Home > Bookstore Barbie (Magnolia Ridge #1)(3)

Bookstore Barbie (Magnolia Ridge #1)(3)
Author: Alexa Riley

“Hey, Barbie,” I find myself saying as I push my way up the counter beside the snake. She’s stunned silent for half a second as she looks up at me, but I wink at her so the guy can’t see.

The curvy brunette is a goddamn bombshell with warm brown eyes and dimples in her cheeks. When she quirks her dark red lips at me, I feel my knees get a little weak. Now it’s me who’s stunned and I have to clear my throat.

“Mom had a few more books on her list this week I need help finding.”

“Oh sure, no problem!” She recovers quickly.

“And I’m just making sure we’re still on for Friday.” I catch a hint of a blush as she tucks her chin and nods.

“Yeah, we are.”

“Good.” I make a show of turning my big body to face the guy at the counter. I finally have the chance to size him up and I’m not shocked he falls short. He’s tall and lean and looks like he could pass for a fitness model, but a pretty face will only get you so far when you’ve got an attitude like trash.

He looks at me and then at Barbie before pushing the book towards her. “Never mind. I’m going to get it online.”

He walks out of the store and as happy as I am to see him go, I see her eyes widen and her mouth open as if to call after him. Her face is crestfallen when the door closes behind him and the chime of the bell might as well be laughing at her.

“I’m sorry about that,” I mumble, thinking I may have just hurt her business. “I’ll take these.” I stack up the books I have in my basket and see a pile next to the register marked as clearance. “I’ll take these too.”

I slide the pile of books closer to her as if showing her my offerings will somehow make the look of sadness on her face go away. Her eyes widen at the pile as if just now seeing them and she blinks a few times. I grab the ones that other dipshit left behind into my pile.

She looks up to me then looks away quickly. “Thank you for that. I wasn’t sure what to say to him, but I appreciate you stepping in.” She clears her throat and goes about scanning the books.

“Don’t worry about it.” I see the total on the register and I pull out a hundred-dollar bill.

“Oh, I, uh, don’t have that kind of change.” Her cheeks turn the color of her lips and I watch as her straight white teeth sink into them nervously.

“Keep it. I cost you a sale.” I nod over my shoulder to where the guy left and she starts waving her hand.

“No, I can’t. Seriously, give me a second and I’ll go find some. I live right above here and I’m sure I’ve got something socked away.”

I reach out and put my hand on top of hers. “Keep it. I’ll be back.”

Goddamn if she doesn’t smile so big those dimples come back out again. Those two little indentions have something stirring inside me and I don’t know what to do about it. I grab the bag of books off the counter and make myself walk away. She’s already had one guy try to get in her pants tonight and no doubt she’s not ready for another.

“Wait, what about Friday?” she calls out to my back and I turn just as I’m about to walk out of the door.

“I’ll see you then.” I wink at her, then pull my hood over my head as I trudge out into the rain.



Chapter Three






“You’re looking cute.” Kayla pushes herself onto the checkout counter, making herself right at home. I move my books out of her way so she doesn't knock them on the floor. I don't have long until I have to close up for the night.

“Thanks.” I smooth the front of my skirt down. I haven't worn it in forever because there was never a reason. “Where have you been?” I haven't seen her for a few days, but that’s how Kayla operates. She’s here one second and gone the next. My eyes flick to the front door. I didn't hear the bell go off when she came in. It might be broken.

“Don’t change the subject. Why are you all dressed up?”

“Maybe I want to look nice.”

“You’ve got makeup on.”

“It’s just lip gloss and mascara.” I’m terrible at doing my makeup and Kayla might as well be a professional. I think it has to do with her wicked art skills. I’m lucky I’ve got good skin and don’t have to wear any for the most part.

“Give it up.” She pushes down the front of my book to look at what I’m reading.

I blush, not because I’m reading a steamy romance, but because I’m reading a story about a man who falls in love with an adorable bookstore owner. Maybe it’s wishful thinking, but when I came across it this morning I couldn't help but peek inside, which led to me reading most of it in one day. If we hadn't been so busy today I would have already finished it.

“I have a date,” I finally admit.

I haven't been on a date in forever, and the last time I tried, it ended terribly. I swear I always end up trapped with the worst men. Lately I’ve been sticking to my bookstore and it’s filled the time just fine. That was until the mystery hero walked in my shop. Now I can’t get him off my mind.

“A date! With who?” she gasps. “I’ve lived in this place my whole life and I know every single person, so you better spill it.”

“I don’t know his name.” I cover my face with my hands.

I was too distracted by other things to think about something like that. The man was built like a truck with his wide size and hulking arms and legs. He reminded me of Paul Bunyan with his beard and how he towered over me. I’m just thankful he sent Mr. Cocky running for the hills. That guy wasn't even the good kind of cocky, the kind that knows what he’s doing and is confident in himself. He was straight-up full of himself and it was obnoxious.

“You can’t go out with someone whose name you don’t know.” Kayla shakes her head at me. “Life is not a book, Barbie. He could be a killer.”

“And life is not a crime documentary.” I give her a pointed look.

“Hey, those are based on real stories. I’m not knocking your books because you know I love a good love story, but we have to stay in reality when it comes to stuff like this.”

“I know.” I let out a long sigh. “But he was a hero.” I rest my chin on my hands, disappointed because I know I should cancel this date.

“Okay, spill the whole story,” she demands, and I give her the play-by-play of what happened. Once I’m finished I realize she’s leaning in with a dreamy look in her eyes and she blinks a few times before she sits up. “Okay, wow, that was some real-life romance stuff.”

“See! He could tell I was completely uncomfortable with the situation and he swooped right in.” I smile thinking about it. Still, Kayla is right. I didn't know the guy's name and he didn't leave a number.

I’ve been wondering for two days if he’s really going to show up tonight and the anticipation has been driving me crazy. It’s been the longest two days of my life, but at least I’ve been busy. The coffee idea has actually been working and my customers have been steady. One woman quietly told me she heard about my shop from her knitting group. Word has started to spread and I hope it keeps moving along. It’s made me feel so happy and excited for the first time in forever.

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