Home > Love In The Mix (Love Series #3)(8)

Love In The Mix (Love Series #3)(8)
Author: Lucy Darling

Her eyes are closed. Her breasts rise and fall with her breathing. Her skirt is all bunched up around her waist. She’s out like a light. I pull the skirt from her, tossing it to the floor. I smile as I pick her up, moving her to the center of the bed and pulling the blankets over her. I brush my lips across hers before I head into the bathroom to clean myself. My cock is still hard even though I came while I ate her cunt.

Finding some sweatpants, I slip them on, crawling into bed with her and pulling her into my arms. She cuddles into me, resting her head on my chest. The hollow ache that was once there is long gone. I close my eyes, breathing her sweet smell in. For the first time in forever, my mind settles and I find peace knowing it’s her that has given it to me. Sleep finally comes to me while I hold my one.








I snuggle deeper into the warmth around me, never wanting to get up again. My alarm hasn't gone off yet. I’m not moving an inch until it does. As if on cue, it starts to sound. The bed under me moves, causing my eyes to fly open once I realize that I’m not lying in my bed but on top of a man. His arm is reaching out to grab my phone off the nightstand. He clears the alarm and sets my phone back down.

“Sean?” I close my eyes and open them again to make sure that I’m not dreaming.

“Morning, cupcake.” He kisses the top of my head, then lies back down, making himself comfortable again.

“I’m naked.” I state the obvious.

“Trust me. I’m aware.” I try to sit up, but his arm is wrapped around me, holding me in place. He reluctantly frees me. I take the blanket with me to cover my breasts. Which is dumb because the man has seen every part of me at this point.

The time for being shy was before he ate me as if he was starving. Thinking about last night has me clenching my thighs together. It was intense. No, it was much more than that. It was unreal. I had no idea I could come that hard or that much in one night.

“I have to get to work.”

“I don’t want you to go.” He sits up, pulling me into him. His mouth comes down onto mine as he kisses me deeply. I don’t want to go to work either, but I have no choice.

“I own the place. I kind of have to go. If I don’t make the goodies there won’t be any for the customers.” If I would have known this was going to happen, I could have planned for one of the girls I’ve been training to cover for me, but Sean came out of nowhere.

Okay, maybe he didn't come out of nowhere since I basically went looking for him. So what that I’ve been lightly stalking him for a few months? I didn’t anticipate that he’d be all over me the minute we laid eyes on each other. All of this still feels unreal. It’s hard for me to even wrap my mind around it. Everything is happening so quickly.

“All right. Get dressed. I’ll make you some breakfast.” He reaches up, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. “You feeling all right?”

“I think the water and Advil that you forced on me in the middle of the night might have saved me.” I remember him trying to wake me up. I already sleep like the dead and that was before he decided to give me all of those mind-blowing orgasms that knocked me out. Somehow he’d managed to get me to drink a whole glass of water and down the pills. Saving me from what I'm sure would have been a massive hangover.

“Good.” He brushes his mouth against mine before getting out of bed. I’m disappointed to see that he has his sweatpants on. It was totally unfair that he got to see me naked and I didn't get to see any of his goodies. I sigh, hoping I’ll get another chance. With the way Sean has been kissing me this morning and asking me not to go to work has me thinking that this is definitely not a one-night stand.

Pulling myself from the bed, I go in search of my clothes. I locate my bra, putting it on but it takes me a few minutes to find my shirt. Once I do, I slip it on and begin the hunt for my panties. I declare them a lost cause after I search everywhere for them. I grab my purse and phone, heading out of Sean’s bedroom.

Now that my mind is a little clearer, I take a look around his place. I don’t remember what part of town we’re in but it doesn't matter. His condo is stunning. There isn't much to it, but the place alone screams money. I didn’t think managing a club would pay this well.

It must, though, because I can tell that he’s spared no expense in this place. His fancy sports car should have been my first clue. Yet he doesn't seem like some of the rich jerks that I’ve met in my time.

“I don’t have much here.” Sean runs a hand through his short hair. “I’m sorry, cupcake. I’m not used to having company to cook for. I usually order in.”

“It’s fine. I’m not really hungry and I usually eat while I’m baking.” I taste everything that I make before I serve it to customers. I have to make sure the quality is up to my expectations. That's what I tell myself, anyway. It’s really because I love the taste of my own treats and can’t stop eating them. It’s not my fault that I’m such a good baker. It’s a gift and a curse at the same time.

“Let me grab a shirt and I’ll take you home.” He runs out of the room down the long hallway. I steal a few more peeks around his place. It makes me wonder if he comes from money. Both Neily and my family do more than okay on the financial side. Our families helped us get the loan to start our shop.

Without them it would have taken us a whole lot longer to get where we are. But Sean’s place screams a whole other level of money than what I’m used to. Everything in it is high quality. It’s sleek and modern. The kitchen is to die for. I can’t help but picture myself baking in it.

“Ready, cupcake?” He comes jogging back out.

“In a hurry to get me out of here?” I joke, walking over toward the front door. He pulls me into him, kissing me until I’m breathless.

“No, I don’t want you to leave at all but I know the sooner you get to work and get done, the sooner I’ll have you back here.”

I smile up at him. “I like the sound of that.” I take his hand as he leads me out of his place. “Do you work tonight?”

“Nope.” He answers me instantly. The quiet stretches inside the elevator, making me start to fidget. Sean pulls me into his side, wrapping his arm around me. “Don’t be shy, cupcake. I promise everything you do is fucking adorable to me.”

I drop my head, hiding my blush. “Last night was-”

He cuts me off. “The beginning of us.”

“I don’t even know you.” I peek up at him. Those hazel eyes that I swear change colors lock with mine. Last night I thought it was the drinks that made me think that but staring at him now I know they really do.

“All you need to know right now is you’re mine.” The elevator doors slide open. I go to step off but he keeps me in his arms. “Say you’re mine.”

“I’m yours.” The words come out of my mouth before I can think them through. It feels almost natural. I want to be his.

“Good. The rest you'll learn with time. Now that I have you, we have all the time in the world.”

I should be scared or even the slightest bit concerned by how quickly this is all moving, but the only thing I feel is happy.

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