Home > Crowned Mate_ Stargazer Alien Space Cruise Brides #1(8)

Crowned Mate_ Stargazer Alien Space Cruise Brides #1(8)
Author: Tasha Black

And maybe they didn’t. So far, Juno had not identified a single shop that sold anything necessary to life. There was a store with cases of sparkling stones and chains, a book store with sensi-readers and even some old-fashioned case books. They passed a shop with vats of colorful steam, where passengers waited in line, apparently to inhale it. Juno couldn’t be sure whether it was meant for sustenance or cosmetics.

“The floors above are for residences, your majesty,” Zane said quietly. “Here on the main floor you can find anything your heart desires.”

Juno highly doubted that.

“Is all of it nonsense?” she asked before she could stop herself.

He chuckled.

“Sorry,” she said. “I’m not interested in shopping.”

His eyebrows went up slightly, but he nodded.

“Your majesty,” Crex cried out, gesturing to a dark alcove with velvet ropes separating it from the rest of the ship.

A small copper sign above the opening read:


Titanium Dining Room


“Copper is a rare metal,” Crex said smugly. “That sign alone is worth a fortune.”

“Shouldn’t it be Copper Dining Room, then?” Juno wondered out loud.

She was rewarded with the sound of a stifled chuckle from Zane, who was now walking behind her.

Crex pretended not to hear her and lead them into the gloom.

A host as dappled and slimy as an old Earth seal greeted them with a loud sniff.

“This is her majesty, Princess Juno of Adair, here to dine with King Cassius of Frigalia,” Crex said proudly.

“No active drones,” the host said in a mournful tone.

BFF-67 buzzed in annoyance, but folded herself neatly back onto Juno’s wrist-dock.

“Thank you,” the host said, just as sadly. “This way.” He extended a webbed arm to show them.

Crex headed off.

Juno and Zane followed.

King Cassius was seated on a pile of brocade pillows on the floor, a suspended table floating in front of him. The overhead lighting set off the highlights in his golden hair.

“Your Majesty,” he cried, arms spread.

He did not get up.

“Your Majesty,” she said, inclining her head.

“Please, sit,” he said, indicating the pile of pillows on the other side of the table. “Crex, Zane, there’s a table in the front for you. Enjoy a meal on me.”

“I will attend to the princess, much thanks your majesty,” Zane replied calmly.

“Nonsense,” the king said. “Go. Eat. I insist.”

“I am grateful for your largesse, but I serve at the will of the princess,” Zane said firmly.

The king’s face went bright red.

Juno was about to lose her audience.

And her dinner.

“Zane,” Juno said quickly, before the king could respond. “Please enjoy your meal. I will send BFF-67 for you if I need you.”

“Truly, boy, you can see our table from there,” Cassius added, looking distinctly less ruffled. “A man just wants a little privacy now and again for quiet conversation.”

That sounded promising. Juno smiled encouragingly at Zane.

At last he nodded and followed Crex to a table across the room.

“You inspire great loyalty in your servants,” the king said approvingly.

He was really going all in with the game.

She decided to play along. There was no reason not to enjoy it while it lasted.

“It’s so hard to get good help,” she said with mock sympathy.

“Tell me about it,” he rolled his eyes. “I’m surrounded by morons. Present company excluded, of course.”

“Of course,” she replied.

“How are you enjoying your travels?” he asked.

“I’ve just begun them,” she reminded him. “But so far it has been very exciting, much different from my home. What about you?”

He shrugged elegantly. “My own home is the most exquisite place in the universe,” he said. “I don’t really care for travel.”

“Then why are you out here?” she asked, fascinated.

Before he could answer, a waiter slid over on a wheeled device.

King Cassius spoke with him in a language Juno didn’t understand. She didn’t know what they were saying, but she knew enough to be impressed. With the easy availability of universal translation devices, very few people chose to learn a language other than their own. Only someone with an excess of time or money would even bother.

She suspected the king had both.

“I hope you don’t mind me ordering for you,” he said. “There are just so many delicacies you simply must try.”

“Thank you,” Juno said, hoping at least one of them was simple enough for her to choke down quickly. Her stomach had been empty for so long that she felt hollow.

The waiter poured an orange beverage into their glasses and then rolled away.

“To a new friendship,” King Cassius said, raising his glass. It clinked against the golden rings on his fingers.

Juno lifted hers and then watched as he drank.

He didn’t wince or cough, so she ventured to take a sip.

The beverage was sweet and thick, like nothing she had ever tasted.

“This ship has a hydroponic garden,” the king told her. “They’ve managed to grow a mango tree in it.”

“This is mango juice?” Juno asked.

“With a few things to accentuate it, yes,” he told her, smiling so that his blue eyes crinkled.

Juno took a larger sip. The juice seemed to awaken her senses as it traveled through her. She hummed in appreciation.

He chuckled.

“I thought there were no more mangoes,” she said after a third sip.

“With enough credits, it’s amazing how many impossible things can be made possible,” the king replied, looking thoughtfully down at his glass.

“So why did you say you were traveling?” Juno asked.

But the waiter had appeared again with a sizzling dish, which he set at the center of the table with a flourish.

It looked like an iron pan with rings of small white cubes inside. The pan rested in a bowl of clear water with small purple flowers floating in it.

“Krssleyan buns,” the king said. “Let them cool a little first.”

Juno nodded.

“What is your favorite food?” he asked her.

“Anything sweet,” she replied.

“Ah, so the princess has a sweet tooth,” he smiled. “You’ve got a real treat in store. Pace yourself, your majesty.”

She smiled back at him, wondering if all royalty could be this kind-hearted. Most outsiders didn’t think much of her people back on Terra-4.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked.

“I was wondering why you are traveling if you don’t enjoy it,” she tried again.

“Ah,” he said, nodding. “You know, I was hoping to avoid that question.”

“Why?” Juno asked.

“Because the answer is sad,” he explained. “And I want to be happy tonight.”

She nodded, looking down at the pretty little buns in the pan. What could a king who had everything possibly have to be sad about? The universe was filled with unhappiness, it seemed.

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