Home > Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1)(113)

Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1)(113)
Author: Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti

“Is that his name? I thought it was Willy Cockfist,” Kyan joked and the football team all laughed along, loving their position in the inner circle so much that it didn’t even occur to them that they were one fuck up away from being an Unspeakable themselves. But I guessed no one liked to think of themselves as having the potential to be one of the dregs of the school society.

“I can end my term?” Punch asked, licking his lips hungrily as that little thought slithered into his head and set his pulse racing.

“Sure,” Saint said casually.

“If,” I added, fixing my gaze on Punch and smirking as he instantly dropped his eyes to scrutinise his shoes. “You do something to impress us...”

“Like what?” he asked hungrily, apparently needing more than a lighter in his hand and a desk full of kindling to put two and two together.

And as much as I would have enjoyed sending Brown’s desk up in flames myself, you couldn’t hold onto power like ours if you got your own hands dirty in stupid ways. Brown knew we were coming here tonight with all of this toilet paper. If we set his desk alight it would cause us a pretty big headache with the school board for our parents. We wouldn’t get expelled for a stunt like that, but they’d probably try and punish us in other undesirable ways.

Much better to get a patsy to do it for us so that we wouldn’t have to take the fall. Besides, Punch’s dad was big in the oil industry. Old money. No way was he going to get expelled for it and I was willing to bet he’d suck up a year’s worth of detention to get out of the Unspeakables. The rest of his group were staring at him wide eyed with a mixture of fear, jealousy and even full on fury at the injustice of him being offered this chance when they weren’t. And sure, we could have offered it to any of them. But some of their crimes were worse than others. And he was the only one who could be of some use to us when he returned to society by re-joining the football team. Hell, in ten years we’d probably all be sat around laughing at some fucking posh party about the way we used to fool around at school and he’d be laughing along with us like he hadn’t been made into our little bitch for nearly a year. But that was just how our world worked. And if he wanted to claw his way back up towards the inner circle then this was his shot. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t be getting another.

Punch swallowed thickly, his gaze flickering between the three of us like he might discover a scrap of mercy. But hell, we were being lenient as fuck here. We hardly ever offered people a chance like this.

He raised a hand and clicked the lighter and everyone in the doorway behind us seemed to hold their breath.

I smirked as I caught Saint’s eye and Punch raised the lighter above the toilet paper cock. I started my phone up to record it, wanting the image of that burning cock on camera so that I could look back on it and laugh every time Brown pissed me off.

Punch stepped forward, his hand shaking a little as the flame licked the closest roll of toilet paper and a laugh tumbled from my lips. Saint slung his arm around my shoulders, grinning as the fire quickly took hold and started to spread, blackening the rolls of toilet paper and causing smoke to pour from them.

“No!” Freeloader shrieked, bursting between me and Kyan as she raced towards the desk. At first I thought she wanted to save Punch from getting into trouble by following our orders or something, but she charged straight past him and grabbed an armful of toilet paper from the head of the cock instead, rescuing it from the flames like it was a new born babe.

“Looks like someone’s been desperate to wipe,” Kyan joked. “Maybe we should change your name to Skids now, huh?”

Freeloader didn’t answer, seeming to think the new nickname would be worth it if she could just keep hold of her prize as she raced for the door with her haul. Several of the footballers followed after her, clearly intent on relieving her of them and I snorted a laugh.

“And so, the great toilet paper wars began,” I joked.

Punch scrambled back towards us as the flames billowed higher, looking equally horrified and thrilled as he glanced at me expectantly.

“Nice work, Toby,” I conceded.

“Now go catch that runaway Unspeakable and teach her a lesson in respect for us,” Saint added.

Punch’s face dropped as Saint set him on his former friend and the other Unspeakables glared at him like he was a traitor. The footballers would still see him as lesser than them too for at least a while, so it looked like he was fresh out of friends even if he was back off of the shit heap. Life’s a bitch and all that.

The fire alarm blared out above our heads and Kyan instantly swung his new baseball bat at it, shattering the thing and buying the fire some more time to run free. Hopefully it wouldn’t spread too far before the sprinklers kicked in. Toby really might get expelled if he burned down Aspen Halls. But oh well, that was his problem really. Should have thought about that before he used the lighter.

The crowd parted for us as we headed down the corridor back to the main doors. We needed to hurry if we were going to intercept Tatum and retrieve our watches before Monroe realised we’d cheated our way out of detention.

We stepped out into the dark, laughing as the light of the flames showed through Brown’s window and lit up the old, red Ford Mustang which was parked outside it. It was some great classic that had been donated to the school by some rich asshole who used to go here and seemed to think it would look good parked up by the gates forevermore. I didn’t really get it, but the school board had obviously decided to keep it.

As I looked beyond the flames, movement caught my eye again and I fell still as I spotted some douchebag in a plaid shirt pushing his way through the gate which was unlocked for some unknown reason.

“Hey!” I yelled, pointing him out and drawing the others’ attention to him.

Another guy was running up the drive towards us too and beyond them I spotted the guard on duty laying still on the gravel.

“Just give us your food and toilet paper and we’ll be gone!” the asshole yelled back.

“Fuck that,” Kyan snarled, swinging his baseball bat as he took a step closer.

“There’s more of them heading into campus!” Mila shrieked behind us and I turned to see that she was right. These assholes must have been the tail end of their crew and at least twenty more fuckers were already racing away from us.

“You’ll get the fuck out of here if you know what’s good for you,” Saint growled, striding forward just as the dickhead leapt through the gate in front of him.

“I’m not fooling around kid, go hide somewhere until we’re done here,” he snarled. “I’ve got a church full of food to clear out.”

“What do you mean a church full?” I demanded but the guy was clearly done talking, he lunged at Saint but before he could get close to him, Kyan swung the baseball bat as hard as he could.

There was a sickening crunch and blood splattered over my shit a second before the asshole fell to the ground, shrieking in pain as he clutched his shattered elbow.

“Fuck me, I can see bone,” Saint said like he was commenting on the weather and a bark of laughter escaped me. It was either that or puke and this fucker had deserved that shit.

His friend stumbled back on the far side of the gate, raising his hands in surrender as he backed off.

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