Home > Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1)(22)

Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1)(22)
Author: Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti

Heat built between my thighs and I fought back a moan as our desire for each other collided everywhere our skin touched. He kissed me like a soldier back from war and I soaked in his passion and let it trickle through everywhere in my being. It felt right, fucking astounding. And I let my inhibitions fly as I allowed my crush on Blake to be known. I knew I wasn’t just asking for trouble tonight. I was screaming for it.



I wound my way through the party, ignoring pretty much everyone there as I left the new girl behind and sought out some more whiskey.

There were people clustered all around the makeshift bar, but they scattered as they saw me coming. One guy even fell over in his haste to get out of my way and as I glanced at him, I vaguely remembered beating his ass last year. Couldn’t remember why though. Something about books…or breakfast…maybe balls…definitely something beginning with b…or f. Whatever. Point was, the asshole ran like he might combust if I looked at him the wrong way, so I was willing to bet those injuries still stung when he was lying alone in bed at night.

I’d been told that once. Some prissy little sophomore had squared right up to me, tears glimmering in her eyes because I’d beaten the living shit out of her boyfriend. She’d looked right into my eyes, pointed in my face and said you’re the stuff of nightmares Kyan Roscoe. I mean, honestly, it had been the nicest damn thing anyone had ever said to me. Saint hadn’t appreciated it though and she’d disappeared not long after that. I was pretty sure she’d just been expelled or some shit, I doubted she was lying dead in a ditch somewhere. Though with Saint you never could be sure.

I scoured the mess of the drinks table and frowned as I failed to spot my poison.

“Where’s the fucking Jack?” I asked, raising my voice enough to be heard over the music.

One of the Unspeakables came running, his cheeks flushed as he murmured apologies and scrambled about for my damn drink.

I turned my back on the drinks table, leaning my elbows against it as I waited for him to sort this shit out for me and I looked back across the room where Blake and Saint were still playing spin the bottle.

Although, playing spin the bottle wasn’t what was happening. Saint would never allow fate to decide anything for him, let alone push him into making out with some girl he didn’t want. Hell, if the Grim Reaper turned up right now and pointed his gnarly bone finger in Saint’s face, that motherfucker would find himself impaled on the pointy end of his own scythe and we’d all have ourselves a new lord of death.

The crowd shifted as I looked across the dance floor and I was given a clear view of Blake as he fell back onto the couch, pulling Tatum down with him so that she straddled his lap as they made out.

I ran my tongue over my teeth as I watched them, the memory of her warm body pressed to mine overwhelming me for a moment. I’d felt the way she’d shivered beneath my touch, inhaled the taste of her breath on my lips. In that moment I was pretty sure I could have taken anything I wanted from her. And I’d wanted it all from her. Right up until she reminded me of what she was now. Just another cog in this place. And sure, she was a hot as fuck cog who I wouldn’t mind spending a whole lot of hours ruining. I could spend way too much time forcing her body to bend to mine and making her flesh scream with a pleasure so intense it blinded her. But I had my rules about the girls in this place for a reason. My interest never lingered on one girl for long and I didn’t need the drama of scorned exes trailing me about. Not least because these were the daughters of the wealthiest people in the country. I’d be bumping into them at social bullshit for the rest of my goddamn life. Assuming I managed to forge my own way of course.

Blake’s hands shifted up Tatum’s thighs as their kiss deepened and I watched hungrily as that little black dress slid up and up until-

She pulled back with a laugh, yanking the hem down but I’d caught a glimpse of that perfect round ass as he’d run his hands over it. An ass like that would look damn good with teeth marks in it.

I clucked my tongue irritably as I wondered if I should have made the other call. I didn’t even know her family anyway. She clearly wasn’t all that important. So maybe I could spend a bit of time breaking in the rich girl, give her a taste of what she’d be missing when she tied herself to a nice, respectable husband. Some memories that she could get herself off over when she was an arm candy housewife. And I seriously wouldn’t mind knowing that a girl like her spent time touching herself over me. Besides, chances were I wouldn’t even be running in these circles much longer. Not now. Not when my family’s secret came out.

“Found it!” the Unspeakable announced as he brandished a bottle of Jack Daniels at me.

I turned to him as he unscrewed the cap and picked up a glass.

“I won’t be needing that,” I said, snatching the full bottle from his grip and bringing it to my lips.

The oaky taste of the whiskey spilled over my tongue and I pushed away from the drinks table as I headed back towards the other side of the room where Blake was working on shattering Tatum’s little miss innocent act in a spectacular way.

Hell, if I wasn’t going to fuck her myself, I could still watch the show for a while and get a real idea of what she’d be like.

Saint was still sitting on the other end of the couch as I approached but he got to his feet as the spinning bottle landed on him, completely ignoring the girl in question as she batted her eyelashes at him hopefully.

“C’mon, asshole, there’s something I wanna show you,” he said, jerking his chin to get me to follow him.

We circled the couch and Tatum looked up from her perch in Blake’s lap like she felt my eyes on her.

I gave her a taunting smile before letting my eyes slide down to her hardened nipples which were pressing through the thin dress now that she’d ditched the underwear. She slid off of Blake’s lap, holding a hand out to him as she made a show of not giving a shit about me one way or another. But that spark in her eyes said she gave a shit alright. She didn’t like to be made a fool of and for a moment I could have sworn she had ideas of revenge glimmering in those endlessly blue eyes.

Bring it on, baby.

Saint led the way out of the room and up the stairs to the balcony outside.

“Fuck off,” he snapped at a group of juniors who were hanging out here and they ran to do as they’d been told, flooding around us like a wave breaking over a rock.

The door fell shut behind them and we were left with the thumping bass of the music and an empty balcony.

“If you’ve brought me out here to suck my cock, then I would have preferred to do it in the warm somewhere,” I joked, taking a swig from my whiskey bottle as I moved to take a seat in one of the huge wooden chairs that sat on the balcony.

Saint eyed me for a long moment, his gaze slipping over my black jeans, leather jacket and the blood red T-shirt beneath it which had a tear in it. It was fucking perfect. Saint bait. He knew it. I knew it. A hole in my shirt. Classic.

He moved to stand over me, jaw ticking, gaze slipping to my drink with distaste. He’d given up on trying to stop me drinking from the bottle a long time ago but he clearly still hated it.

“Want some?” I offered, swirling the bottle so the amber liquid sloshed over my fingers. I licked that shit off quickly. Waste not want not.

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