Home > Dark Descent into Desire(50)

Dark Descent into Desire(50)
Author: J. J. Sorel

“I don’t plan to.”

“I’m pretty unsettled with those images out there,” said James. “What about a professional…” He looked about. “A hit?”

“Not my thing.”

“Look, I’m really sorry to drag you into this.”

I sat back. “Are you still with Lilly?”

“She’s at my house. That creepy, fat Russian’s still stalking her.”

“You probably need to deal with him, then.”

“Do you think that something might happen to Lilly?” he asked.

“You’re the one that’s been fraternizing with that lot.” I raised a brow.

“I had my hand forced. I was young and stupid. I fucked up. I hope you and I are okay.”

I had a flashback to our days in college. James had been there for me, when the gentry ostracized me for not being one of them.

I stood up. “I must go.”

He looked up at me with a sheepish smile. “I hope we’re good.”

That wasn’t going to be easy, knowing how I held onto things. And betrayal was at the top of my bad list.

“Can’t say.” I left it at that.





* * *





THE EMAIL ARRIVED WITH my results. My hand shook as I pressed the key down. I’d worked around the clock to get those final assignments in.

My eyes ran down the form, collecting the word pass along the way with distinction and ninety-eight percent for drawing. My art history essay also gained me a distinction. A cascade of joy rippled through me. I leapt off the seat and cried out, “I passed.”

It was morning, and breakfast was coming. Now that Blake had miraculously been cured of his nightmares, he’d tangled around me like a snake all night.

He strolled back in from the bathroom and kissed me. “That’s marvelous. I knew you would. You’ll look sexy in a cap and gown.”

I scrunched my nose. “I’ll look silly.”

“No, you won’t. You could wear a sack, and you’d still be a sex kitten.” He played with a strand of my hair. “Breakfast’s on its way. I have to do something in my office for a moment. Do you mind? I won’t be long.”

“No, of course.”

“Give me fifteen minutes. Breakfast should be ready by then. Okay?” He kissed me sweetly on the lips.

“All good.” I smiled, indulging in his elegant stride.

Life was great for me, except that I’d tried to move my mother somewhere nice and clean, but she’d refused to budge. As Blake put it, my mother was married to her habit. I hated hearing that. It sounded like a cop-out to me. In spite of that, I was at a loss about how to change things. I could have called family services, but they would have taken her by force. The thought of that sent a cold shiver down my spine.

Around fifteen minutes later, Pierce knocked at the door.

“Come in.”

He was like a sweet uncle. “Good morning, Penelope. I’m not sure where you want your breakfast?”

“Oh, just leave it there, thanks. I’ll go and tell Blake.”

“I can if you like,” he said.

“No. I will. Thanks, Pierce. It smells marvelous.”

“That’s Maria for you. She’s made us all a little chubbier with her amazing cooking.”

I giggled, thinking of Blake, who wasn’t chubby. He was just broad and muscular in that knee-weakening masculine way.

Pierce left the food on the table, and I headed to Blake’s office which was more like a small library. I entered the room, and loved how the sun filtered through the colored-glass windows, infusing the space with a moody, warm glow.

My eyes settled on his desk, where I noticed an open folder with photos. I stretched my neck to look at them.

The image showed Blake on his side, his back to the camera. I recognized the scar. A very young girl, lying up on her side, faced him, wearing a flirtatious smile.

My heart sank to my feet. I ran out of his study. Blake was coming down the hallway. The blood drained from his face. He must have guessed what I’d seen.


I ran into his bedroom, grabbed my shoes and jacket and ran out onto the pavement.

Blake followed me out and held me. “Where are you going? Let me explain.”

I shrugged out of his arms. “Don’t touch me. She’s a fucking child.”

A pair walked past and turned.

“Not here, Penny. Come inside. Let’s talk about this.” He grabbed my hand. “I’ve been set up.”

I yanked my hand away. “I feel sick. She looked really fucking young. And what about all those young girls at that club where I first saw you?” My eyes pooled with tears. Having been on a high, the fall was steep, crashing me down to the gutter.

A cab happened to come by, and I hailed it.

Barefoot, Blake watched on helplessly, his hair uncombed and looking like we’d been fucking hard all morning. Which, of course, we had.

Was it just sex disguised as love?

That thought bounced around in my frantic mind, which switched between that image of the young girl on her side and Blake pleading innocence.

I arrived at Sheldon’s. That was the only place I could think of going to. Being at my new home didn’t feel right, and I just couldn’t stomach the thought of the estate.

“Sweetie,” said Sheldon at the door. “What’s happened? Your exam results weren’t good?”

“I did really well,” I said flatly.

“But that’s brilliant, isn’t it?” He let me pass.

I followed him into the kitchen. “Sorry for barging in like this.”

“No. It’s good. Roger’s just left.” He smiled sweetly. His policeman boyfriend had finally owned up to their relationship, and I couldn’t have been happier for him.

I hugged him. “You look so well.”

“Mm… that’s what a little morning rough and tumble will do for one’s day.” He giggled, but then his face became serious again. “I’m sorry to be so upbeat when you’re clearly not. What’s happened?”

I grabbed a glass of water and gulped it down, hoping to dilute the bitter taste of anguish. “I’ve left Blake.”

His eyebrows contracted. “Why?”

“It just happened. We were so good, in such a great place. He was sleeping with me. No nightmares. I was—or should say am—in love with him.” I buried my face in my hands, and sobs gave way to a deluge of tears. Just hearing myself say that had finally broken me.

Sheldon passed me a box of tissues. “You found him cheating?”

I blew my nose. “I discovered an image of him in bed with a girl that looked very underage.”

Sheldon grimaced. “Really?”

I nodded.

“Let’s have a coffee and think this through.”

“Thanks Shelly for being here.”

He hugged me, and tears erupted again.

I blew my nose. “He said he was being set up.”

Sheldon lifted the espresso from the stove. “Then he might be. You don’t know for sure.”

“I felt like fainting. It was disgusting seeing that young girl…”

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