Home > The Cursed Series, Parts 3 & 4 (Cursed #3-4)(81)

The Cursed Series, Parts 3 & 4 (Cursed #3-4)(81)
Author: Rebecca Donovan

“Sophia,” I beckon as I get closer, causing her to turn at the sound of my voice.

She smiles wide at the sight of me.

“Lana! You’re here!” she says jubilantly, throwing her arms around me. “I’m so glad.”

“Uh, where else would I be?” I ask, patting her on the back more like I’m consoling her than greeting her.

When she pulls back, her eyes are glassy and unblinking. “You are my friend, right? We’re friends.”

“Of course,” I say cautiously. Trying to get her to focus on me. “What’s going on? Are you okay?”

“I’m so okay. I’m a mermaid.” She spins, glints of light reflecting off her dress. “And I shouldn’t have a voice. Nope. I traded it for my happiness. But it’s a lie. I really gave him my soul.”

“Um, Sophia, you’re kinda freaking me out.” I lean in closer and ask, “What did you take?”

“The green ones,” she says, smiling proudly. “They make everything go away.”

I dart my eyes around us. “Let’s go over here.” I reach for her arm, but she grabs my hand instead. We walk into a corner by the ship, away from prying eyes and curious ears. “Look at me.”

Sophia blinks away from gawking at the grandeur of the ship’s helm to me. “Lana! My friend. Please don’t hate me. Please don’t ever hate me.”

“I don’t. Why would I?” I ask gently, wishing Grant were here to take her pulse or something. Or mine. She’s scaring me … reminding me too much of Allie the night at The Point.

“I would never hurt you. I wouldn’t. I swear.”

“I know.”

“Good. I’m glad. Because you’re my friend.” Sophia digs around in a purse shaped like a pearl. “And that’s why I want you to have this.” She hands me a white key card. “If you can’t find me, or need me for any reason, this will get you in my room. I’ll be there.”

“Um, okay, I think,” I say, taking it from her and slipping it into one of the pouches on my belt. “Why don’t you come join us?”

I turn to indicate the group I’m with, but they’re not there. My heart skips a beat. I step farther out and exhale in relief when I notice them standing around a table that’s actually a wooden barrel with glass on top.

“There they are,” I say to Sophia, but she’s no longer behind me. I spin around, searching for the mermaid. But she’s gone.

“Everything okay?” Grant asks, appearing beside me.

“Uh, I think so?” I say more like a question than knowing. “I was talking to Sophia. She’s a little out of it, and I’m not sure if I should be worried our not. I mean, I’ve seen her loopy before, but she’s a little more manic than usual.”

“Want to look for her?” Grant offers, setting a hand on my back.

“Just keep an eye out,” I say, returning to the group.

“According to the secret map,” Ashton shares excitedly, “there’s an actual gingerbread house on the other side of the ship that you can eat. We have to go there next.”

“How can you eat any more?” Arden asks her, setting a hand on her stomach.

Brendan chuckles. “That is the wrong question to ask.”

“What’s the right one?” Arden inquires with a tilt of her head.

We all look at each other, not knowing how to respond.

“Let’s find this edible house,” Lincoln declares, prompting us to move.

While Ashton takes inconspicuous peeks at the map to lead us down the right corridors, I linger to walk with Lincoln.

“Printz-Lee, huh?” I say, smiling up at him. “I never thought of you as the private-school type.”

“Lana, you never thought of me at all,” he says playfully. “You were too busy causing trouble.”

“What?” I say in mock offense. “Trouble finds me.”

He laughs. “True. Apparently, it’s followed you all the way to Vermont.”

I sigh. “Yeah. Guess it has.” Quieting my voice and becoming serious, I say, “You didn’t have to be a part of this. You could just enjoy this crazy ball without having to deal with any of the drama.”

“I want to do what’s right,” he responds with conviction. “And he needs to pay for what he did … to all of us. I haven’t stopped thinking about that night since it happened. I want to be here.”

I nod. “You really are a good guy, Lincoln. Why were you ever interested in Tori?” Realizing how that sounded, I stumble on my words. “Uh, I mean … are you still together?”

Lincoln laughs. “No. That was over before it began. I think … I was fascinated by her, the enigma that is Tori Ruiz. But she’s really not all that.”

I lower my eyes, knowing exactly what he means.

“I’m sorry about what happened at Stella’s,” Lincoln says, nudging my shoulder. “What they did to you was wrong. Because you, Lana Peri, are all that.”

I press my mouth into a small smile. “Walking chaos.”

Lincoln laughs loudly, revealing his brilliant white teeth. “Definitely. But now we’re here to make sure you don’t get lost to your bedlam. You’re not alone in this.”

Arden walks over to us and asks out of the side of her mouth, “What do you think would happen if we bit into the giant mushrooms in that other garden?”

“I already feel like I’ve been dosed, walking through this trippy place,” Lincoln says, making Arden giggle.

“Want to go back to the dance floor?” Grant proposes. “I’d really like to dance with you before … you know.”

“Yeah, I’d like that to,” I answer, recognizing that no matter how much we’re enjoying ourselves now, a cloud is hanging over our heads, ready to pour on our party.

We dance until the sun sets, and the Court takes on a new life with bursts of glowing color. We spin and laugh. Ashton almost knocks down several people with her enormous gown. I writhe against Grant’s firm body to the point of scandal. It is the best night. About to be the worst.

“Dance with me.” Brendan holds out his hand expectantly. I take another gulp of water, waiting for my sweat-soaked skin to cool down. “C’mon, Thaylina, let’s go.”

“You’re ever the gentleman,” I grumble, taking his hand and letting him lead me to the dance floor filled with couples swaying to a pathetic love song.

“You realize you’ve been lying lately,” he says with his hand cupping mine and the other set on my waist like we’re in some Victorian film. It’s weird, but so is he.

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s only really when you’re being facetious or sarcastic. But they’re still untruths. We’re all liars, Lana.”

“Some more than others,” I jab. He spins me away from him and then reels me back with a flick of his wrist. “Why lie? What’s the point? Shame? To spare someone’s feelings? Really. I don’t understand.”

Brendan dips me, my hair brushing the floor. “It’s how we protect ourselves.” He jerks me back up, meeting my eyes.

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