Home > The Novella Collection a series of short stories for the Pushing the Limits series, the Thunder Road Series and Only a Br(46)

The Novella Collection a series of short stories for the Pushing the Limits series, the Thunder Road Series and Only a Br(46)
Author: Katie McGarry

I reach out and grab Isaiah’s hand as I watch the shock and vulnerability flicker over his face. The muscles in his hand are stiff as he locks up with emotion.

“I…” Isaiah glances around wildly. “I can’t accept that.”

I nod because I knew that’s how he would feel. The gift is too expensive, and the gift is too big emotionally. “Eli wants you to have it.”

He shakes his head. “That bike belongs with James’s family.”

“You are his family.”

“I’m not.”

“You are James’s son.”

“But I didn’t know him,” Isaiah explodes, and his loud voice doesn’t shake me. It’s not me he’s upset with, but a past he can’t change. “I’ll never know him. These people—” his hands wave toward the front of the clubhouse, “—they loved him, and that bike means something. The same way Echo loves Aires’ Mustang, the same way Violet loves her dad’s Chevelle.”

I place my hand over his heart. “The same way you love the old Mustang you crashed when you were trying to get me out of debt with Eric. I understand that love.”

“Then you know I can’t take that bike.”

I sigh heavily. “Eli’s not giving you the bike because he thinks you miss James.”

“Then why is he doing it?”

“Because Eli loves you.”

That shuts Isaiah up. He stares at me, tongue-tied, and then there’s hurt in his eyes—hurt from the fear that’s so ingrained in him that he has a tough time ridding himself of the ache. I step forward into Isaiah, and I hug him tight. Hug him so strongly that it seems as if all the pain from his childhood should be forced out. But it’s not my hugs that can cure him, it’s each and every day that Isaiah accepts that there are people who love and care for him. Not because they need something from him, but because he’s enough.

“He loves you,” I say into his chest. “They all do. They’re your family, Isaiah. Just let them in.”

Isaiah finally wraps his arms around me and holds me so tight I can barely breathe. “It scares me.”

“I know, but they’re in this for the long haul.”

With the way he runs his hands along my back, he’s aware. We stand there, holding onto each other, letting Isaiah drive away his ghosts. He kisses the side of my head but keeps my hand as he steps back. “How’s Eli giving me the motorcycle going to help Oz’s situation?”

I breathe out in relief because that means he’s going to do it—he’s going to accept the gift. It also means Isaiah is ready to fully accept them as family.

“Take the motorcycle,” I say, “then invite Eli up to Louisville. Tell him you’d like to repaint his bike.”

“So, Eli’s going to find out about his bike being painted by a baby tonight? I don’t see how that’s going to help.”

“Eli’s going to be so happy that his daughter is engaged and that his nephew is accepting him as family that he won’t care about his motorcycle.”

Isaiah looks at me like I’m insane. “He loves that bike.”

“He loves the two of you more.”



Chapter 41






The diamond ring is out of the box, hiding in my front pocket, and I lost Emily to Cyrus and Eli. I can’t blame them. After all, Emily is Cyrus’s granddaughter and Eli is her father. They love spending time with her, and she loves spending time with them. She sits with them at the kitchen table of Cyrus’s house.

Standing in the doorway, I think of the summer I spent watching over Emily and all the mornings I came in to find Emily and her grandmother, Olivia, sitting at this same table bickering with one another.

Emily’s quick-witted. Olivia was, too. Even before Emily understood that she was loved by this family, the two of them cared for each other almost instantly—even while they got under each other’s skin.

Back then, old feuds between the Reign of Terror and a rival club had placed Emily in danger. It was my job to keep her safe. The threat is over from the rival club, but my mission isn’t complete. Never will be. I love Emily, and I want to spend the rest of my life keeping her safe and making her happy.

In the living room, Breanna and Razor are catching up with Nina, my parents, and Razor’s dad and step-mom. On the front porch, through the open screen door, I can hear Chevy, Isaiah, Rachel, and Violet swapping stories. There’s multiple conversations happening. Laughter and smiles all around. It’s the way Olivia would have wanted her family to be—together.

Emily glances up, as if she can feel me watching her, and she gives me that gorgeous smile. I tilt my head toward the front door. It’s a question. Can we steal a few minutes alone?

My original idea was to take her to the overlook to propose, but we’ve lost too much time. Tonight’s party is already under way. Once Emily hits the clubhouse, I’ll be lucky to see her again until she’s dead on her feet and ready for bed.

Emily nods and I can inhale again. We’ll have a few minutes alone, I’ll propose to her and she’ll have the rest of the night with our family.

She scoots back from the table, tells Eli and Cyrus she’s going to spend a few minutes with me and Eli stands along with her.

“I’m going to give Isaiah James’ motorcycle tonight,” he says low enough I can barely hear it.

Emily brightens. “Tonight?”

“Yeah.” He looks as giddy as she is.


Eli looks over at Cyrus. “I don’t know. We haven’t thought about that yet. It’s inside the clubhouse now. We had Pigpen bring it in after Isaiah came into the cabin.”

“Eli,” I interrupt. “Emily and I are going to take a walk.”

Eli meets my eyes and the understanding is clear: I’m about to propose and I’d appreciate it if he didn’t get in the way…again.

“But you and Oz take some time—” Eli starts.

“We will, but you have to give Isaiah the bike now or he’ll see it when he goes into the clubhouse.”

Cyrus glances between me and Emily, also catching on. “No, we’ll wait a few minutes.”

“Nonsense.” Emily approaches me and takes my hand. “Aren’t you excited to see Isaiah receive his bike?”

Of course I am. “Yes.”

“Then we’ll go for a walk after.” She kisses my lips in a slow way, in a promising way, but I know how this will play out. She’ll be lost in all the people who will want to see her the moment we walk into the clubhouse. Then, as we catch up with our friends by the bonfire, she’ll fall asleep in my arms.

I wanted this to be perfect. I had planned roses and candles and music. But perfection isn’t going to happen.

“Seriously, Emily,” Eli tries again, “we can wait. You and Oz haven’t had two seconds together since you got here.”

She cocks an eyebrow. “Since when have you been concerned about my quality time with Oz?”

She’s right, and Eli shoves his hands in his pockets, fumbling for a response. But Emily doesn’t notice, as she’s on a mission. She wants to see her cousin receive a gift that means the world to her father.

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