Home > Favourite Hello. Hardest Goodby(31)

Favourite Hello. Hardest Goodby(31)
Author: E.S. Carter

I hand him back the rest of it, and he chuckles before downing the lot.

“Nah, it can’t have been that bad. You could still pronounce oesophagus.”

Taking a sip of water to cool my palate, I return my attention to my food.

“I can spell it, too, if we’re using it as a yardstick for my sobriety.”

“Sober is overrated.”

He pushes another glass my way—peach this time—and waits until I take a sip.

“Are you trying to get me drunk?”

“Maybe. Loose lips and all that.”

His tone is teasing, but it still holds an undercurrent of enquiry.

“Okay.” I smile, getting his point. “Is that your way of saying it’s time to finish the conversation we started on the street?”

“That’s up to you.” He sets down his glass and proceeds to clear the little left on his plate. Once satisfied he’s eaten the lot, he leans back in his chair and adds, “I don’t want you to tell me what you think I should hear. I don’t want the censored version, Macs. So, if you’re ready to tell me everything, yes, now would be a good time to start.”

With a nod, I finish my last dumpling and set down my cutlery.

“Lily Bay was never on my radar. I didn’t even know the place existed if I’m honest.” I let my initial words sink in and watch as he sips another one of the teas, waiting for me to continue.

“I found it by chance. Well, I guess that’s what most people would call it anyway.” With my gaze on his face, my expression open, I try and explain everything without holding back, but I’m still mindful of my words. All this is easier for me to grasp having lived it forever, while Ellis is being thrown in at the deep end.

“I was reading the paper, as I do with my breakfast every morning, and sometimes it has listings of property auctions. On this particular morning, I decided to browse through the lots on offer, and Lily Bay Manor was listed.”

“But you told me earlier you bought it for me,” he pushes, taking another sip of his drink, his focus remaining solidly on me.

“I did, but not for you as Ellis Probert.”

His brow furrows, and I rush to explain.

“I’ve always had great instincts, but it’s more than that. I can’t really explain it, it’s too abstract a concept. The best way I can put it is, I’ve learned to follow those instincts, and they’ve served me well. My business is successful because of them.” I pause, needing him to know how important what I say next is. “I found you because of them.”

Eleri comes into view, giving us time to observe her arrival.

“Have you finished with your starters?” We both nod and thank her for the delicious food. “Great. I’ll just clear these and bring over your mains. How did you find the tea?”

The question is directed at me, and I lift the peach flavour in response.

“The fruity ones are unlike any spirit I’ve had before. I’d love to try them hot, or Ellis said they make great cocktails.”

Plates in hand, she smiles brightly.

“And the Outlaw?”

Ellis grins knowing Eleri can’t see him, but I can.

“It was a little… potent. Maybe if Ellis had forewarned me, I’d have taken a smaller first sip.”

“The man’s a brandy drinker,” Ellis offers as if in explanation, and Eleri ‘Ahhs’ in response.

“What’s wrong with brandy?”

“Nothing at all,” she replies with a little headshake and a purse of her lips. “I like a good brandy myself. As does my Nanna.”

Ellis snorts, and Eleri looks at him over her shoulder and grins.

With a glance between the two of them, I nod my head and mutter, “I see how it is. That’s the polite way of saying my preferred drink is a little… geriatric.”

“Are you calling my Nanna a geriatric?” Eleri fakes affront, but the twinkle in her eyes gives her away.

“I would never call your Nanna anything other than…” I look to Ellis for help, but he lets me dig myself out of the hole I’m in, and I glare at the bastard when he smirks. “A wonderful woman just like you?”

“Uh-huh.” She winks at Ellis before making a move to leave. “That’s a good answer. I’ll go and grab your mains.”

When she’s out of earshot, I grumble, “Jesus, is it a Welsh thing or a Lily bay thing?”

“What’s that?” Ellis’s grin isn’t hidden by him bringing his glass to his lips.

“The constant ribbing and winding up?”

“Oh, that. I’d say it was a Lily Bay thing.”

I tilt my drink in his direction. “Good to know.”

True to her word, moments later, Eleri places our mains on the table in front of us.

“Rezen, tender pork loin steaks in seasoned breadcrumbs with a Slovak potato salad. Enjoy, guys. Please call if you need me.”

“Thanks, Eleri. Let Jozef know I’ll pop back and see him before we leave.”

She nods at Ellis with a smile. “He’d like that.” And then she’s gone leaving us to continue where we left off.

“You were saying about instincts.”

Ellis cuts into his pork, and I follow suit, taking a bite and murmuring my delight at the tender, spiced meat.

“The Lily Bay listing caught my attention immediately, and I knew I had to buy the place. It was nothing more than a feeling, but I’ve come to understand them and know which ones to follow.”

After another bite, I take a sip of water and add, “In every life, when I search for you, I never know when or where I’ll find you, but I listen to the call inside me, and I let it guide me. It may take years, but it has always brought me to you. When I saw the manor for sale, I knew it was the key that would lead me to you. I just didn’t know how.”

He seems to accept my response, going quiet for long moments, slowly savouring his food. And I let him. I want him to lead this discussion, needing to know where his thoughts are heading.

“You said you dreamed of me when we were young.”

“I did. Every night. From the very first time you came to me until that last night when you told me you wouldn’t see me anymore.”

“But that’s one part I don’t understand. If you dreamed of me, and you say I looked nothing like I do now, how did you know who I was when you saw me your first day in town?”

I wait for his eyes to find mine.

“I couldn’t tell you the exact age I was when I became aware you existed. I can remember the first time you came to my dreams, but it was as if I’d always known you were there.”

“That still doesn’t explain how you know I’m that boy from your dreams.”

“When I came here to find you, I followed that feeling I had. I didn’t know your name would be Ellis Probert. I didn’t know you’d have hair the colour of coal or eyes like the deepest parts of the sea. I didn’t know you’d be a chef or own the pub, and I certainly didn’t know how our first meeting would go or how I was ever going to tell you who we are to each other.”

“So how did you know? You say you followed this feeling of yours to Lily Bay. You didn’t know who I was or what I looked like, so explain to me how you can be so sure I’m the one you’re searching for?”

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