Home > The Winter of the Witch (Winternight Trilogy #3)(16)

The Winter of the Witch (Winternight Trilogy #3)(16)
Author: Katherine Arden

   The voice of the child’s mother rose up. “No!” she cried. “No, I am sorry; I am here. Little one, don’t leave me.”

   She ran after the dead boy, tripping on the half-frozen earth. Her husband ran stumbling out after her. There was a priest among the awed crowd on the street; the husband seized him and dragged him along. “Batyushka, do something!” he cried. “Make it go! Pray—”


   The word—the dread word of legend and nightmare and fairy tale—was taken up from house to house, as understanding dawned. The word hissed its way down the street, up and back down, growing and growing until it became a moan, a scream.

   “The dead boy. He is walking. The dead are walking. We are cursed. Cursed!”

   Every instant the turmoil grew. Clay lamps were lit; torches made gold points of light under the sickly moon. Cries flew. People fainted, or wept, or called down God’s aid. Some opened their doors and ran out to see what the trouble was. Others barred their doors tight and set their families to praying.

   Still the dead child walked on unsteady legs, up the hill of the kremlin.

   “Son!” panted his mother, running at the thing’s side. She still did not dare touch him; the way he moved, ill-jointed, was not the way the living moved. But in his eyes—she was sure of it—lay something of her son. “My child, what horror is this? Has God sent you back to us? Have you come to give a warning?”

       The dead child turned and said “Mother?” again, in a soft, high voice.

   “I am here,” whispered the woman, putting out a hand. The skin of his face peeled away at her touch. Her husband shoved the priest forward. “Do something, for God’s sake.”

   The priest, his lips quivering, stumbled forward, and raised a trembling hand. “Apparition I charge thee…”

   The child looked up, his eyes dull. The crowd drew back, crossing themselves, watching…The child’s eyes wandered around the assembled faces.

   “Mother?” the child whispered one last time. And lunged.

   Not fast; injury and death had weakened the thing, made it clumsy on its half-grown limbs. But the woman put up no resistance. The vampire buried its face in her wrinkled throat.

   She gave a gurgling cry of pain and of love, and clutched the thing to her, gasping in agony and crooning to the thing in the same breath. “I’m here,” she whispered again.

   And then the little dead creature was painting itself with her blood, jerking its head back and forth in a mockery of infancy.

   People were running, screaming.

   Then a voice rang out from the street above, and Father Konstantin came down, walking fast, fierce, dignified, his gold hair silver in the moonlight.

   “People of God,” he said. “I am here; fear no darkness.” His voice was like church-bells at dawn. His long robe snapped and flared behind him. He thrust his way past the husband, who had fallen to his knees, one hand helplessly outstretched.

   Crisp as a man drawing a sword, he made the sign of the cross.

   The child upyr hissed. Its face was black with blood.

   There was a one-eyed shadow behind Konstantin, watching the tawdry, bloody encounter with delight, but no one saw it. Not even Konstantin, who was not looking. Perhaps he had forgotten in that moment that it was not his voice alone that bid the dead rest.

       “Back, devil,” Konstantin said. “Get back to where you came. Do not trouble the living again.”

   The little vampire hissed. The wavering crowd had paused in its flight; the nearest watched with frozen fascination. For a long moment, the upyr and the priest seemed to lock eyes in a terrible battle of wills. The only sound was the gurgling breath of the dying woman.

   An observant person might have noticed that the dead thing was not looking at the priest, but beyond him. Behind Konstantin, the one-eyed shadow jerked its thumb in a peremptory gesture, the way a man dismisses a dog.

   The vampire snarled again, but softly, as the power that had given it life and breath and movement faded. It crumpled onto its mother’s breast. No one could tell if the final sound from the pair was her last breath or his.

   The husband stared at the corpses of his family: empty, shocked and still. But the crowd was not looking at him. “Go back,” hissed the Bear into Konstantin’s ear. “They think you a saint; it is not the time to stand about. So much as sneeze and you ruin the effect.”

   Konstantin Nikonovich, surrounded by faces slack with awe, knew that perfectly well. He made the sign of the cross over them all again: a benediction. Then he swept back up the narrow street, striding through the darkness, hoping he wouldn’t trip on a frozen rut in the road. People drew back before him, weeping.

   Konstantin’s blood was singing with the memory of power. Years of praying, of earnest searching, had left him an outcast of God, but this demon could make him great among men. He knew it. If part of him whispered, he will have your soul, Konstantin did not heed. What good had his soul ever done him? But he muttered, as though despite himself, “That woman died for your show.”

   The devil shrugged. The scarred side of his face was lost in darkness; he looked ordinary, except for his soundless bare feet. Now and again he glanced up at the stars. “Not exactly dead; the dead do not lie quiet when I’m about.” Konstantin shuddered. “She will walk the streets at night, calling for her son. But that is all to the good. More fuel for their fear.” He looked at the priest sidelong. “Regrets? Too late for scruples, man of God.”

       Konstantin said nothing.

   The devil murmured, “There is nothing but power in this world. People are divided into those who have it and those who have it not. Which will you be, Konstantin Nikonovich?”

   “At least I am a man,” Konstantin snapped, shrill. “You are only a monster.”

   Medved’s teeth were white as a beast’s; they gleamed briefly when he smiled. “There are no monsters.”

   Konstantin snorted.

   “There are not,” said the Bear. “There are no monsters in the world, and no saints. Only infinite shades woven into the same tapestry, light and dark. One man’s monster is another man’s beloved. The wise know that.”

   They were nearly at the monastery-gate. “Are you my monster then, devil?” Konstantin asked.

   The shadow at the corner of Medved’s mouth deepened. “I am,” he said. “And your beloved too. You are not one to distinguish.” The devil caught Konstantin’s golden head between his hands, drew him down and kissed him, full on the mouth.

   Then he disappeared into the darkness, laughing.




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