Home > Hayden (A Next Generation Carter Brother #4)(75)

Hayden (A Next Generation Carter Brother #4)(75)
Author: Lisa Helen Gray

We had arrived at the road at the same time as the paramedics. Instead of lying back on the gurney, I opted to sit in the doorway, wanting to assess my surroundings. I’m still struggling to relax, my body on high alert.

“Ignore that,” Clayton whispers, wrapping the foiled blanket tighter around me.

“Why does Dad have a stick?”

The paramedic shakily turns to look. “I thought they took that off him,” he whispers.

Clayton shakes his head at me. “I’d say your dad is protecting his cub, but he’s not guarding Fisher to protect him. He’s making sure no other corrupt cop lets him free or mistakes him for a good guy.”

“It was just him,” I announce, resting my head against his shoulder. “He’s the only cop involved, the one in charge. It was all him.”

“It’s okay,” he soothes, rubbing his hand down my arm.

“No, it’s not,” I tell him. People lost their lives or are suffering with PTSD because of his choices. All out of anger and greed.”

“Tonight could have ended differently,” Clayton whispers when the paramedic climbs into the back of the ambulance, mumbling about grabbing a sedative for Dad.

I tilt my head up, narrowing my eyes. “Now is not the time to say I told you so. I’m tired and can’t form appropriate comebacks.”

“I’m not saying that to you,” he assures me, his irises darkening. “I was so fucking scared, Hayden. So fucking scared I had lost you. I had gone outside to apologise to you, and to tell you the good news, and you were gone. I’m a lot of things, Hayden. I can be difficult and moody, but one thing I never considered myself to be is a romantic.” He takes a deep breath while my heart pounds against my ribcage, waiting for him to continue. “I love you. I know it’s too soon, and I know it’s crazy, but that’s how you make me feel. Crazy. In the time I’ve known you, I’ve been a party planner, a homeless guy, a stranger, a charity case, a stripper, and God knows what else,” he tells me, making me grimace.

“I panic when I’m put on the spot like that. And in all fairness, I couldn’t help my cousin’s neighbour believing me about you being a stripper. You are hot,” I rush out.

He kisses me, shutting me up as laughter shines in his eyes for a moment. “Let me finish,” he says, exasperated.

Rolling my eyes sends a wave of dizziness through me, so I close them briefly whilst taking a deep breath.

“You’ve introduced me as a lot of things, but never your boyfriend.”

I blink up at him. “Is this where you pass me the note?”

He groans. “Hayden, I’m trying to tell you that I want to be with you. No secrets. No hiding. No waiting. I love you and want us to be together.”

“Sorry, but I really wanted the note,” I tell him, pouting.

“Then I’ll give you the note. But if you were to have it now, what would your answer be?”

I give him a dopey smile. “I’d totally tick yes.”

“You’re a pain in the arse.”

I lean up, pressing my lips to his, sighing at the warmth coming from him. I never wanted to admit it, but I loved him too. It wasn’t fear that he could break me that held me back, because I knew deep down in my heart, I’d make him hurt worse. My fear had been to love someone who didn’t love me back or couldn’t love me because of who I am.

But Clayton, he had seen me at my whacky worst and my crazy best and still loved me. He never put me down for being who I am. He’s what my mum is to Dad. He didn’t try to change me, he rode along with me.

And someone who could survive four days with my family was worth keeping.

“I love you too. Maybe. Kind of.”

He laughs against my lips, pressing a kiss to them before pulling back. “I’ll take the ‘I love you’.”

“Now, what was this good news?”

“It’s about your job,” he tells me, sitting back a little.

“If you’re going to fire me, do it tomorrow,” I tell him, closing my eyes at the pain shooting through me.

“No. I’m not going to fire you,” he mutters.

“Do you two always argue?” Liam asks, lifting his head up from his knees. “Because I’m exhausted just listening to you.”

“Why didn’t you leave with Uncle Liam?” I ask him.

He arches an eyebrow, giving me an ‘are you serious’ look. “We aren’t leaving you.”

“I’m fine,” I groan, even though I know it’s pointless. And if this was one of them, I wouldn’t leave either.

“Yeah? Wait till you look in a mirror,” he snaps. “You aren’t fine.”

I groan, squeezing Clayton’s hand. “Tell me about my job.”

“I need to confess something first. I’ve never disapproved of your proposal. I actually wanted to kick myself for not coming up with it myself.”


“Yes,” he confirms, giving me a small smirk. “But you know how you’re always calling me a jerk?”

“That’s who ‘Hot Jerk Boss’ is in your phone,” Liam declares, earning a groan from Landon.

“Will you shut up and let him speak. And we will talk about you snooping later,” I snap, narrowing my eyes on him.

He audibly swallows, glancing at Landon, who shakes his head. “She’s totally going to kick your arse. And she’s stabbed someone now. She’ll have the stomach for it.”

I whine. “I’m not a serial killer.”

Liam grins. “It was badass.”

“Anyway,” Clayton interrupts, glaring at Liam. “I already told you how I felt about my dad and how I didn’t want to let him down. I thought that because he said no, he wouldn’t approve.”

“He did?” I guess, groaning at the sharp pain in my ribs when I move.

He wraps the sheet around me tighter. “He did. He was waiting for me to approve it. I came to tell you congratulations and that I was sorry for yelling at you.”

“You fucking yelled at her?” Landon growls.

“I’m sorry,” Clayton declares, lowering his head.

“I’m not made of glass,” I tell him. “It will take more than you getting pissed to hurt me.”

“Police are here for Fisher,” Landon announces, standing up.

I force myself off the back of the ambulance and Clayton tries to pick me back up. “No, I need to go to him.”

“You need to rest,” he stresses. “You’ve still not let the paramedic finish looking you over.”

“That’s because I’m fine.”

“No, you aren’t,” all three tell me.

“Why do you have stones in your pocket?” Clayton murmurs.

“Why are you feeling her arse?” Liam grits out.

“I had to improvise,” I explain, blinking up at him. “Please, there’s something I really need to say to him.”

“Fine,” Clayton agrees, letting me lean against him as I lumber my way over to where Dad is guarding Fisher.

“Hayden,” Dad warns, blocking me from reaching Fisher.

“Dad, I just need to say something.”

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