Home > Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1)(89)

Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1)(89)
Author: Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti

“Nash?” I looked up.

“That’s me.” He shrugged and a smile hooked up my lips. I like it.

“Shouldn’t I give you a code name like Daddy Bear or something?” I teased and he smirked at me, sending a bolt of electricity through my body.

“I’m not gonna dignify that with an answer,” he said, trying to fight away his smile and appear professional, but I didn’t buy it.

More knocking came from outside and I sighed as the air became fraught with tension once more.

“Do what we discussed.” He schooled his expression and I nodded firmly. I could screw with these assholes until their little unit fell apart. I just hated to leave the sanctuary of this place and face reality.

We headed out of the pool room and the air grew colder as we approached the front doors. Saint, Kyan and Blake stood beyond the glass, scowling in at me like reapers come to collect a soul. And I guessed in a way, they had.

Monroe unlocked the door, yanking it open and heading outside.

“Thank fuck for that,” he said, heading past them and striding off in the direction of Maple Lodge where the staff resided.

Saint stalked forward with a menacing look, raising his palm beneath my mouth. “Spit,” he commanded and I half considered actually spitting at him instead of what he wanted. But I didn’t think he’d believe there’d been a miscommunication. I spat my gum into his hand and he tossed it into the bushes, his eyes remaining on me the whole time. “I don’t like gum,” he said simply. “It makes you look like a prom queen from some eighties chick flick.” He turned his back on me, striding away and I glared at his back with venom in my eyes.

Blake’s gaze skipped up and down me then he sneered and headed away. Kyan took my arm like he thought I might run, but there was no point in that. Besides, I was armed with tactics now. Going along with these bastards was just a means to an end. And the end was going to be seriously juicy. I couldn’t wait to sink my teeth into it.

“How was your time with Monroe?” Kyan asked and I felt his eyes on me. It was damn lucky I was a good actress or this plot would have fallen apart already.

I released a sigh of annoyance. “Not much better than living with you assholes. He had me training for most of it. Said something about me competing, though he probably just wants the shiny achievement badge on his own CV.”

Kyan frowned. “If you’re competition level, why not?”

I glanced at him, surprised by him saying that. Then I shook my head. “Nah. I’d have to train with him at least another day a week. Probably at the weekend. And though I thought it would be a break from you jackasses, it’s like being with another freaking Night Keeper.”

Kyan chuckled in a low tone. “Well maybe you should take on that extra day then, baby.”

A smile niggled at the edges of my lips, but I fought it away, hitching on a frown instead and falling quiet.

“You should spar with me one time. If Monroe thinks you’re good, you must be,” he said thoughtfully. Monroe had worked hard to earn the Night Keepers’ respect, and I wondered if his douchebaggery was an act to befriend them or if he was as coldblooded as them sometimes.

“Sure, any excuse to put you on your ass, Kyan.” I fluttered my lashes at him and he smirked.

“The day you put me on my ass is the day you’re riding my cock like a cowgirl.”

I slapped on a look of disgust although I wasn’t wholly offended by that image. The idea of him beneath me moaning my name while I made him beg for release was enough to make my mouth water.

“One Night Keeper was enough for me,” I said airily. “Besides, I doubt you could top Blake if you tried. That guy might be a mean piece of shit, but he fucks like he was put here on earth to do it.”

I swear Kyan actually snarled like an animal as he yanked me against him, throwing his arm over my shoulders in his usual possessive way. He dropped his mouth to my ear, sending a ripple of heat down my spine. “I thought you said you faked it.”

A blush rose in my cheeks and I laughed lightly. “Guess you caught me out. Blake’s got a way with his dick. Some guys have it, some don’t.” I shrugged, knowing the insinuation pissed him off as he tightened his grip on me.

“You can’t compare the three of us, baby. If Blake’s sugar, I’m spice. And Saint is…fucking arsenic.”

I fought a laugh but it escaped me, serving me with a glare from Saint up ahead. He glanced between us with a scowl and I knew he didn’t like it when me and Kyan flirted. Which was all the more reason to do it.

“Have you been practising on each other then?” I asked and Kyan snorted a laugh. Asshole that he was, he at least had a sense of humour. Unlike Lord Coldemort and Sir Hates-a-lot. Although the latter used to have one, but it must have fled his body when he turned into an ice cold prick.

“I don’t fuck guys – but if I did I’d be excellent at it by the way. I could probably share a girl with the other Night Keepers though if the occasion called for it.”

“Right, because there’s always a scenario which calls for that,” I taunted and he smirked, making my mind conjure a lot of images I didn’t wanna let in. I may have had my fair share of one night stands and heated flings, but I couldn’t say I’d done much beyond the standard. I’d had a few outdoor trysts and even one guy who’d liked to give me a little light choking, but I’d never had group sex or used anything more than a vibrator in the bedroom. It hit me that the Night Keepers had probably pushed all the boundaries to try and liven up the monotony of their dull-ass, rich kid lifestyles. Boys like them needed constant entertainment. And they had undeniably gotten some of that entertainment through girls.

“Well you don’t screw girls at school so I guess you’d have trouble finding one you all wanted,” I said lightly like I didn’t care. And I didn’t. Obviously.

Though I tried to ignore the prickling in my skin at the image of them all fucking one girl. Or taking turns with her. Or maybe there’d be several girls and they’d all defile a bedroom together. Or a lounge, or a kitchen, or a hot tub. Or maybe you need to stop picturing that shit this second, Tatum.

“We’re not always on campus, baby. The summers get real long and real fucking boring, not to mention the wildness of spring break next year.”

The image of them all sharing some flashy villa down in Mexico made me grimace. God help the cleaning staff…

“Well I hope you get paid top dollar to satisfy multiple dusty vag at once, Kyan,” I taunted, not letting on that this conversation was weirdly unsettling to me.

His grip around my shoulders firmed, but a low chuckle escaped him. “I could satisfy at least ten dusty vages at once if I wanted. But that would be at the premium rate.”

Another laugh escaped me just as we reached The Temple. Saint and Blake had already headed inside. The cool air was whipping around my bare legs and my skirt fluttered in the breeze.

I lifted my gaze to Kyan’s, slipping out of his hold and giving him a mock curtesy. “Good night, master.” I bit my lower lip and his eyes darkened at the word.

“Don’t call me that. Call me a fuck-up or a piece of shit,” he demanded and I laughed lightly.

“That’s not nearly personal enough for you though, Kyan,” I purred. “You’re a thrill-seeking manwhore who dresses like he’s a roughneck, but he’s really just as fancy as his rich kid friends.”

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