Home > A Savage Debt (The Beholden Duet #1)(2)

A Savage Debt (The Beholden Duet #1)(2)
Author: Zoey Ellis

Milly shrugged, but the unease in her eyes remained. “He’s demanded to see the king.”

Suddenly it all fell into place—the behavior of the courtiers, the panicked servants, the rush to get ready for a court hearing. “Father is going to give him an audience? Here?” Ana squeaked. “Why?”

“I haven’t been brought into discussions about that, of course,” Milly said, curtly “But I suspect it is to charge him in front of the assembly.”

Ana shook her head, her mouth open in disbelief. Surely Father wouldn’t risk that?

“It would be a great show of strength to arrest and charge this man in front of all the houses,” Milly added. “The king needs to prove he is strong, powerful, and capable. Whatever reason this criminal chose to show up at the gates and whatever he is expecting, it must be demonstrated to all that the king isn’t afraid of him. Granting him a hearing, that doubles as his arrest and sentencing, will show the kingdom that the king isn’t afraid. And it will prove much to the houses.”

Ana nodded thoughtfully. She wasn’t completely blind to the constant low-level friction that existed between the five royal houses. After the king’s injury, a small amount of commotion had risen about his health and his ability to continue his rule. Of course, Ana was his heir, and her arranged wedding to an Alpha from another house was imminent. But that didn’t stop them from pointlessly theorizing, discussing, and debating the issue, as they liked to do on a regular basis.

“Why do I have to be there?” Ana asked. “Is the whole court gathering? It doesn’t seem smart for the entire royal court to meet this man. What if it’s an attack of some sort?”

“He has been detained since he approached the palace and stated who he was. His weapons were taken from him and it appears he arrived alone. Tight security has been put in place all around the palace, and its grounds and scouts have secured the whole area, just in case his men are lurking.” Milly’s frown deepened. “I will admit his presence is strange, but I agree with His Majesty’s decision to take advantage of this opportunity. That man has broken almost every law in our kingdom and has terrorized us all for years. An example must be made while we have him.”

Ana nodded. That made sense. Thinking back to everything she’d read about him—Maddoc was infamous for his crimes—he was even more notorious for that fact that he hadn’t been caught. It was as though he were a ghost. Not many people had seen his face, and sightings of him had dwindled over the last few years. He’d proven almost impossible to catch. If he could be dealt with now, it would give peace to many, and it wouldn’t be terrible for her father either. Still, it didn’t make her feel any better that he was even in the vicinity of the palace. “So that’s why everyone was so… strange in the palace earlier.”

“Yes. Almost every noble family and those from the royal houses have been affected by this man’s actions. His unexpected arrival has many worried, and I cannot blame them. Some of the things he has done….” A shudder trembled along Milly’s shoulders. “I’m sure most would prefer to see him dead and without the opportunity for an audience at all.”

“Father must have considered that as an option.”

“I’m sure he did,” Milly said inclining her head. “I’m sure there is a reason why he is granting this man time.”

Ana thought for a moment. “Will Mother be there?”

“All of the royal family will be there, Ana, as well as the royal houses, and maybe all of the noble families too. Many are curious about his presence, and I’m sure some will want to ensure he gets what he deserves. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is executed straightaway in the assembly hall.”

Ana nodded and took a deep breath, her stomach jittering at the thought.

“There is no need to worry,” Milly said, her voice warm as her eyes finally softened. “It may be difficult to watch, but he deserves whatever comes to him, remember that. And he won’t be able to do anything to hurt anyone, least of all you.” Grasping Ana’s hands and squeezing them, she smiled. “This will be a unique hearing—one that will be talked about for decades to come. It is a great opportunity to see justice done and this moment will strengthen you for your own reign. Try to enjoy it.”



Unsurprisingly, the assembly hall was overcrowded. At one end, opposite the entrance, a wide, fixed platform held the jewel-crusted royal thrones, while velvet-lined tiered seating along both sides of the hall’s length provided seats for the royal houses and nobles. Other members of the court mixed in with commoners squashed in on the floor benches, which were always available for any who wanted to attend. Today was particularly popular. But for all the extra bodies, layers of nervous murmurings simmered in the space, replacing the usual lively commotion of court hearings.

Ana’s seat was on the right side of the thrones in the small area where the king’s immediate family were permitted to sit, and as she made her way there, she noted that every entrance was heavily guarded, which settled her nerves—somewhat. Maddoc wouldn’t be able to escape.

As she sat down and fixed herself into the correct position, hands in her lap, back straight, and feet tucked under her chair, the king and queen entered.

The air sharpened as they strolled in, richly dressed in silks, jewelery, and matching maroon royal mantles. The golden crowns on their heads sparkled in the bright morning sun that streamed through the arched hall windows and cast a warming tint on the splendor of the couple.

Ana watched her parents closely for any sign of worry, stress, or fear, but the queen’s smile was deep and genuine, and the king, although stoic, appeared relaxed. Their ease radiated out to everyone in attendance, and the murmurs petered out as her parents lowered to their thrones.

Ana loved seeing her father at court events.

It wasn’t as though she rarely saw him otherwise—they dined together weekly—but seeing him holding court was an incredibly exciting experience.

Wide and tall, the king was imposing, able to silence a room by his presence alone. Ana enjoyed watching him create and enforce laws, debate with court officials and the royal houses, as well as deal with the accused. Each time he held court, he demonstrated why he was a great king, and it couldn’t be denied by any other house, though they tried. She learned a lot about how he ran the kingdom, the choices he made, what procedures he upheld and why, but she knew her mother was his secret weapon. They discussed and debated everything privately, even though the queen rarely spoke at court. Ana had once asked her why she was happy for Father to get all the credit while she sat there and said nothing. Her mother explained that she didn’t need to broadcast her involvement because everyone knew she was vital to the king—that was the importance of being an Omega. She said Ana would only truly understand when it was time to reign along with her Alpha, but in the meantime she needed to work hard at her studies. Ana found it fascinating to watch them. It all fed into her knowledge for when she became queen.

“Court is in session,” a courtier called out. “Maddoc, a criminal with multiple counts against him, who has terrorized the Kingdom of Allandis for decades, is requesting to address the court, and more specifically King Orick. The offender’s request has been granted by order of the king. All royal houses are in attendance; Goldfrost, Thorneshaw, Sterling, Redcrest, and Villemore. Prior to Maddoc being brought before the court, His Majesty will allow one query before the hearing begins. Are there any who wish to speak?”

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