Home > Favourite Hello. Hardest Goodby(41)

Favourite Hello. Hardest Goodby(41)
Author: E.S. Carter


He nods and goes to slope off.

“Oh, and, Tom?”

“Yeah?” His eyes won’t meet mine.

“You’ve just got a promotion, which means a small pay rise. That okay with you?”

The blush on his cheeks turns fiery again but is accompanied by a small smile. “Yes, Chef. That’s okay with me.”

Once they both leave, the kitchen falls silent, and I take a moment to just breathe. I can hear the faint hum of voices and laughter from the pub, the whirring of the generator motor that powers the walk-in, and the swoosh and drone of the industrial-sized dishwasher as it goes through yet another cycle. It’s all familiar white noise that settles and soothes.

Soon, I’m clearing and cleaning, wiping and disinfecting, and the mundane chores help to overpower the churning thoughts that still attempt to take over my brain.

It’s during this brief respite that Iris comes bounding into the kitchen.

“Perfect timing as always,” I mutter, spray gun and cloth in hand as I wipe down the stainless-steel countertops.

“Sorry, what was that?” she asks, rushing by me to the racks of utensils. “I’m busy right now, but I’ll add ignoring you to my to-do list.”

“Why are you in my kitchen if you’re busy?”

“Tal broke the corkscrew.”

“There’s more than one. Tell him to use another.”

“He can’t find it.”

I walk up behind her and pull open the draw at her hip.

“In there. We don’t use it much, so it’s not out with the other stuff.”

“Perfect, thanks.” She waves me off. “As you were.”

With a slam of the drawer, she flits by me like a whirlwind on a mission, and I head back to the counter I was cleaning before she barged in.

“Oh.” She stops briefly at the door, head looking over her shoulder as if an afterthought, but her face says it’s anything but. “Did you know that Macsen is eating here tonight? And with a deliciously handsome man to boot.”


Then she’s gone with a sly smile at the corner of her lips.

I’d totally forgotten he was coming in with his friend tonight. No, that’s a lie. I’d made myself forget because I was fucking everything up, and the only way to get my head back in the game was to switch off completely.

With a panicked look at the clock and a glance around the almost, but not quite, done kitchen, I make a decision to break one of my cardinal rules: Never leave the kitchen unclean.

I’ll have to get up early and finish cleaning before anyone comes in tomorrow. I can’t have them thinking I let them go only for them to return to the same mess.

Decision made, I dump the cleaning stuff on the side, wash my hands and run wet fingers through the unruly strands of my hair. I contemplate stopping off in the gents before heading to find Macs. With no mirror on the way, I could be walking out to meet this big city hotshot looking like a typical country bumpkin.

Fuck it. He can take me as he finds me.

When I step out of the swing door, a few familiar faces turn my way and offer quick hellos, or thanks for their meals. I’m polite but don’t stop to chat, that need to get to Macsen ever-present inside me.

I’ve never in my life suffered from a lack of confidence or nerves, but right now, I find myself on edge as I walk towards the bar. Every night he’s waited for me there, but a churning sensation in my gut makes me think tonight might be different. Maybe he’s already left. Perhaps he’s taken his friend somewhere else, sick of waiting for me to show my face.

I shouldn’t have doubted him because, sure enough, there he is in his usual spot, in deep conversation with the person next to him.

I observe the stranger as I approach. He’s tall and buff with well-defined muscles filling out a slim-fit, black shirt, and the denim of his expensive jeans is like a second skin stretched across his thick, firm thighs. His head of perfectly styled, blond hair draws attention to his profile, and flawlessly tanned skin is set over a square jaw and proud, straight nose.

Rex is blatantly good-looking. I can see that already. Knowing he’s Macsen’s oldest friend should set my jealousy and nerves at bay, but it doesn’t.

As always, before I even get close, Macs senses my approach and turns on his barstool to greet me. The smile that spreads across his face elicits one from me in turn. He doesn’t hide from anyone what I mean to him. His need for me is written all over his face, and he wears it proudly, even in front of his friend who is most definitely sizing me up and judging me as unworthy.

When I’m a few steps away, Macsen stands, and the other man follows suit, more out of politeness than anything else. His steely grey eyes bore into me, and I can feel his stare even when my gaze is fully trained on the man I will never get enough of.

“I thought we’d lost you to the kitchen for good.” Macsen’s eyes drink me in as though he’s been thirsty for me all night. His arm extends towards the blond at his side, but his gaze remains fixed on me. “Ellis, this is Rex, my business partner and best friend. Rex, this is Ellis Probert, owner of Safe Harbour and the talented chef who made our food tonight.”

“Nice to meet you, Ellis.” Rex holds out his hand, and I take it. His grip is firm, maybe a little too firm, my bones grinding against one another in his hold. The way he’s looking at me contradicts his pleasant greeting—he doesn’t find anything nice about meeting me.

“You too. Did you enjoy your meal?” I release his hand and wait for him to respond, but it’s Macsen who answers, giving his friend a warning glare.

“We did. I had the seabass and Rex had the crab. It was delicious, as always. Thank you.”

Rex remains mute, and an awkwardness settles over our trio, one I refuse to soften with pleasantries. I won’t be intimidated by this man, Macsen’s friend or not, and we enter into a silent standoff while the rest of the patrons carry on around us.

Arms folded over my chest, I stand and wait for whatever the big city hotshot has to say.

“Ell, can I get you your usual?”

It’s Tal who breaks the deadlock when he walks up the bar and inserts himself into our soundless game of who has the bigger balls.

Without taking my eyes off Mr Blond and Buff, I nod and give Tal a, “Thanks, mate.”

“Macsen, can I get you guys a refill?” I hear Tal asking, followed by Macs saying, “That would be great, thanks.” Then, when Tal walks away to fill our drinks order, Macsen finally has enough.

“Stop. Both of you. This is stupid. It’s like watching two peacocks about to throw down.”

“Tell that to your friend,” I mutter, my eyes narrowing at the glaring man in front of me.

“Rex,” Macs huffs wearily. “Sit down and act like an adult. You promised me—”

“I promised nothing. I said I’d meet him, and I have.”

“What exactly is your problem?” I take a step forward, not quite in his face but getting there. This man is royally pissing me off. Coming into my place, judging me.

“That’s easy. You. You’re my problem.” His handsome face doesn’t get any less so when he sneers at me, and it only serves to piss me off further.

“Well, come on then. Spit it out. Seeing as you’ve only just met me, I’d really like to hear what your reasoning is. After all, you’re sitting in my pub, eating my food, drinking my beer.”

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