Home > The Wedding Pact Box Set (hilarious rom com) Kindle Edition(14)

The Wedding Pact Box Set (hilarious rom com) Kindle Edition(14)
Author: Denise Grover Swank

“Not in this. You’re up to something. But let me warn you—” she wrapped her fingers around his tie and pulled him closer, until their faces were no more than a foot apart, “—if you screw me over down there, I will make you suffer for the rest of your natural life. Do I make myself clear?”

The sight of her—her eyes wild and wicked with the promise of retribution—had the opposite effect of what she’d intended. His heart began to race and he had to restrain himself from closing the distance and kissing her. “Megan, I’m here to help you.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and gently rubbed the tense knots. “You need to relax.”

She released his tie and brushed his hands away. “I’ll relax after we’ve broken up. And we’re breaking up tonight.” And with that, she stormed out the door.

Oh, shit.



Chapter Six



Josh stopped her in the hallway. “Wait. Why are we breaking up tonight? I thought we were going to wait.”

She shook her head. She didn’t have time for this. Her mother was going to be plenty furious as it was. “My mother’s party is the perfect place—in front of all her friends. There will be tons of witnesses to see that I’m the innocent in this and you’re the jerk. There’s no way she can blame me.”

“Don’t you think you’re being hasty?”

And there it was again, the voice in her head that said something was screwy here. “You make it sound like you don’t want to break up. What the hell kind of family drama are you facing in Kansas City anyway? It’s got to be pretty bad for you to throw your plans away and become my substitute fiancé. You don’t even know me. And don’t give me some bullshit answer.” She knew she could demand all she wanted, but she was at his mercy. She had no leverage in this negotiation whatsoever, and they both knew it.

His eyes softened. “Have you have ever been in a situation where you couldn’t see a way out, so you gave up and left it to fate to work everything out?” His eyes widened in mock surprise. “Oh, wait. You do know what that’s like. You’re living it right now.”

Now he was just pissing her off.

He put his hands on her shoulders. “Believe it or not, that’s what’s going on with me, too. You said I looked determined when I sat down on the plane. I came to Kansas City because my family business is a mess and I’m making a last-ditch effort to save it.”

When she didn’t answer, he continued.

“Megan, I sat down on that plane and realized I didn’t have a clue how to save my business. Then you waltzed into my life. I swear to you, I inadvertently told your parents I was your fiancé. But once your parents thought it was true, I figured what the hell? After all, you were in a messy situation, too, and I had just given my life over to fate. I believe in karma. Maybe if I help you out, fate will help me out, too.”

She had to admit that he was pretty convincing, but something was off. “If your business is really failing and you’re here to save it, why would you want to hang out at my parents’ cocktail party tonight?” Then she gasped. “Oh! You’re planning to sell your snake oil to my parents’ wealthy friends!”


She poked her finger into his chest. “If you so much as hint that you aren’t an investment banker, or if you try to sell insurance or vacation timeshares or crappy Tupperware to my parents’ friends, I will make you suffer. Is that understood?”

He clasped her hand between both of his, giving her a sweet smile. “Perfectly. But you’re not giving off a very loving vibe right now, sweetie. You don’t want your mother to think I’m breaking up with you because you’re a bitch.”

“What? How dare you—”

Before she could react, he kissed her again, pulling her flush against his body. This kiss was different than the one he’d given her downstairs. The previous kiss hadn’t exactly been chaste, but it had tested the line of inappropriate in front of her family. This kiss dropped all pretense. His hand tangled in her hair, and his tongue parted her lips with an intensity and urgency she hadn’t expected. And while some sane part of her knew she should resist, the rest of her eagerly welcomed it.

“Uh . . . Megan . . .” Her brother’s voice broke through her lust-filled haze.

That’s when reality set in. She was kissing this man, someone she’d only known for a matter of hours, in the upstairs hallway in her parents’ house. She tried to pull away from Josh, but his arms held her tight against him as she glanced over her shoulder.

Kevin stood at the top of the stairs, his bag in hand, looking very uncomfortable while he studied the wall. “I need to change.” His gaze returned to her. “And you’re in the way.”

Josh dropped one of his hands but kept the other around her as he pulled her out of Kevin’s way.

“Sorry,” he said, sounding like he’d been caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to do.

Kevin moved toward them, looking into Josh’s eyes. “At least I know you love her. Megan likes to paint a pretty picture of you, but Gram and I talk . . . and what we’ve pieced together has left me with some major doubts about you.” His eyes grew cold. “Fair warning, buddy. If I find out that you hurt my sister in any way, I’m going to kick your ass. Is that clear?”

“Kevin!” Megan protested, even though guilt flooded through her for deceiving him. “I’m not fourteen years old, you know.”

Kevin’s face softened as he turned his attention to her. “Megan, you can be ninety and you’ll never stop being my baby sister. I will always kick the ass of any guy who hurts you.”

Pulling away from Josh, Megan rushed to her big brother and threw her arms around his neck, hanging onto him for dear life.

“Where were you last month?” Her voice cracked with emotion.

Kevin pulled her back and glared at Josh. “What happened last month?” His voice took on an ominous tone.

Oh, crap. What had possessed her to say that? But she hadn’t seen Kevin for years and she’d forgotten what an intimidating presence he had. Sometimes it was nice to think someone else, like her alpha male big brother, could help her with her problems. But at the moment, she needed to dig herself out of the hole she’d just dug. The problem was that Kevin tended to be perceptive as hell.

Megan gave him a reassuring smile. “Nothing.” She dropped her hold on him. “I’m just all emotional with Mom and her big wedding plans.”

“Did he—?”

“No.” She grabbed Josh’s arm with both hands and leaned into him. “He’s great. A project at work had some issues, so it was a terrible month. I don’t know what I would have done without him.”

Josh kissed the top of her head.

Kevin studied them, looking like he was still unsure whether to believe her.

“Megan!” her mother shouted.

“Crap,” Megan muttered. “She’s up to level three. She raised her voice.”

Kevin didn’t look like he wanted to let the subject drop, but he waved to the stairs behind him. “You better get down there. Her split personality is in full bloom.”

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