Home > Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1)(78)

Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1)(78)
Author: Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti

Saint’s hand slipped beneath my skirt and my legs parted for him instinctively as he pushed the banana deeper into my mouth. Oh shit.

I was losing my cool, my heart fluttering and my breathing quickening. But maybe that was a good thing because it looked like Kyan was losing his cool too. His fists were balling and the simmering shades of gold in his eyes said he wanted to drag me out of Saint’s lap into his.

“You need to stay healthy, Barbie. You eat when we eat. And you eat proper food.” Saint spoke as if I’d been the one to decide I wanted to eat nothing but three lettuce leaves yesterday and that pissed me off to my core. I closed my legs, trapping his hand between them and his gaze darkened to midnight.

I finished the banana and swallowed it down, keeping him in my gaze. “Thanks for breakfast, your assholiness.”

He tugged his fingers free from between my thighs then whipped me over in his lap before I could do a thing to stop him. My heart soared into my throat as he flipped my skirt up so my ass was pointed right at Kyan and he spanked me hard enough to make me yelp.

I looked up at Blake through a curtain of hair and even he looked fucking surprised. The sting of Saint’s hand resounded right through to my core but it was nothing to the second time his hand slammed against my flesh. The bite of pain made me gasp but a burning sweetness followed, driving up between my legs and hell it felt so good, I started panting.

Saint flipped my skirt back down to cover my no doubt reddened ass cheeks then pulled me upright. I scrambled back onto my feet, pushing my hair back out of my face, unsure what the fuck to do with myself. I was flustered and hot, humiliated and turned on all at once.

What the hell just happened? And why did I like it?

Saint stood from his chair so suddenly that it clattered down onto the floor. I fell into his shadow and he gazed down his nose at me, his eyes hardening like frost. “You talk to me like that again and you’re gonna get spanked. Every. Time. Until you learn. Do you understand me?”

My lips parted wordlessly. My ass was still burning from the clap of his palm and my body was starting to ache with need.

“Got it,” I breathed, faking a lip quiver so he’d think I was scared. But I was sure I was going to misbehave again. Like soon. Real soon. Because shit, apparently I liked being spanked. But I wasn’t gonna let him know it, or he’d make sure to never do it again. And if that was how he decided to punish me going forward, then I was gonna be bad more often.

“Saint Memphis!” a booming voice made my heart lurch and I turned towards the front door as Headmaster Brown threw it open and strode into The Temple. Which, from the furious look on Saint’s face, was not acceptable. Brown pointed an accusing finger at him, striding forward at a fierce pace. “You’ve gone too far this time, boy!”

Kyan and Blake were on their feet in less than a second and the three of them swept forward to intercept the Headmaster.

My heart pounded excitedly in my chest. I was about to see the shady bunch get put in their box at last!

“What can I help you with, sir?” Saint asked, a dangerous edge to his tone that was almost imperceptible.

“You know exactly why I’m here,” Brown snarled.

I drifted closer, drawn by the drama while hoping Brown was about to toss them all in detention for the rest of the year.

Saint folded his arms and the three of them shared looks of confused innocence.

“No, actually,” Saint said icily. “I’m very unclear as to why you barged into my home without an invite, sir.” His tone was totally lacking in respect and as Brown glared between the three of them, I could tell who had the real power in this room. But surely they had to listen to the Headmaster even if they didn’t want to?

“Unclear huh?” Brown growled. “Well let me make this a whole lot clearer. Last night, someone or someones-” He glared between all three guys. “-broke into the storage parlour and took not only most of the food supplies, but all of the toilet paper too.”

“Well I do hope you catch the culprit, sir,” Kyan said, rubbing his thumb against the corner of his mouth to hide his smirk.

“You are the culprits!” Brown roared and not one of them flinched. In fact, Blake even yawned, heading away and leaning back against the couch, clearly done with the conversation.

Brown’s finger swung towards the huge toilet paper throne beside the stained glass window. “What is that then, huh? Are you going to accuse me of being delusional as well as stupid?”

Saint pressed his shoulders back, emphasising the inches of height he had on Brown and to his credit, the Headmaster didn’t even balk. “I’ve had that toilet paper throne for ages, haven’t I guys?”

“Ages,” Kyan and Blake agreed then Saint shot me a look over his shoulder, beckoning me closer.

Kyan circled around to herd me into the conversation, sliding his hand into mine and keeping me close. “Tatum will tell you.”

Brown was turning a nasty shade of red as his eyes swung to me and my throat thickened. Lying straight to the headmaster’s face was just another way for the Night Keepers to control me. They were gonna take me down with them if this went south. But what choice did I have?

“Ages,” I agreed and Brown shook his head with a snarl.

“You’d better put every last item back by the end of the day, or so help me Mr Memphis, I’ll-”

“You’ll what?” Saint strode forward until he was nose to nose with Brown. My heart clenched at the danger in his tone and I instinctively squeezed Kyan’s fingers, drawing his eyes to me. But I couldn’t look away from the headmaster. I could sense Saint’s threat everywhere, my body was alive with it. But Brown didn’t seem to notice. There was a power in the Night Keepers which lingered on the air at all times but when they unleashed it in full force it was totally captivating, enthralling and damn terrifying too.

Brown lifted a finger to point in Saint’s face and a ripple of tension passed through the three of them. They were connected in that moment, unified against him. And I knew the feeling.

“I’ll call your father, how about that?” Brown hissed. “Let’s see what Governor Memphis has to say about his son acting like a spoiled brat who was never taught to share.”

Saint suddenly grabbed hold of Brown’s extended finger, bending it backwards so hard I gasped in horror. Brown roared in anger and pain, stumbling back as he tried to get free of him. “Firstly, never, ever point your grubby little fingers in my face,” Saint snarled, twisting Brown’s finger sharply so he cried out once more. “And secondly, what do you think the most powerful man in the state would do to someone who called his son a liar?”

My jaw dropped as Brown yelped once more, our headmaster sweaty and red as he tried and failed to get his finger free of Saint’s grip.

“I imagine well-paid jobs are going to become really rare soon, sir. And with my mother being on the school board, it wouldn’t be hard for her to tug on a few puppet strings,” Saint hissed. “Which side of the wall do you want to be on when society crumbles?”

“You little shit!” Brown yelled and Saint released him with a tsk.

Brown hugged his hand to his chest, trying to get his composure back, but he looked like a far smaller man than he had when he’d walked in. I was shocked into silence as I stood there, having no idea what to do.

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