Home > Black Richard's Heart (The MacCulloughs #1)(91)

Black Richard's Heart (The MacCulloughs #1)(91)
Author: Suzan Tisdale

“Terms of the ransom or terms of war?” she asked, knowing full well the Chisolm had set up camp at their eastern border.

He stammered for a brief moment before answering. “He did nae say, m’lady.”

Aeschene’s imagination began to run rampant. More likely than not, Randall Chisolm’s demand that she meet with him in person was nothing more than a very vain man flexing his muscles, to show her that he had the upper hand. As most women learn sooner or later, ’tis often best to allow a man to think his ideas or opinions were their own and not grown from any carefully planted seed by his wife, mother, or sister.

“What is yer name?”

“Gerold, m’lady. Gerold Chisolm.”

She gave a curt nod and said, “Gerold, tell yer laird I shall meet him at his encampment. I shall be there by nightfall. Lachlan, please see to it that this young man is escorted safely to the border.”

Thankfully, the men kept quiet until the door closed behind Gerold Chisolm.



As soon as the door closed, the warriors made their opinions of the Chisolms and the message well known. They were adamantly opposed to the idea of Aeschene getting anywhere near the Chisolm or his encampment. ’Tis far too dangerous. He cannae be trusted. He is mad!

Aeschene was silent for a long moment, giving the men plenty of time to give voice to their thoughts on the matter. ‘Twasn’t until they began repeating themselves that she stepped in. “I ken ye are all concerned for my safety,” she said, raising her voice to be heard over the din. “Lachlan, please take me to Richard’s study.”

There was very little time to waste discussing the matter. She also wanted a quiet place to plan their next move. Lachlan put her hand in the crook of his arm and led her out of the gathering room. Marisse and Keevah were following right behind.

“Ye cannae mean to meet with him,” Lachlan said as they walked the long corridor.

“Of course she does nae plan to,” Marisse answered on her behalf. “’Tis far too dangerous.”

Keevah had to agree. “’Tis a trap, to be certain.”

Lachlan entered the study first and began lighting candles. Once there was sufficient light, he told the women to enter. Marisse helped Aeschene into Richard’s chair behind his desk, while she and Keevah sat in the two chairs in front of it.

Lachlan was busy lighting a fire in the hearth. Even after the flames roared to life, he continued to poke at it with the heavy iron poker.

“So, what is our plan?” Marisse asked when she could take the silence no longer.

Aeschene had been trying to think of the best plan of action. If she refused to meet with the Chisolm, lord only knew how he might retaliate. If she chose to meet with him, she was not only putting her own life in danger, but also that of her unborn child.

“No matter what I do, there will be risks,” she said.

“I dunnae ken why we cannae just attack them,” Keevah said. “They have already set up camp along the border.”

Marisse liked that particular idea and told her so.

“Nay,” Aeschene interjected. “The Chisolms outnumber us four to one. I seriously doubt he was foolish enough to bring all of his men with him.”

Marisse and Keevah considered that for a long moment.

“Were I the Chisolm,” Marisse began, “I would put my men in groups all along the border, well-hidden of course. And as soon as we were attacked, I would bring those men out of hiding…” her words trailed off as she thought of the potential outcome of such a plan.

“The problem is we are nae at war,” Aeschene reminded them. “At least nae in the typical sense. Randall Chisolm wants something other than coin, of that we can be certain.”

Lachlan finally turned to face the women. “He wants the complete annihilation of our people.”

All three women turned to look at him.

“Not only does he want our land and holdings, he wants to destroy us.”

Aeschene carefully considered Lachlan’s words and knew, unequivocally, that he was right. ’Twas then that an idea popped into her mind. One that if executed correctly, would allow them to turn the tables on Randall Chisolm.

“Lachlan, have we received any further word from the McDunnah or MacDougalls?” she asked.

He glanced at Marisse and Keevah and knew immediately that they hadn’t any idea to what Aeschene was referring. He cleared his throat before answering. “Aye, we have.”

“The McDunnah? The MacDougalls?” Marisse asked, thoroughly confused.

“If ye remember, Richard was to have left a few days ago, to meet with several clan chiefs, at Caelen McDunnah’s holding,” Aeschene said.

Marisse’s eyes grew wide. “I had forgotten all about that,” she admitted.

Lachlan came around the desk to stand next to Aeschene. “As soon as we realized Richard, Colyne, and Rory had been taken, we sent messengers to the McDunnah keep, asking for assistance from any and all who could offer it.”

“Why did ye nae tell me?” Marisse asked, her brow knitted into a hard line.

Aeschene let out a quick breath before answering. “We had to be exceedingly careful in our planning,” she told her. “We could nae risk word getting back to the Chisolm. Everything has been done in secret. Besides, we were nae sure if they would be able to help.”

“But, Aeschene, I am yer best friend. Certainly ye dinnae think I would tell anyone.”

Aeschene smiled at her. “Of course nae. But I could nae risk anyone over hearin’ our plans.”

She was only slightly mollified by her reasons. Looking up to Lachlan, she said, “And what was their response?”

“The McDunnah and Angus McKenna have sent word they will help,” Lachlan told her.

“Who is Angus McKenna?” Keevah asked.

Lachlan sat on the edge of the desk. “He is the chief of Clan MacDougall. Richard went to foster with them as a boy. He stayed on with them until the Chisolms attacked us the first time. Angus thinks of Richard as another son.”

“They will help us then?” Aeschene asked for clarification.

“Aye, they simply await word from us,” Lachlan answered.

Hope began to flutter in her heart. “How long will it take them to get here?”

“They have already left.”



Chapter Twenty-Eight



Aeschene would not be deterred from her mission. She was going to see her husband, brother-by-law, and friend freed if it was the last thing she ever did. For the last hour, she had carefully presented her plan to her friends and Lachlan. It would require cunning, perfect timing, and a lot of lying.

It took some time, but she finally managed to convince Keevah and Marisse that her plan was a sound one, especially when she explained she would need their assistance.

Lachlan, however, wasn’t so easily persuaded. “Ye’re mad,” he exclaimed as he raked a hand through his hair. “All of ye are mad!”

“Mayhap he is right,” Aeschene said, trying to sound contrite for even making the suggestion.

Marisse and Keevah picked up her subtle cue immediately and pretended to agree. “Aye, mayhap he is,” Keevah said.

“Mayhap we should just leave the planning’ to the menfolk,” Marisse offered. “After all, they are the stronger sex. And smarter, too.”

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