Home > The Punk and the Plaything (When Rivals Play #3)(14)

The Punk and the Plaything (When Rivals Play #3)(14)
Author: B.B. Reid

Before he could elaborate, Aunt Evelyn drifted into the foyer with a questioning look until she noticed me standing there. Panic replaced her confusion as she quickly closed her robe. Was she fucking kidding?

“Jamie, honey, what are you doing here?”

“What are you doing?”

“I was just—I—”

“You should know,” I said, cutting her off before she could insult my intelligence, “your son is probably on his way over here as we speak.” I made sure to make eye contact with them both when I mentioned Ever. “You need to leave,” I told Sean when he continued to stand there.

His only response was to cross his arms over his chest as he stared me down. “Maybe it’s time he met me.”

“You mean after you’ve been absent from his life for eighteen fucking years? Sorry, but he’s not interested.”

Okay, I had no right to speak for Ever, but I couldn’t help my need to protect him. Ever was more than just my cousin; he was my best friend, and instinct was screaming at me not to trust his douchebag father. Thirty years ago, Sean Kelly set off a chain of events that led us all here, and now he’s back to stir up more trouble.

He grinned as if I’d just told a joke, but his tone was wistful when he spoke. “Goddamn, boy, you remind me of your father. He was a nosy shit, too.”

I took a step forward, ready to deliver the ass-kicking of the century, and probably get my ass handed to me too, when Aunt Evelyn intervened.

“Okay, Sean. It’s time for you to go.” She pushed him toward the door, and he let her.

“We’ll continue our discussion later,” he warned her when he was over the threshold.

“No the fuck you won’t,” I snarled before slamming the door in his face. Locking it, I rounded on the tiny woman who had caused so much confusion and pain and waited for her to explain.

“It’s not what it looks like.”

“I think it is. Did you sleep with him?”

“That’s none of your business, Jameson!”

She had a fierce look in her eye that warned me not to push. I’d never seen her this angry before. It was too bad I didn’t give a shit.

“You did, didn’t you?” I prodded. “You actually slept with him in the house my uncle, your wedded husband, is paying for.”

“It’s complicated, Jamie.”

“Nothing is ever that complicated.”

Reaching up, I thought she’d slap me, but she cupped my cheek instead. “Then you haven’t yet experienced real life, my darling. I’d pray you never do, but I know it would be in vain.”

My hands shook as my frustration surged to an all-time high. I wanted to reach for the smokes burning a hole in my pocket, but I refrained. “Why did you leave?” I blurted, causing her hand to fall. “Was it really that bad?”

“I can’t discuss that with you, Jamie, but I want you to know that I had the best intentions.”

Suddenly, I recalled Lou’s cynical view that no one truly knows what’s best for you other than yourself. I was starting to agree with her. Look at the havoc we often wreak on one another in the name of love. For some reason, my mind drifted to Bee before I shook my head. I couldn’t think about her right now.

“You nearly destroyed them,” I announced, refusing to beat around the bush. “I don’t know what’s keeping Unc together, but if it weren’t for Four, Ever would still be a shell. He wasn’t the same after you left. He thinks he drove you away.”

I didn’t miss Evelyn’s subtle eye roll at the mention of Four, but her next words kept me from calling her out on it.

“Ever is what’s keeping Thomas together.”

I nodded, accepting her answer. Blood or no blood, Uncle Thomas loved Ever as if he were his own. “Maybe, but he needs his wife.”

Turning her nose up, she headed for the kitchen. “Seems like he’s moved on just fine to me.”

My gaze narrowed on her retreating back. “Is that what this is… you’re jealous?”

She didn’t answer me as she filled a tea kettle with water.

“Aunt Evelyn,” I said with more bass in my tone than proper etiquette allowed.

“Jamie, you already have so much to worry about. This is between Thomas and me.” Meeting my gaze, she forced a smile. “I hear you’re heading to Penn this fall.”

I flinched at the reminder. It was a well-kept secret that I was attending the Ivy League after graduation. With an expulsion on my record, I didn’t even want to know how much my uncle had to donate to make that happen. Even with a prestigious degree in hand, I wasn’t convinced I’d have it easy in corporate America. No matter how savvy my brain or how big the boardroom I commanded, all anyone would ever see was some arrogant punk with too many tattoos under the expensive suit. A part of me had hoped they would get me out of my duty, but the only other eligible heir was my seven-year-old siblings.

Regardless, I was resigned to my fate. It wasn’t like I had any other options. My future had been mapped out long before I could even begin to have dreams, so whenever Thomas deemed me ready, I would take over as head of the family… and overseer of our billion-dollar fortune. It was the real reason I was shipped back to the States, after all, while my mother and siblings stayed behind in Ireland.

The stipulations put in place when NaMara was founded nearly a century ago required a blood heir to assume the helm. Naturally, anyone would assume Ever, as Thomas’s sole heir, would take over the role, but Ever wasn’t a McNamara. He was a Kelly.

And soon, the well-kept secret would unravel.

Ironically, I was envious of him. I didn’t exactly relish the idea of being responsible for an entire clan, most of whom I’d never even met. Every decision I made henceforth would affect entire generations. Acting in my best interest would be a thing of the past.

Minutes later, I was scarfing down the turkey sandwich Aunt Evelyn made when the front door opened, and Ever stormed inside with a duffel and a look to kill.

“Unc kicked you out, huh?”

Evelyn immediately rushed over to her son, but he stepped away when she tried to touch him. The cold look he gave her made me shake my head. It was hard to believe he was the same person who risked his life to bring her home. Now that she’d finally returned, he wanted nothing to do with her.

“Dad said I have to stay here.”

It was the only explanation he gave before charging up the stairs. I didn’t need to ask why he’d been kicked out, but I doubt he’d enlighten his mother.

“A word of advice,” I said as I stood to leave. “Stop pretending as if everything is back to normal. You left them to fend for themselves. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to explain yourself.”


The next morning, I was alone in the kitchen, shoveling eggs down my throat when Four stomped in wearing her school uniform. I tried not to admire how great her legs looked in that skirt. I’d only end up picturing Bee’s much longer ones wrapped around my neck anyway.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Her nostrils flared a little, making it clear she was in a foul mood and looking for a fight.

Deciding not to tease her, I shrugged. “Just impressed you’re still here and not over at Aunt Evelyn’s by now.”

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