Home > Foreseen_ Lex (The Four #2)(68)

Foreseen_ Lex (The Four #2)(68)
Author: Sloane Kennedy

“Yeah, I remember,” he said.

I stepped closer to him because I needed his strength. I was no longer ashamed about needing to lean on others when things just felt too difficult to bear on my own.

“I keep thinking back to the last thing I really saw clearly before that day when I woke up and everything was just a blur. It was you,” I whispered. “It was you smiling as you said good night to me and sang me yet another round of ‘Happy Birthday.’” My throat closed up as I added, “That was such a great night, Con. Of all the things you’ve given me, I think that’s the one I’m most grateful for.”

I heard my brother shuffle a bit, then his hand was affectionately cupping my cheek. “Lex,” he said gently, then he pulled me forward and wrapped his arms around me.

I choked back a sob as he hugged me.

Really hugged me.

It wasn’t the stiff embrace he’d given me the day before when Gideon and I had been leaving Luca’s house.

It was a genuine all-in Con hug.

“I couldn’t lose that memory, Con. I couldn’t risk it. All those tests and procedures that you would have had to watch fail right alongside me…” I shook my head emphatically because even now, the idea of it threatened to tear away the image of Con’s wide smile and little laugh lines as his eyes danced with mirth.

“It’s okay, little brother. You’re not going to lose it. Even if I have to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to you every time we talk, that fucker is staying put in that genius mind of yours, do you hear me?”

I laughed because it was such a Con thing to say.

I nodded against his shoulder. “I’m sorry,” I croaked.

Con shook his head against me. “No,” he said firmly. Then he was pulling back and grasping my upper arms. There was no doubt in my mind that he was looking me right in the eye. “You never have to say those words to me, Lex. Especially not when I’m being a stubborn son of a bitch.”

I laughed and said, “Promise me you won’t ever stop being that guy, Con. He saved my life… he saved a lot of lives.”

More silence, then I was back in my brother’s arms. His hold was fierce as he whispered, “Never.”

Con held me for a lot longer than he probably needed to, but I was glad for it. When he did release me, he took my hand and led me back to the seating area and this time when we sat, I could tell he was close because his knee occasionally brushed mine.

“So, tell me about this man of yours,” Con said. “Leave it to my little brother to snag himself a hottie in the middle of the woods in Nowhere, Maine.”

I rolled my eyes but not because of my brother’s comment about my fiancé’s hotness level. “Oh please, we both know you’ve already had him checked out. Between you and King, you probably know more about him than I do.”

My brother was silent a moment and I knew why.

I sighed because I hated the fact that I’d already brought my brother down again, but it was a topic we needed to deal with. The tension between King and Con had been like a living, breathing thing the day before. I hadn’t needed to be able to see to know that. Gideon had filled in the blanks for me about some of the looks that had passed between my brothers, and from his description, it wasn’t good.

And it was all my fault.

“He seems like a good man,” Con finally said. As expected, the lightness in his voice was gone again.

“He asked me to marry him,” I murmured.

Con’s fingers wrapped around mine where they were resting on my knee. “A smart man too,” my brother said. “Congratulations, Lex.”

“I need my brothers there, Con.”

“We’ll be there,” he responded, though by his tone I could tell he knew exactly what I was asking of him. His answer was proof that this thing between King and Con wasn’t going to go away anytime soon.

“Con,” I began, but he gave my fingers a hard squeeze.

“I’ll get there, Lex,” he said.

I knew it was all I was going to get out of him. It was no surprise when he changed the subject back to Gideon and began plying me with questions about my husband-to-be as well as the daughter I was gaining. By the time the hotel room door opened and the sound of female giggles filtered into the room, Con and I were deep in discussion over the pros (there weren’t any) and cons (there were plenty) of a Las Vegas wedding.

“Fine, if you don’t want Elvis to marry you, I’ll do it,” Con said. “I’ll get one of those online ordainment things.”

“Um, what now?” Gideon asked from somewhere near the vicinity of the door. The giggling had dissipated, so I assumed the girls had gone to one of their rooms to do whatever it was they did in there so much.

“I was just explaining to Con how I’ve always dreamed of getting married on a cliff overlooking the ocean or on the beach with our bare feet buried in the sand and somehow that translated to a drive-thru wedding in Vegas with the King of Rock and Roll officiating.”

I sensed Gideon’s presence when he reached my chair. I could tell he was behind me, so I tipped my head back and softly said, “Hi.”

“Hi yourself,” he murmured, then he kissed me.

His fingers laced with mine and he hung on to them even as he moved around the chair. It was the most natural thing for me to get up and give him my spot on the chair and then settle on his lap.

“Ok, so Las Vegas chapel and either your brother or The King himself performing the ceremony, right? Make Brewer the flower girl and I’m golden,” Gideon announced.

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t make me call the girls in here to get their wedding ideas,” I responded.

“Con, you’re out,” Gideon said simply. “And give The King our regards. There’s a beach out there somewhere calling our name.”

I chuckled and leaned in to kiss my man. The kiss quickly spiraled out of control and it wasn’t until Con coughed that I remembered we weren’t alone. I was pretty sure my cheeks were on fire when I glanced in my brother’s direction. “Sorry,” I said, even though I wasn’t completely sorry.

“No you’re not,” Con responded. I could hear the smile in his voice. “You’re lucky I need to be somewhere, or I’d stay here and watch you two squirm.”

He’d do it too. And considering that I could feel Gideon’s erection pressing against my thigh, we’d definitely both be doing a lot of squirming. As it was, it was awkward to stand up so I could give my brother a hug. Con had the audacity to chuckle in my ear, proving he knew exactly what my problem was.

“Shut up, big brother. It’s going to happen to you someday.”

“The hell it will,” he grumbled. He squeezed me hard and said, “No way am I—” before his beeping phone cut him off.

He sighed and released me. I assumed he was going for his phone but when there continued to be nothing but silence for several long moments, I said, “Con?”

More silence that frustrated and frightened me at the same time.

“What is it?” Gideon asked as he stood up and took my hand. That move in itself ratcheted up my fear.

“Con?” I whispered. “Is it about Gio?”

“What?” Con asked, seemingly surprised. “No… no, sorry. No, it’s not… it’s not about him or the family.”

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