly what’s not going to happen.

“We’re gonna take the long way back, mama. Just to be safe.”

Magnolia looks over at me from the passenger seat of the SUV. “You think whoever did that will follow us?”

“It’s a real possibility, and I’m not taking any chances. Not with you. Not ever again.”

A ghost of a smile crosses her lips. “Thank you.”

I press a few buttons on my phone, and Jules answers on the first ring.

“Hey, boss. Get any answers?”

I wish we had. “No, but we got a fuck of a lot more questions. Trey with you?”


“Put me on speaker.”

“You got us both now,” Jules says.

“All right, listen up. Trey—I need you to dig faster and harder. Whoever the asshole was who bled out in the elevator, Ricardo What’s-his-fucking-name? There’s a damn good chance that someone’s looking to avenge his death. And somehow, I don’t fucking know how, that someone has figured out Mags was responsible.”

“Fuck,” Trey and Jules whisper in tandem.

“Exactly. We need friends, family, associates, everything you can possibly find so we can figure out who it is and stop him. Or, if I’m wrong and this is unrelated, we need to figure out who the hell else could be targeting her and why.”

“I’m on it,” Trey says with absolute confidence in his tone.

“Good. We also gotta take into account the possibility that if the elevator dude was erased, his family might’ve been too.” I don’t have to go into detail; they know the drill. “You know where to look.”

“Yeah, I’ll dig in every direction. If there’s someone out there who wants vengeance—for any reason—I’ll find them.”

“Perfect. Jules—Mags has a car at the condo building. We’re going to get you her keys, and you’re going to get over there and move it. Stash it somewhere else. Make sure you’re not followed.”

“You think whoever broke into the condo is following you?” Jules asks.

“He didn’t just break in. I’ll give you the details later,” I say, not wanting to bring it up again in front of Magnolia.

But I should have known she was stronger than that.

“He wrote I’m coming for you next on my wall. In blood,” she says, her voice steady. “He’s definitely looking for me.”

“Fuck,” Trey whispers again. “That is so fucked up. Okay, I’ll dig deep. You need me, you holler.”

“Thank you both. We’ll be back once I’m sure we don’t have a tail.”

“What if you do?” Jules asks, his concern clear. “You want me ready to intercept?”

I glance over at Magnolia sitting next to me. I want this asshole dead before the sun sets, but I’m not willing to do it in any way that puts her in danger.

Could Jules handle it by himself? Depends on who the guy is and what he’s packing. Revenge is a hell of a motivator, and I don’t want to send Jules into a fight until we know what—or who—we’re dealing with. That’s not shit you do to family if you can avoid it.

“If he’s following us, then I’ll get the make, model, and plate. We’ll go after him and take him out when he doesn’t expect it.” It’s the best I can do on the fly with so many unknowns looming, and trying to keep everyone who matters to me breathing.

“Got it, boss. Call if you have any trouble. I’m ready.”

“We’ll see you soon, and then it’s time to lock shit down and get our strategy together.”

I hang up the call and glance at Magnolia again.

“This is serious, isn’t it?” she asks.

“Because you’re involved, it’s serious as a motherfucking heart attack. But for now, we’re just going for a drive to see how smart this asshole is.”



As we ride past the World War II Museum, I spot a black Ford Fusion staying three or four cars behind us. He’s followed me through a few turns, and now I’ve got a lock on him. With Magnolia beside me scanning every alley and side street, I’ve got a choice to make.

Do I tell her or not?

I recall what she said to me this morning. “That’s what I want, Moby. I want a partner.”

What the hell kind of partner am I if I don’t trust her too? Not the kind I want to be.

Gripping the wheel, I say, “I’m pretty sure we’ve got ourselves a tail.”

Her head swivels to me and then right back to the sideview mirror. “Which car?”

“Black Ford Fusion. Three cars back.”

She nods when she notices it. “I see him. How do we find out for sure?”

The we in her sentence makes me smile despite the situation.

“I’m gonna whip a U-turn at the next intersection, and try to get a look at him and see if we can catch his plate going the other way.”

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