Home > Black Richard's Heart (The MacCulloughs #1)(10)

Black Richard's Heart (The MacCulloughs #1)(10)
Author: Suzan Tisdale

But the beautiful lass sitting near the hearth? God’s teeth but he found Aeschene even more enchanting. Slight she was, he doubted the top of her head would even reach his chin. How would she fare amongst his clan? Would she be able to withstand what was certain to be a most difficult time? Would his clans-people eventually accept her as his wife? As their lady?

He would demand nothing less from them.

The startling realization that he wanted to protect her made his stomach tighten. He had come here with the belief that once he said his peace to Garrin MacRay’s face and the lass saw his, there would be no wedding. But now?

His mind turned traitorous with thoughts of burying his face in her luxurious hair. Of feeling her skin against his, of hearing her soft sighs. Then his mind went back to thoughts of another man in her life.

He didn’t want another man to have her.



“Come,” Black Richard said as he started toward the door.

“Where?” Aeschene asked, unwilling yet to leave the chair.

“With me,” he said as he held his hand out to her. She looked fearful and uncertain. Then he remembered again that she could not see. He went to her, gently took her hand and helped her to her feet. His early assumption had been incorrect. She was even slighter than he had previously thought. The top of her head barely made it to the center of his chest.

Dismissing thoughts of the physical, he took her hand and placed it in the crook of his arm. He felt it tremble with her short intake of breath. Though the question begged to be asked be it fear or excitement that makes ye tremble so, he kept it to himself.

“We have an announcement to make,” he told her. He didn’t know what else to say or do to put her mind at ease. Without uttering another word he led her into the gathering room.

Those who had been sitting jumped to their feet. David, who had been leaning against the hearth, stood to his full height.

Black Richard looked at the faces staring back at him. There was something in Garrin MacRay’s eyes that he could not readily identify. Aye, there was disgust and contempt, but he had the oddest sensation ’twas not directed at him, but at Aeschene. Aeschene’s brother’s faces held the same dark look. However, those were directed entirely at Black Richard.

When he turned his gaze back to Garrin, the hair on the back of his neck stood on end.

“Have ye somethin’ to tell us?” David asked, breaking the silence.

Black Richard glowered back at Garrin. “I will have her and she will have me.”



He will have me.

Aeschene felt her heart flutter with his words. Mayhap ’twas the deep timbre of his voice or the way he held her hand protectively in the crook of his arm, that gave her comfort and hope. No matter the reason, she could deny neither sensation.

Comfort and hope.

How long had it been since she had felt anything other than lonely or less or unworthy?

Nay, she scolded her heart. Ye cannae be thinkin’ that way about a man ye have only just met.

Believing this was nothing more than a lonely heart giving in to that which it desired most, she tried valiantly to push the thought of comfort and hope aside.

For once she was glad she could not see, could not look into his eyes. For there, she knew she would find the cold hard truth of the matter. His agreement to marry her had absolutely not a thing to do with her as a person. Nay, ’twas not more than a means to an end. He was simply marrying her because the king dictated it. While she had given him the choice, they both knew it would only be a matter of time before both clans lost everything.

His sacrifice, she believed, was a glimpse into his heart. Would a monster care what happened to his people? Would a monster give up the chance of marrying someone he loved in order to marry the daughter of his enemy just to secure peace? Nay, she reasoned, a monster would do none of those things.

Were he truly the wicked, cold, black-hearted beast as described in the stories, he would not have even bothered showing up this day. Or, had he braved it, he would have turned around and fled the moment she gave him the choice.

But he did neither of those things. Instead, he chose the most honorable route; he chose her. Only a good man would have.

His promise to never lock her away, to allow her to walk freely about the keep and lands, meant more to her than his promise never to beat her. Aye, she could withstand a beating well enough. ’Twas the thought of being hidden away for the rest of her life that terrified her most. I’d rather be beaten in front of his entire clan than to be forgotten.

Aeschene made a promise to herself then and there. She would be the best wife she could to Black Richard MacCullough. There would be naught she wouldn’t do to be held in his high esteem, to make him like her. To make him forget about all her imperfections and shortcomings.

Love was out of the question; Love was too much to ever hope for.



Just when he had made his mind up to marry her, he couldn’t rightly say. But made it he had.

The MacRays did not look happy with the news. Black Richard wasn’t certain if David had told any of them that he had given Aeschene a choice. At the moment, he didn’t care. She was going to be his wife. Just seeing the look of fury in Garrin MacRay’s eyes was enough to help cement his decision. Garrin’s fury was an added bonus.

Her mother wept quietly as she sat in the corner. Murderous rage could be seen in the eyes of Garrin and his sons.

David, however, looked pleased. To one of his men he said, “Fetch the priest.”

He told himself his decision was made for the betterment of his clan. For too many years they had been at war with the Chisolms and MacRays. Even though he had successfully wrenched the keep and lands from the hands of his enemies, his clan still suffered. They’d been surviving on little more than a hope and a prayer. The constant raids by the MacRay’s and Farquars did not help matters either. The Chisolms had been eerily quiet since he’d won his lands back from them. Deep down he knew they’d not remain quiet for much longer.

Nay, ’twas a logical decision to make. Marry the MacRay lass and stop the border raids from at least one of his enemies.

The fact that she was beautiful and made his fingers all but itch with desire had nothing to do with his decision.

Nay, he was doing this for his clan.



While the MacRay men cursed and railed against the union, Black Richard went outside to gather Lachlan and the rest of his men to act as witnesses. He left Aeschene standing next to the hearth and was gone naught but a few moments.

When he returned, the first thing he noticed was Aeschene. She was were right where he had left her in the corner near the hearth. Clinging to a young woman he assumed was her maid, the color drained from her face, Aeschene looked horrified and terrified all at once.

The instinct to protect kicked in. He reached her in a few quick strides. “Are ye well, lass?”

She swallowed back tears and nodded her head, but he was not convinced.

Marisse leaned in and spoke low, so only he could hear. “Ye see, her da—”

Aeschene silenced her, “Me da is upset. Naught more, Marisse.”

He had a sneaking suspicion there was more to it than just Garrin MacRay being upset. Before he could ask on it, he heard collective gasps coming from his men, who had just approached the trio. Aeschene burned crimson from head to toe, but Marisse? She rolled her eyes as if gaping mouthed, wide-eyed men were an everyday occurrence. And one she found quite annoying.

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