Home > Cozy (Cozy #1)(11)

Cozy (Cozy #1)(11)
Author: Alexa Riley

I turn around to glare at him but he has an eyebrow raised and he’s smirking. “Rest assured, it wasn’t Miss Pippa we heard.”

My face heats as I turn away from him and go back to the axe. I knew I was enthusiastic last night but I had no idea I’d been so…vocal. I didn’t mean for it to happen. I just couldn’t help myself.

“It doesn’t matter,” I mumble and swing the axe again.

“I think you’ll find that the lady of the house doesn't agree with you.”

She was wrapped around me so tight this morning when I woke up I wasn’t sure where she ended and I began. Warmth went to parts of my body I didn’t know were still alive and all I could think about was keeping her. Then the thought of her leaving in just two days washed over me like a cold shower and I had to get out of there. I couldn’t pretend to play house with someone that would never stay with me. It’s not like I could ask her to give up civilization for this life I lead out here in the middle of nowhere. As much as I want her, I can’t pretend that she’s mine.

“She’s not the lady of the house.” The words taste like dirt in my mouth. “She’s a guest and nothing more. She’ll be gone the day after tomorrow.”

Simon sighs and I can feel his eyes on my back as I ignore him. I think about last night and what I did to her. The thoughts flash in front of me and they’re brighter than the sun. I’m blinded by images of Pippa standing above me dripping wet with her soft pussy in my mouth. The tang of her juices on my tongue as she came apart in my arms. It hits me so hard I have to squeeze my eyes shut to try and ignore them. But it’s useless.

“Miss Pippa has left.”

I swing around so fast that I almost trip over my own feet. “What?” The word echoes through the trees, and before I can wait on Simon to tell me why, I’m in motion.

“There was a mix-up with the floral deliveries and she was asked to go directly to the shop without delay.”

“And you just let her leave?” I roar. I curse myself for being so far out in the woods instead of closer to the castle. “She was supposed to stay on the property the whole time. That was the deal!”

“She did spend a great deal of time waiting for you to come back to the castle before she left.”

His words are like salt in the wound and I grit my teeth. “I can’t believe you let her go.”

“If I recall, I wasn’t the one who snuck out on her at first light.”

When I turn around to face Simon, I’m ready to knock his ass to the ground. But the stern look in his eyes anchors me in place and the feeling of father and son passes between us. He might not be my biological father, but Simon is the last tie I have to my parents and I know he cares for me. He looks out for me like a father would and I respect him. It’s the reason I let him so close to me and allow him to run the place. He has my best interest at heart, so even though his words sting, they aren’t wrong. There’s no use denying it and we both know it.

“I…” I open my mouth to say something, but how do I even begin to defend my actions? I let out a deep breath and he steps closer.

“I made sure Celia went with her. They should be back in a couple of hours.” I feel his hand squeeze my arm and I nod. “I think you should go and get cleaned up, and while you do, think of something nice to do for her.”

“Like what?” I sound defeated even to my own ears.

“You’ll think of something.” He gives me a soft smile before he walks away towards the castle.

How do I apologize for leaving her bed after what we did last night? I’m not good with words and Simon knows it. That’s why he’s telling me to think of something I can do. I wrack my brain as I go inside and already I can feel that the castle is different.

She’s done something in the short amount of time she’s been here and I can’t put my finger on it. Pippa has a light around her that makes these stone walls feel warm and loved. Is that why I don’t want her to leave, because she’ll take the feeling with her? Or is it because she’ll take the feeling from me?

As I climb the stairs to my room I think about how she’s changed me and shaped a future I never thought possible. Thoughts of her and a life together form and suddenly I know exactly what to do.



Chapter 12






“He’s going to be pissed.” Celia sighs from the passenger seat of my car and my hand wraps around the steering wheel tighter.

He’s going to be pissed? I’m the one that’s pissed. I never get mad but it’s been a crappy day. From the moment I opened my eyes and found Timber gone, it’s been one thing after another making my day worse and worse.

“I don’t care,” I snip, letting my anger get the better of me. “Sorry,” I add quickly.

This isn't her fault. She got volunteered by Simon to come with me when he saw I was leaving. The flowers had to be handled and the stupid internet was knocked out in the storm last night. I couldn't get any of the pictures they were trying to send me to load, so I said I would go see them in person.

I needed to get out of the castle anyway. Every second that I sat there and Timber didn’t come for me, the more upset I got. If I wasn't there then he couldn't find me and I wouldn't have to think about how he wasn’t even trying to. I refuse to chase that man. He willingly got out of bed this morning and left me alone after he all but demanded I never run from him again the night before. What a jerk. He doesn’t make any sense. I was so sure he’d be there in the morning and it hurt when I saw how wrong I was.

What I hadn’t counted on today when I left was another small storm and a nail in my tire. Not to mention the flowers look horrible. I had to cancel the whole order and now I have none. I don’t know what I’m going to do but I have to figure it out. I won’t let my sister down. I need to get it together because all I want to do right now is cry. I have to focus on the anger but I think I might be one of those people who cry when they get mad.

“Take a deep breath, honey. You got this.” I nod in agreement at Celia’s encouragement. I can do this. I couldn't change a flat tire but I can deal with some flowers.

I tried with all my might to get that damn tire off but it didn’t budge. I’m so thankful some nice man stopped and helped us because my phone was dead and Celia hadn’t brought hers.

I loosen my hold on the wheel and my hands still ache from the tire iron. I didn't know changing a tire would be so hard, but those stupid bolts were stuck. The man changed the tire in only a few minutes but not until I’d spent an hour trying in the pouring rain.

The gate to the castle opens before we even get to it. I pull up the long gravel driveway just glad to be back home. Okay. Not home, but where I’m living for now. I see Timber pacing back and forth until he spots my car. Then he’s stalking out into the driveway and blocking the path for me to pull around to the side. Fine. I’ll park right out front I guess.

“Just remember he’s all bark,” Celia says out the side of her mouth, but I’m not sure if she believes her own words judging by the look on her face.

Timber looks more than pissed, he looks livid. “I’m not scared of him.” I throw my car into park and he’s at my door pulling it open.

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