Home > A Savage Debt (The Beholden Duet #1)(12)

A Savage Debt (The Beholden Duet #1)(12)
Author: Zoey Ellis

He sucked on her earlobe roughly, tracing his tongue along the edge. It wasn’t until cold air swept along her stomach that she realized her dress had been pulled down.

Ana cried out, grabbing for it as it slid down her body, but the outlaw held her firmly at the neck and swiftly caught both wrists again, his tongue leisurely grazing her ear.

She whimpered as her dress and chemise fell down to the floor. The crowd was completely still now. Soon it would be too dark to see them at all, but with the lights from the room, they could see them in the window.

“I wonder if your pussy stinks like the cheapest whores in Allandis,” the Alpha said, his voice low as his hand ran up her stomach to her breasts. “As the adored Omega princess, it would only be fitting if it reeked.”

Ana closed her eyes, mortified as he chuckled. The man was a fucking savage indeed. She didn’t doubt that he had somehow arranged for the crowd to be here with their focus on the window to see her at her most vulnerable. Where were her father’s guards? How did no one from the palace know what was happening?

She whimpered again as he pinched her nipples and rolled them between his finger and thumb, before grabbing and kneading her roughly. She tried to remain separate from the feelings of her body—ignoring the sensations building up in her that she didn’t recognize. It was all part of the false feelings her mother had warned her about. It didn’t feel overwhelming—perhaps she could handle this better than her mother thought. What troubled her most was the crowd. She couldn’t drag her eyes away from the mass of people still standing and looking up at the window. Anyone decent would move away, wouldn’t they? They wouldn’t stay and witness someone abusing her like this?

But even as the thought arrived, she knew that it was a ridiculous notion. Even members of high society and courtiers, did not shy away from seeking out scandal. And this was one of the biggest gossip topics of all. If Mother and Father wanted to keep this quiet, it was impossible now. Once the commoners knew about it, it would spread far and wide, across the kingdom, and even possibly neighboring kingdoms. In one moment, the outlaw had destroyed all chances of keeping this quiet. And he had planned it.

She gasped suddenly, a sting registered on her nipple. He’d slapped her! Before she could even figure out what to do he slapped her breasts again, and she was certain she heard faint gasps from the crowd.

“It jiggles just like any whore’s,” he bellowed out suddenly, causing her to stiffen. He reached for the other breast squeezing and tweaking it before slapping her again, all while shouting out to the crowd. “If you thought that an Omega would be different from any other female, I can confirm that there is nothing extraordinary about this woman, apart from her very obvious beauty. She is nearly of ruling age and yet has never sat on the council, never given her opinions on any policy or law, or contributed in any way that has positively affected our lives.” His hand pressed over her stomach squeezing and pinching as he went, and as he spoke. “She is a pawn for her father, an empty vessel, a pretty shell he has hoarded to sell to someone else. Another man who will be the next king and will no doubt make all the decisions for us. She is lacking in even the basic common sense of anyone who would rule the kingdom effectively. She’s only good for one thing.”

With his final words, Ana finally came to her senses. The bastard! Pushing her arousal and mortification aside, she began to fight him, her annoyance building to rage. “You have no idea who I am or what I have learned,” she hissed at him, trying to twist her wrists out of his hands. “Not all of us are criminals who spend our time stealing, breaking the law, and fucking everything we come across!”

She winced at the sharp tug at the base of her neck as he yanked her head to one side. It was difficult to look at him in such a position, but she could feel him watching her and she tried her hardest to levy her most baleful glare in his direction.

A rumble came from his throat, and it cause a spark throughout her body. “So the puppet speaks passionately.” She didn’t miss the mocking sarcasm heavy in his gritty tone. “And her choice of words are... interesting.”

“Whatever you’re here to do, just do it,” she snapped. “Do you think this display will tarnish me any further than this entire agreement already has? Any more than having your disgusting cock shoved into my mouth?” The words came out of her so quickly and fervidly, she was shocked by them, but she tried not to let him see it.

“Things can always be made worse, Analisa.” His voice vibrated close to her ear. “Always.”

Ana’s mouth tightened. At this point, she didn’t care. The idea he was saying these things about her, about her father, had dulled some of numbing fear that had been paralyzing her. He couldn’t be allowed to get away with making statements like that to the commoners. It was a bold attitude to have, considering the reason why she was there and her inability to truly do anything to stop him. Both her father and Milly had told her not to provoke him, but she was quickly losing any reason to care about what he might do her. In court Maddoc had been simple, if not somewhat straightforward, in his request. He wanted to debase the king’s daughter by using her for three nights to seek whatever relief he was after. Based on the crowd before her, clearly it was more than that. He wanted to embarrass her as much as he could, tear her down, shred her reputation, and make her completely unfit for queen. Who would want to wed her now when everyone had seen her body?

So now, she was too angry to care about holding her tongue and being a “good” princess. Fuck it. What ever he wanted to do to her, she would fight as hard as she could against him. She wouldn’t make it easy. After all, his agreement was with her father, not her, and their agreement was to spend nights with her—but she didn’t have to take it submissively.

“Then make it worse,” she said, the taunt heavy in her tone, as she glared at him. The problem was, of course, he was significantly larger than her. Nothing she could do would be much of a fight for him.

The outlaw’s head tilted, very slightly, something changing in his eyes

“You told my Father I am of unmatched value to gold, riches, and even a pardon,” she said hotly. “Now you’re saying I’m worthless. Which is it?”

“You are worthless to rule the kingdom, yes. But not worthless to everyone. Your tight pussy is still worth fucking.”

Ana was so furious she could form no words. She stared out of the window, at the crowd and tried to ignore him.

The crowd outside built steadily, until guards finally arrived. When they saw where the crowd was looking, they tried to do their best to disperse the commoners, but the outlaw simply chuckled. “Trying to drag a crowd from a naked woman is like trying to drag an alcoholic from his mead. The scandal is too great for them to care about the consequences. Especially when they are in a crowd.”

“So you’ve done this before,” Ana muttered, her disgust evident.

“It’s not that hard to figure out how people will react.” He grabbed her hips and pulled her against him tighter. “They are predictable. Just like you.”

“I don’t care if you think I’m stupid,” Ana hissed. “I’d rather be that than a murderer and rapist. I heard you fuck animals as well.” It was childish thing to launch at him, but it made her feel better.

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