Home > The SEAL's Surprise Son (The Admiral's Seals, #1)(27)

The SEAL's Surprise Son (The Admiral's Seals, #1)(27)
Author: Leslie North

He could have said something to Carolyn over breakfast that morning, but he hadn’t known what to do. He was upset with her for putting herself in danger. He couldn’t deny that, but suggesting she was anything like his mother was beyond the pale. He only hoped she would forgive him, even if it meant groveling. He’d do it. Being on the outside of her and Austin’s life was no place to be.

He grabbed his phone off the seat next to him when it rang, hoping it was Carolyn. Disappointment hit him when he saw Steve’s name on his screen.

“Hey, Steve,” he answered as he turned onto Carolyn’s street.

“I’ve got some new intel on that name you gave me. Dale Huntly,” Steve reported.

“Yeah, what?” Zach had filled Steve in about any possible lead, including the history with the Huntly family. A little digging around had netted that the son’s name was Dale.

“Dale Huntly works for All That Sparkles’ IT company. He’s been there for about nine months. Records show that he helped install tech at the store, and he had access to their email and other accounts. Strange coincidence, if you ask me.”

It could be a coincidence, but Zach was sure it wasn’t. This was connected to Carolyn’s problems. He could feel it in his bones. “Can you tell if Huntly sent those fake emails?”

“I’m unraveling that as we speak. It took some work, since he pinged it off other IP addresses to cover his tracks, but I’ll get to the bottom of the rabbit hole.”

“We’ll need proof.” Zach had to have documentation he could take to the police, something that would get their attention and make a criminal case against this guy stick.

“This isn’t my first rodeo,” Steve replied. “I know what we need. Probably take me another twenty-four hours.”

“Thanks. I owe you.” While they’d talked, Zach had turned into Carolyn’s driveway. The garage door was down, which wasn’t unusual, but no lights were on in the house. She’d said she would be home by now after speaking with the insurance adjuster.

He got out of the car, fingering her house key in his pocket. He’d refused to use it earlier, a decision he regretted along with everything that had happened between them the past day. All his fault. She had chosen to go to Huntly’s house but had turned around, exactly as she should have. His reaction, his fear of losing her, had come out in his words to her.

He’d never been good at managing his emotions, ruthlessly suppressing them instead, but he’d been unable to do that when his panic over the mere idea of Carolyn being hurt had hit him square in the chest. He’d lashed out where she was most vulnerable, not for a second considering her life had been turned upside down by the threats against the business and the recent fire. Instead of supporting her as he should have, he’d added to her troubles.

The Admiral would be disappointed in him, he acknowledged. He was disappointed in himself. And worried since she didn’t appear to be home yet. He weighed his options, deciding quickly to use his key and go inside. He paused to listen after the door swung open. No sounds. If Austin was awake, there was constant chatter. Zach moved into the kitchen, looking around. Carolyn’s purse wasn’t on the counter, nor was the bag she carried for Austin.

They weren’t home, which compounded the feeling in his gut that this mission had gone sideways. He took a quick look through the house for any signs of a disturbance or struggle but found nothing.

He pulled out his phone and dialed Carolyn’s number. After four rings, it beeped and went to voicemail. He left a message for her to call him as soon as she could.

Something was wrong. She kept her phone on her and always answered, out of concern for Austin. She could be angry with him and refuse to take his call, but she wasn’t petty like that. His every instinct was on high alert. He scrolled through his contacts, pressing the button for Carolyn’s mother.

“Hello, Faith. Is Carolyn there?” He was being barely polite, but his concern was overriding everything else.

“Not yet,” Faith replied, sounding surprised at his question. “She was dealing with the insurance at the store. Austin’s with me, though. Do you want to say hi to him?”

He did want to talk to his son and hold him, but he needed to know Austin’s mother was safe first. “Kiss him for me,” he said. “Are you sure you haven’t heard from Carolyn?”

“Stop worrying, Zach. She just got held up at the store. Insurance issues always take longer than you think they will.”

“Where’s Charlotte?” His concern shifted to include Carolyn’s sister, who had nearly been killed in the fire. She was a potential target as well. They all were.

“Here with me. What’s got you so worked up?” Faith asked.

“Lock your doors and stay there. Inside,” he commanded. “One of my brothers will be over soon to protect you.” He hung up before she could object or demand an explanation.

The store was the logical place for Carolyn to be and the first place he needed to look. He jogged back to his car, gunning the engine on the quiet street. He called Colin first, instructing him to go to Faith’s house. He followed that with a call to Alex, telling him to meet him at All That Sparkles. His brothers didn’t ask questions. He could count on their help no matter the situation they were walking into.






Carolyn backed away, bumping into the remains of a display case. She held her hands away from her body while her mind plotted her possible actions. Running wouldn’t work. He held the gun, and it was a tight space. A bullet would hit her before she could get down the hall to the office. Talking him down didn’t seem like an option either, since his hatred appeared boundless.

Her only choice was to fight. She’d spent hours in martial arts classes as a kid and teen, working her way up through the gradings until she received a black belt at seventeen. She’d been trained never to attack except in self-defense, which described this situation precisely. The gun he held on her was the first thing she had to deal with. And then him.

“Maybe we can find some other way,” she said as she subtly moved her feet to improve her stance. Thank goodness she’d worn flats and her dress had a full skirt. She’d have the freedom of movement she needed. “I could pay you compensation.”

“With what?” He chuckled maniacally. “Your business is on the ropes.”

“The safe’s full of jewels,” she countered. “I could open it, and you can take your pick. Take it all.” She’d tempted him. She could see that by the greedy gleam in his eyes, but he didn’t look away as she’d hoped he might, giving her the opportunity to strike.

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Watching me get picked up by the police when I tried to pawn some fat diamond. No, there’s only one way this is going to end. You’re going to die here in the store your family stole from mine. The ultimate revenge. I wish my mother could see this moment, see the destruction I caused. The fire was so beautiful. Even the smell of the ashes”—he drew in a breath—“is sweet. She’d be so proud of me. I got revenge for all the wrongs your family caused.” He stared straight at her as he spoke. The gruesome satisfaction she saw in his eyes terrified her, but she fought to stay calm.

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