Home > All ONES(46)

All ONES(46)
Author: Aleatha Romig

Duncan's grin sparkles. "I promise a lot more where that came from."

A lot.

"A half hour," I whisper as we get into the car.

Duncan nods as he speaks to Pierce, "Drop us off near the entrance on Fifty-ninth and be back in thirty minutes."

"Thirty, sir?"

He's probably thinking that's crazy.

Duncan's gaze catches mine. I nod.

"Thirty," Duncan repeats.

"There's a chance of rain," I offer.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Oh," Duncan whispers. "I like you wet."



Chapter Twenty-Seven






Duncan reaches for my hand as the heavens open. We really should have paid more attention to the weather reports. Our shoes slide on the asphalt path as the crowd of concertgoers races toward the exits.

Allowing some to pass, we pause under a footbridge. Duncan wraps me in the wet blanket, covering my shoulders.

"That just came out of nowhere," he says with a grin.

I shake my head and wipe the moisture from my cheeks. "I think we should have paid more attention to the weather. Shana told me there was a storm. Eric said it was moving up the coast."

Duncan shrugs as he fans his suit jacket and droplets sprinkle the wet ground. Beyond our strip of covering, the rain is falling in large, unforgiving drops, creating curtains of water. It's at least a five-minute walk to the entrance where Pierce is waiting, probably more as the paths are filled with scurrying people, bicycles, and strollers.

I peer up through my dampened lashes and begin to laugh. "Well, you said you like me wet."

He laughs along with me and wraps me in an embrace. "This isn't what I had in mind, but I'm glad to know I can make you wet on a second date."

"No, Mr. Willis, you accomplished that on our first date."


"For the record, that desk thing isn't happening, but when you mentioned it..."

He leans closer to my ear. "So mere words?" The deep, rich timbre rattles like thunder.

I simply nod.

Duncan wraps the blanket tighter around me, pulling it up over my hair. "Come on, we're continuing this date at my place."

At that moment, the night sky fills with lightning and the ground rumbles with rolling thunder.

He takes my hand and we run.

I remember him saying he runs for exercise and I do too, but not in heels and not on slippery footpaths dodging other people, pets, and bikes. Finally, we arrive beyond the entrance and as if by magic inspiration, Pierce jumps from the car to open our door. "We've got it!" Duncan yells as he waves Pierce back to the safety of the automobile.

My body covers in goose bumps and teeth chatter as we're met with the cool air conditioning. Outside the windows, the rain falls harder and faster, beating the roof like a drum.

Duncan lowers the blanket from my head and with his thumb wipes my cheeks. I snuggle close as we both laugh.

"A second date we won't forget," Duncan says as Pierce makes his way through the slow-moving traffic.

Still soaked to the skin, we rush through the door of Duncan's apartment. His gorgeous view of the city is obstructed with clouds as the storm rumbles and sheets of rain ping against the windows.

Taking my hand, he leads me toward his bedroom. "Miss Jones, we need to get you out of those wet clothes."

The warm, humid air filling the bathroom from the large shower is like heaven against my cooled skin as even my bra and panties are soaked from the rain. When I turn, my breath gasps as I take in a fully naked Duncan Willis. Cool rain drips from his dark hair, as contrasting heat simmers in his gaze.

My nipples bead from the disparity. "Is this still our second date?"

"That depends," he answers, reaching for my hand. "Would more manhandling be inappropriate on the second date?"

"I would think of it more as the gentlemanly thing to do, you know, saving the damsel in distress and all."

"Oh..." His large hands roam over my skin as we step under the multiple sprays of hot water. "...I hate to disappoint you, but being a gentleman was not on my agenda."

His voice is deep and silky, washing through me like waves. Unlike the rain, it warms me, melting me from the inside.

“I meant what I said.” The green of his eyes deepens as he moves me backward.

“W-what did you say?” With each word we step farther back until I’m sandwiched between his hard chest and the cool tile. I swallow as he lifts my chin.

"More. I want more. I want you to have more."


“How many times did I make you come last weekend?”

The slowness of his words and intimacy of his question tick my heartbeat into acceleration. “I-I don’t…a lot,” I admit.

“Last night, this morning?” he asks, his large hand pulling my waist against his hips.


“The answer is never enough.”

His nose nuzzles my hair as his erection probes my stomach. The tips of his fingers skim my arms, beginning at my wrists and moving upward until he grazes my breasts.

I inhale as his touch moves upward to my collarbone and on to the sensitive spot on my neck. Each contact is erotic and filled with electricity, zapping my breath and igniting my skin. Cold is no longer a thought as the temperature between us simmers near boiling.

“All evening long, throughout our first and second date," he says, "I've wanted more. I’ve touched you and…” His thumb grazes back and forth over my lips, urging them to open. “And kissed these sensual lips.”

Willingly, I suck his thumb into my mouth, teasing it with my tongue. I clench my thighs as my core painfully tightens and moisture floods my pussy.

Duncan’s eyes flutter closed as he deeply inhales. “Fuck, Kimbra, I love having you here with me.”

His erection pushes harder against my stomach. He peppers my neck with kisses, the scruff of his cheeks abrading my skin.

All at once, Duncan falls to his knees. “Tell me, Kimbra, are you wet?”

I look down at the way the shower's spray is reddening his back.

His lips quirk to a sexy smirk as his grip of my ankles widens my stance. "And, beautiful, I'm not talking about from the rain or the shower."

“Yes.” My answer is breathy as he begins to persuade my legs to part.

“Do you want to come?” he asks, his warm breath skimming my core.

“Yes,” I pant, my head falling back to the wall and eyes closing.

He inhales. “You’re not wet. You’re fucking soaked and, damn, you smell so sweet.” His lips linger as he kisses my core.

“Spread your legs more for me, Kimbra.”

I’m lost to this man, to the timbre of his voice and ministrations of his hands, as I do as he commands. Once he has me where he wants me, his tender kisses probe deeper, becoming harsh and demanding. And then he latches onto my clit, sucking and nipping. Like a hit of cocaine, his assault sends a series of jolts through my system.

I scream out, my grip flailing against the slippery tile as I struggle to remain standing.

With his lips, tongue, and teeth, he's sending shockwaves—no, a 7.5 destructive earthquake throughout my body. It's so much, too much. I try to pull and wiggle away, but his grip upon my hips is as unrelenting as his mouth. Finally, I reach for his hair, weaving my fingers through the dark strands, searching for an anchor against the wild tidal waves of pleasure. Flares and fireworks ignite behind my closed lids. I call out curses between whimpers as my world explodes and everything else washes away in a tsunami of release.

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