Home > The Great Believers(97)

The Great Believers(97)
Author: Rebecca Makkai

   Yale could picture it too clearly: the piece in the Times’ Arts section, the gleeful art world gossip. Which Chuck Donovan would personally see to, if he could. Chuck didn’t care about the art; he probably didn’t even care about his business relationship with Frank Lerner. He cared about looking like he had clout.

   Yale leaned his forehead onto his typewriter’s space bar.


* * *



   At lunchtime he walked down to the lake, stood on one of the mounds of ice right by the water. It had been winter for so long that the air didn’t hurt anymore.

   The frozen lake edge was the surface of another planet, rippled and fractured and gray. Yale couldn’t feel his fingers, but he waited till he couldn’t feel his head either.

   He walked back and into Bill’s office. He felt like he needed the bathroom, but it was just nerves. He said, “Call Chuck Donovan and tell him you’re going to fire me. Ask if that would make things better, if he can call off Frank then. Make it like you’re striking a business deal. He’ll like that.”

   “I’m not firing you!” Bill said.

   “I’ll quit before you can fire me.”

   It was like vomiting everything bad out of his body, like somehow this would set not just the gallery right but the universe.

   He said, “Even if this lawsuit is ridiculous, you won’t get funding while it’s dragging on. You can’t ask the board—”

   Bill said, “Yale.” But already he looked brighter.

   “Just call him and see if it’ll work.”

   Bill’s shoulders dropped. He looked at the ceiling, covered his mouth with his hand. He said, “You know that if it comes down to it, I’ll write you a hell of a letter of recommendation.”

   Even though Yale had asked for this, Bill’s acceptance of the idea was a bullet to the gut. “Call right now,” he said. “I’ll wait in my office.”


* * *



   Yale opened his top drawer. There were at least fifty ballpoint pens, most inherited with the desk. He took one and squiggled a line on his legal pad. It didn’t work at first, but then it did. He put it in the empty mug by his left hand, and then he forgot what he was doing and sat there blinking. Then he remembered and grabbed the next pen and tried it, and it was dead, and he dropped it into the trash can, where it landed too loudly. The next two were dry, the next clotted, the next fine. He went through all the pens. Twelve good ones. Two with Northwestern logos, a few plain Bics, a couple of fancy erasable ones, a few cheap ones advertising insurance companies. At least Yale guessed that was the writing on the sides; he couldn’t focus his eyes.

   When Bill walked in ten minutes later, Yale already knew from his face—the pained, hesitant look that didn’t quite cover his relief—that it had worked.

   “I think it’s going to pan out,” he said. “I mean your—your idea. What I said to him. It’s all about ego for him.”

   “I know.”

   “You’re a genius, Yale. You realize that? And now the problem is I’ve lost my genius. That’s a fine kettle of fish, isn’t it. He said he felt listened to, and then he started going on about something with the music school. We’ll see how things play out. Maybe we can—maybe he’ll move on to other things, and we can reverse this all.”

   “No.” Yale could hear his own flat voice with remarkable clarity, as if on tape, some message he’d recorded years ago. “If it works, let’s not mess with it.”

   “I want you to finish your projects first. We can’t have the office empty. Yale, I want to say that—”

   Yale said, “If you can spare me next week, I’ll go to Wisconsin.”

   “Yes! Fantastic! And take Roman!” Bill said it as if Roman were a consolation prize. When he left, he made a great show of closing the door quietly.

   Yale considered both his stapler and his Rolodex, and decided on the latter. He picked it up and hurled it, with all his strength, at the wall.


* * *



   That next Tuesday, Yale rented the most expensive car he could, a red Saab 900, and he charged the snacks he bought to his university credit card as well. He picked up Roman outside his apartment on Hinman—he’d made sure to give Roman an out, but Roman had wanted to go—and they drove down Lake Shore Drive to scoop up Fiona.

   Fiona was along to appease Debra. They weren’t close, but Fiona was the one who’d called up there, told Debra how Yale had been fired, made her feel as guilty about it as she could. She’d told Debra that Yale wanted to say goodbye to Nora and that she wanted to see Nora, too, and Debra could call her father or even the police for all she cared, but they’d be there. “The last part probably wasn’t necessary,” Fiona said, “but I’d practiced it, so I said it.”

   Yale figured Fiona’s presence would reassure Roman too; it would be a nice buffer. And Fiona hadn’t seen Nora since the wedding where she’d first told her about Yale and the gallery. Yale didn’t feel the least bit guilty about charging a third hotel room to Northwestern; he considered it a personal gift from Chuck Donovan.

   Yale had spent yesterday calling donors, starting to tie up loose ends. In part he was doing his actual job, but he was also reinforcing his relationships. If he landed at another museum three months from now, he’d want to be able to call them up again.

   That weekend, he’d gone over his CV and put in some tentative calls to old colleagues from the Art Institute. One was at the MCA now. And there were other cities besides Chicago. For the first time in ages, he was free to live wherever a job might take him. New York, Montreal, Paris, Rome. He tried to see it this way, tried to look at the gifts he’d just been handed: his life, his health, the freedom to move across the globe.

   During the drive, between bites of Fritos, Roman told Fiona every detail of the Ranko story. It was the main reason they were going, aside from Yale’s desire to say goodbye to Nora. If Yale had just quit over some Modigliani drawings, he was an idiot. But if he’d quit to save this collection, and if this collection remained complete, the way Nora wanted it to, then he’d have done a good thing, one great good thing, in his life. And getting Ranko’s story nailed down, making sure it was told—wasn’t this the whole reason Nora wanted the collection to go to the gallery? Hadn’t Nora chosen Yale precisely because she thought he’d understand?

   They stopped at a rest area near Kenosha, one of the woodsy ones, and as Fiona and Yale waited outside for Roman, she said, “You should call Asher. This is what he does, wrongful termination stuff.”

   “I wasn’t wrongfully terminated. I messed up and I quit. And Asher has bigger fish to fry.” The thought was tempting, though—a reason to spend time with Asher, a tangible reason to cry on someone’s shoulder, a substantial shoulder to cry on.

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