Home > Just One Kiss (Very Irresistible Bachelors #2)(25)

Just One Kiss (Very Irresistible Bachelors #2)(25)
Author: Layla Hagen

“You thought about everything.”

My pulse jackhammered in my throat, my chest, my ears. I couldn’t focus on anything else except Ryker, as if we were separated from our surroundings by a veil. How could he do that? Reduce everything to a low background noise? Make my entire body hum with one look, one touch? Make me want things I’d been determined to avoid only a few weeks back?

“Okay. Where are you taking me?”

“I have a few surprises in store.”

Like his sisters, Ryker didn’t do anything half-heartedly. The restaurant he’d brought us to was on a ship on the Hudson river. Twinkling lights adorned the metal railing outside. The restaurant’s walls were made out of floor-to-ceiling glass. We had an excellent view of the city.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re out to impress me,” I teased.

“I am. Want to sit outside?”


It was a bit chilly here on the river, but they had gas heaters next to every table. Unfortunately, the heat was reflected from above, so my legs were cold within minutes. As if realizing that, Ryker asked for a blanket, placing it on my legs, tucking it in at the sides.

“So careful,” I murmured.

“Just making sure my girl’s taken care of. Don’t want to give her a reason to say no to the next date.”

My stomach flipped. “Already planning the next date?”

“Planning much more than that, but let’s start small.”

Well, what could I say to that?

There were only two set menus to choose from, each boasting five courses. Everything sounded delicious. We ended up choosing different menus, so we could taste what each had to offer. Despite being hungry, I was too captivated by Ryker to properly pay attention to the food.

“So, let’s see if I got this straight,” I said. “Tess is pretty balls to the wall when she’s after something. And Skye is subtle—”

Ryker held up a finger. “Sort of. I mean, Skye is more laid-back than Tess, except in crisis situations. Then she goes from relaxed to... dragon.”

I laughed, trying to picture Skye upset. “Yeah, I can totally see that. Let’s talk about Cole. What is there to know about him? He made an impression at the gala.”

“Did he now?” He cocked a brow.

I batted my eyelashes. “Oh, yeah. Your family is easy to like. I mean, your sisters just volunteered to spend time with Avery.”

“They like Avery.”

“Plus, they like torturing you.”

“That too.”

“I think they’re very brave, just going for what they want.”

“Yeah, they are. But I also think they’re taking on a lot.”

My heart squeezed at the way he genuinely worried for their well-being. Seeing all the Winchester siblings together made me think how great it would be for Avery to have a sister or a brother. I hadn’t considered that before, but now I could imagine a toddler with dark blond hair and blue eyes.

Wow, I’d basically described Ryker. Holy shit, how had my mind jumped there?

“What are you thinking about?” Ryker asked.

I felt my cheeks heat up. Usually, I loved not filtering my thoughts around Ryker, but it was best not to voice this one. Way to send him running.

“Just... how nice it is to have a large family and all live in the same place.”

“Where are your parents?”

“In Arizona. A small town near Phoenix. Avery goes to see them during school breaks. They spoil her all day long, undoing all my good work. Every time she returns, she’s back to default factory settings.”

Ryker laughed, helping himself to more wine. By the time we’d finished dessert, I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to eat again.

“This was delicious, but too much,” I said.

“You still don’t look completely relaxed.”

I smiled, shrugging. “Sorry. I’m not sure I know how to completely let go. Haven’t done that in a while.”

“Leave it to me. I just have to up my game.”

“Oh, and how do you plan to do that?”

“No heads-up. It’s more fun if I show you. The evening isn’t over yet.”

“It’s not?”

My heart rate quickened. I leaned forward in anticipation. What else did this gorgeous man have in store for us? He was just full of surprises, wasn’t he? And I loved every single one of them. “Have you asked for permission for that?” I teased.

He nodded, surprising the heck out of me. “Avery and I have our secrets.”

“I can see that.”

“Spoke to her that night we were at the gala.”

Oh, shit. My eyes became misty. I glanced at my hands, trying to hide it. This man! He was getting under my skin. If he kept this up, he was going to stay there.

“I told you I’d take care of you. So I’ll have to prove it. And I will, starting tonight.”

“I thought you only asked permission for movie and dinner.”

“I did, but I have my tricks to get what I want. And I’m sure Avery will be on my team. Besides, your shoulders are still up to your ears. It’s my duty to make you relax.”

“Your duty? That doesn’t sound like fun.”

Ryker winked, leaning into me.

“My duty and my pleasure. How does that sound, Ms. Prescott?”

“Like something I can look forward to.”

“Right answer.”



Chapter Seventeen



I texted Natasha to ask if they’d already left Manhattan, but she replied that they’d gone back to the store after dinner.

Avery pouted when Ryker and I arrived, clearly wanting to stay longer. She was sitting on the same chair where she’d been when I’d left, only instead of a coloring book, she had fabrics in front of her.

“Mommy, look what I made.” She held up a red cloth covered in glitter.

Skye, Tess, and Natasha were leaning against the counter. There weren’t any gift bags left. Wow, they’d sorted all those? After my dinner with Ryker, I saw the sisters in a different light. They did look tired.

“Avery got bored of the coloring book,” Skye explained.

“So you sacrificed fabric instead?”

Skye waved her hand. “They were just leftover scraps from damaged items.”

“Where’s Amelia?”

“Left about ten minutes ago,” Tess said, looking between Ryker and me, lips pressed firmly together. I could tell she had a million questions, and Avery was the only reason she wasn’t firing away. Ah, what I wouldn’t give to hear them quiz Ryker later.

“Avery, we have to go,” I said.

“But I’m not done with the glitter.”

“It’s late, sweetheart.”

“You can take the glitter bottle and the rest of the fabric with you. I’ll put them in a box,” Tess offered. Avery looked at her as if she’d hung the moon.

I helped Avery into her jacket while Tess packed the box. When she handed it to Avery, she clutched it in her arms as if it was her most prized possession.

“You know what, I think I’ll stay out for a while longer,” Natasha said, beaming. “Unless you need me to come with you?”

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