Home > Kisses and Scandal (A Survivors Series Anthology )(45)

Kisses and Scandal (A Survivors Series Anthology )(45)
Author: Shana Galen

Thomas put his hands on his hips. “What position did Mr. Miller assign you?”

She kept her chin high. “I am sorting tobacco leaves.”

Thomas hadn’t been aware that was a position. She must have realized it was an invented position as well—something to keep her busy but not really contributing. “I see. What is your previous work experience?”


Thomas held up a hand before she could go on. Her hesitation was answer enough. “You have none.”

“Not formal experience, no, but I’m not incapable.”

“So you’ve never had a paid position before?” He held up a hand at her look of panic. “I understand. Everyone must start somewhere.” He was desperately curious as to what her life had been before Alfred had hired her. How had she been living? How was it that she had never worked before? It was difficult to know her age, but he put her at twenty, at least. Might she have been the petted daughter of an upper-class household? Or perhaps that West Indian lilt in her voice had something to do with it.

“As I said, I’m not incapable.” She moved a step or two away from him. Her color was still dull, and he would have liked her to drink more of the water. “I used to help my—I used to help keep things tidy.” She gave his stacks of paper a pointed look.

Thomas clutched the lifeline. “Do you think you could organize my papers? I need someone to file them and put them in some order—well, I have an order, but perhaps a better order.”

“I could.” She nodded then looked away. “But wouldn’t you prefer to hire a clerk?”

“No, I would not.” Thomas couldn’t think of anything worse than some thin bespectacled youth in his room huffing whenever Thomas put a paper back in the wrong drawer. Now if Miss Sawyer wanted to chastise him for such a crime, Thomas didn’t think he would mind. Thomas gestured to the cabinet where he had stacked some of his papers. It had twelve drawers, all labeled with letter ranges. He’d tried to put documents away in some semblance of order, but did he file tobacco orders in “Orders” or “Tobacco”? He didn’t have time to consider which choice was best.

“Why don’t you start right now,” he suggested. He went back to the corner of the room and stepped behind the screen again. From her position at the desk, she would not be able to see him. He tucked in his shirt, buttoned his waistcoat, and slid a neckcloth about his neck.

“Mr. Miller wants me to finish sorting the tobacco.”

Thomas rolled his eyes as he tied his neckcloth. “I’ll deal with Mr. Miller. Ordering these documents is much more pressing.”

“But won’t I be in your way?”

Thomas slid on his coat and stepped out from behind the screen. “Not at all. I have a meeting with investors and will be out of this office the rest of the afternoon. When I return you can show me your progress.”

Her gaze flicked to the stacks of papers.

“Any progress is appreciated.”

“Very well. Thank you, Mr. Gaines. I’m so very grateful—"

He waved a hand. The last thing he wanted to hear was this regal creature groveling. “No need.” He donned his hat and with a wave, left her to her task. But as soon as he was down the stairs, he arrowed straight for the kitchen. Finding the cook, Thomas instructed her to send an assortment of food and drink to his office. And if Miss Sawyer hadn’t eaten it when he returned, he’d have something to say about it.



RAENI COLLAPSED BACK into the chair at the desk as soon as she was certain Mr. Gaines was gone. Her earlier faintness had not been an act. She hadn’t eaten more than a piece of bread and an old apple in the last few days. Her head pounded and her stomach cramped in protest. She gave a look of longing at the chaise across the room. She was so tired, and it seemed like a lifetime ago since she had slept in anything resembling a bed.

But she couldn’t nap in Mr. Gaines’s office, even if she was tempted. He had been extremely understanding of her mistakes today, but no employer would retain an employee who slept when she should have been working. She began to sort through the papers, her headache forgotten as she focused on the task before her. She sipped the water Mr. Gaines had left for her and felt a little better. She wasn’t certain how much time had passed when there was a tap on the door and a light skinned black woman entered with a tray laden with food.

“Oh, Mr. Gaines is not here,” Raeni said, standing.

“This isn’t for Mr. Gaines,” the woman told her, entering and setting the tray on the small table in the center of the room. “This is for you, compliments of Mr. Gaines.”

“For me?” Raeni was confused, and she knew that look in the other woman’s eyes. She was wondering exactly what Raeni had done to earn Mr. Gaines’s favor. “There must be some mistake.”

“There’s no mistake,” the woman said, her voice firm. “Now you go on and eat it. Mr. Gaines is sure to ask if you ate what he sent, and I don’t want to be the one to tell him no.”

Raeni saw no point in arguing. She was hungry and food had been sent. She’d worry about what that meant later. She sat at the table, lifted her utensils, and began to eat.

“Where are you from?” the woman asked. She was about thirty, of medium stature, with light skin and honey brown eyes.

“Jamaica,” Raeni answered before she thought better of it. She should have lied and said Barbados or Haiti. What if her father’s men came here asking for her? She’d been relieved to leave her position in the coffee room, where she might be easily spotted, but now that she was hidden away, she couldn’t forget to be careful.

The woman watched Raeni eat for a minute. “You’re not a runaway slave. You must be the daughter of one of the planters.”

Raeni nodded, unwilling to say anymore.

“I know your kind,” the woman said. “Rich fathers who bring them to London to show them the sights. How did you end up here? Why aren’t you in your town house or riding in the park?”

Raeni stared at her food. After a few minutes of silence, the woman nodded. “Keep your secrets then. If you ever need a friend, I’m Mary.”

Raeni nodded again, then moved by the woman’s offer of friendship, added, “My name is Raeni.”

“That’s pretty.” Mary went to the window and looked out. “You were smart to find employment with Mr. Gaines. He’s a kind man.” Mary nodded at the tray of food. It was more than Raeni could finish, but she was making her best effort.

“I can see that. He’s been very tolerant with my mistakes.”

“As long as they’re honest mistakes, he is a tolerant man.”

Raeni thought of what she’d seen when she’d come into the office earlier. She hadn’t meant to intrude on him, but the door had been open, and she’d tapped on it lightly. When there had been no answer, she’d moved just inside the door and spotted Mr. Gaines behind the screen. It was angled so that anyone sitting where she was now would not be able to see behind it. But from the other side of the room, she had caught a glimpse of his shirtless back. He had broad shoulders that tapered down to a lean waist. His skin was dark and lovely except that it had been covered in raised scars.

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