Home > The Punk and the Plaything (When Rivals Play #3)(5)

The Punk and the Plaything (When Rivals Play #3)(5)
Author: B.B. Reid

“I don’t think this is what they meant.”

A small smile was Four’s only response, and despite the fact that I felt weird about it, I gave her a hesitant smile back as I accepted the ring. I had the feeling this wasn’t going to end well for anyone.

“Trouble with your future in-laws?” Four jested, jerking me back to the present as we climbed inside Ever’s truck.

Ever gave her a look that said, “Not now,” and I concurred as I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. Feeling someone watching me, I popped them open seconds later and found Four leaning around her seat in the front.

“Are you okay?” The furrow between her brows made me think her concern was genuine. Since we didn’t know each other all that well, I wasn’t ready to get my hopes up that we could be friends. I was fake dating her boyfriend while she hid in the shadows as his dirty little secret. How could I ever expect her to get past that?

“I’m fine.” It was obvious she wasn’t convinced when she continued to stare. “Do you really care?” I asked after a few seconds passed, and I begin to squirm.

Shrugging, she turned to face forward. “I don’t have to if you prefer.”

I was grateful she was no longer watching me when I felt a smile tugging at my lips. I didn’t want to like Four, but I did. I couldn’t help myself. Four was everything I wished I could be again, and if I could have met her years ago, I would have gladly traded the guys for her. Regret shoved aside my envy, but before I could apologize, Ever sighed loudly, shutting us both up. The truck was silent for the remainder of the ride.

When we arrived at Vaughn’s, I sat up abruptly, seeing the red Jeep parked in the driveway. I looked to Ever and found him already watching me over his shoulder.

“We can leave if you’re not comfortable.”

Yes! Leave! That was an option. Why hadn’t I thought of that?

Some long-forgotten cord in my chest tightened at the thought of seeing Jamie. Each time was like the first—a lot of panic and anticipation. Jamie’s moods were as unpredictable as his intentions, so I was always on my toes.

I bet he’d rather you be on your knees.

I felt my fists ball as my chin lifted. I didn’t want or need Jamie’s mercy. We both knew who still had the upper hand anyway. “It’s fine.” It would be a cold day in hell before I let Jameson Buchanan run me off. When I ran, it would be my choice.

I climbed out of the truck, and they followed. Ever rang the doorbell, and Vaughn answered, looking us over before rubbing his brow. That was his tell when he was agitated, so I knew Jamie must have been in rare form today.

Squaring my shoulders, I was the first to step inside, and while it was probably rude, I didn’t wait for Vaughn to show me the way. I needed to do this on my own.

Following the voices, I made my way to the kitchen and paused in the entryway. It was only seconds before my bravado faded. Wren, Lou, Tyra, and Jamie were standing around a huge breakfast spread, and each one of their smiles faded away the moment they saw me. The only one who didn’t seem surprised was Jamie.

I shook away the crushing feeling at their reactions and plastered on a gracious smile. My mom once made me practice it for hours in the mirror until I got it right. I should have been used to being unwanted. A guilty pang shot through me because that hadn’t always been the case. Against my will, my gaze traveled to Jamie. Those brown eyes of his immediately pulled me in, so I looked away before I could fall too deep.

Jamie’s snort drew my gaze back to him. He was sneering now. “Coy doesn’t fit you, Barbette. Although, with a body like yours—”

Thankfully, he didn’t get to finish his train of thought because Lou had pinched his lips shut. She’d actually taken her fingers and forced his lips together. Glancing my way, she winked, and I couldn’t help my small smile. I didn’t need rescuing, although my present circumstances gave a different impression. Still, it was good to know I had backup. Catty women were the norm, and although they were wary of me, I didn’t get that vibe from Four, Lou, or Tyra.

After a few seconds, Wren jealously grabbed Lou’s hand and pulled her away from Jamie. I watched, failing to hide my amusement as he wrapped his arms around her waist and used his hips to press hers against the counter when she squirmed to get free.

Ever, Four, and Vaughn slipped past me into the kitchen and took their seats. The large ceramic island had stools all around, and the only place left was in Jamie’s direct line of sight. I held his gaze as I sat down, and he threw his elbow over the back of his chair, slouching low as he bit his bottom lip. Eyelashes lowered, he looked like he was enjoying dirty porn rather than sharing a meal with seven other people. When I continued to hold his gaze, he blew me a kiss.

Feeling as if he’d brushed his lips against mine, I pressed trembling fingers to my lips. Meeting his gaze again, I saw the playfulness leave his eyes, and in its place, a promise I shouldn’t want him to keep. But so what if I did? It was my little secret.

Finally breaking the connection, he turned to Tyra, who was sitting next to him, spooning eggs onto her plate.

“Tyra, you’re black, right?”

I blinked. Where the hell was he going with this? It was completely random and not to mention unnecessary.

Already used to his antics, she didn’t miss a beat as she continued to fill her plate. “Ask me if the carpet matches the drapes, and I’ll disembowel you right here, Buchanan.”

Jamie snorted and scooped a huge helping of eggs into his mouth. “Give me a fucking break,” he said with a mouthful. “I answered that question thoroughly years ago. Besides…” He swallowed this time before saying, “I already know you’re as bald as a baby’s ass.”

Everyone looked shocked and a little disturbed while my eyes narrowed on him. He wouldn’t meet my gaze, which only confirmed my suspicions. Rather than getting to me, I’d gotten to him, and just like a child who didn’t get their way, he was acting out.

“How the fuck do you know that?” Vaughn roared, breaking the stunned silence.

Jamie’s smile was small as he methodically slathered cream cheese on a bagel, perfectly content to leave us in suspense. Eventually, he winked, but I still wasn’t sure if it was because he was teasing or confirming what we were all thinking. “Saw the reminder for her wax appointment on her phone.”

Everyone seemed to release a collective breath—everyone except Tyra.

“You guys actually think I fucked him?” she screamed.

“Jamie can be persuasive,” Four muttered guiltily. Tyra rolled her eyes, but it was Ever’s scowl that stole the show.

“How persuasive?” he demanded.

I was taken aback at the possession in Ever’s tone. I still remembered him as the kid who was a little too carefree, never caring about the consequences of his actions or the long term. He’d lived for the now. I’d need my fingers and toes to count how many times he’d come close to death—and jail.

We all watched Four woo Ever with a kiss that melted him instantly. Jamie was the only one who wasn’t moved at their display of affection. I watched from the corner of my eye as he watched me instead. I knew he was waiting for my reaction, for me to scream, and to play the role of a scorned lover. Instead, I made a show of examining my fresh manicure.

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