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Nixon (Raleigh Raptors #1)(40)
Author: Samantha Whiskey

He picked up where he’d left off, teasing me into oblivion. I pushed backward, arching my hips, and guiding his hard length with my hand to my entrance.

“Fuck,” he hissed as I teased the head of his cock with my wetness. “Liberty,” he growled, his hips thrusting gently until I no longer needed my hand. I reached behind me to grip his neck again, arching my back as Nixon slid into the hilt behind me. I moaned, my body buzzing at the feel of him inside me, and turned just enough to catch his gaze as he slowly pumped and thrust, his fingers working my clit with light strokes that made me shake.

I flicked my tongue over his lips, and he moved enough to slant his mouth over mine, drinking in my moans as he pulled all the way out only to drive home again.

“God, Nixon,” I whined, breathless as he took his time with my body, my soul. Working me with agonizingly long strokes and teasing pressures until I was sure I’d combust from need.

“You’re fucking beautiful,” he whispered against my ear as I threw my head back, a gasp ripping from my lips each time we rocked together. His fingers rolled over my clit again, the touch so light I groaned.

“Nixon,” I gasped, rocking against him. “Please.”

“Please what?” he teased, his teeth grazing my earlobe.

I trembled, my entire body a tight coil of heat hovering near the edge of explosion. The feel of him deep inside me, I couldn’t think around it, couldn’t breathe around that primal need to be claimed by this man.

“Please, come with me,” I practically keened my answer, pushing back against him when he thrust.

“You’re so close,” he said, a half-growl as he upped his pace. “I can feel it. So fucking tight. Perfect.”

I tightened my grip on his neck as his thrusts came harder, deeper, pushing me toward that sweet edge, my free hand tangled in the sheets as I held on, breathless and whimpering. His fingers played between my thighs as he claimed my body over and over again until I trembled around him. And then he thrust home at the same time his fingers pressed down right on that bundle of nerves, and I exploded.

Shattered with his name on my lips.

A million tiny stars shook my vision as I came again and again, his own release barreling another orgasm down my spine. Nixon gently worked me through the aftershocks, his strokes shifting from teasing to soothing as we caught our breath.

“Nixon,” I sighed, my head heavy against the pillow, his body warm behind mine. “You’re amazing.”

He smoothed his hand over my belly, settling it there for the night. “You are,” he said and planted a kiss on my neck. “We are.”

Exhaustion settled over me like a heavy blanket, Nixon having wrung every last drop of energy I possessed from my body. And as sleep claimed me, I was certain there was no other way I wanted to end a day.

I wanted Nixon…

And it was quickly turning into a forever kind of want.









“I’m coming down there after Christmas, Nixon Noble. There’s nothing you can do to stop me. I deserve to meet this miraculous woman who’s strong enough to put up with your bull spit,” Mom finished her tirade via speakerphone.

“I never said you couldn’t meet her,” I argued as I organized my supplement cabinet. “I just asked that you give me enough time to get to know her myself before I let you scare her off,” I teased.

“It’s not fair that Nathan and Harper met her,” she pointed out. I could almost see her crossing her arms all the way from Minnesota.

“Mom, they met her on the flight to Vegas. And Nate’s not…” I struggled for a word.

“What? Overbearing? Needy? Doting on a granddaughter that isn’t even here yet?”

I flat-out laughed. “You, Mom. He’s not you. And you’re acting like you’ve never even talked to Liberty on the phone.” I rotated the oldest package forward, making sure I neither ran out of it nor let a canister expire.

Routine and structure were what made my life flow seamlessly.

At least…they had been.

“It’s not the same. I mean, have you guys thought of names yet?”

“No, Mom.” I closed the cabinet doors and sighed. “We’re just taking it one day at a time over here, and we’re both okay with that, so you should be, too.”

A second passed by in silence. Then two. Then five.


“Nixon, honey, taking it one day at a time is great, but eventually those days are going to catch up to you, and your daughter will be here. For someone as organized as you are, I was certain you’d have the nursery done, a trust fund started, and identity theft protection already started on her name.”

I froze completely. She was right. Usually, I would have made a list and accomplished every item on it in order to feel like I was in control of a situation, but here, there was no control to be had. Liberty had it all, and I was doing my best to hold on to her…and it wasn’t just because she was carrying our daughter.

My emotions were so wrapped up in her that she was my first thought—and sight—when I got out of bed in the morning and my last thought before I closed my eyes at night, no matter if we were home or away. Shit…I think I’d fallen—

“Nixon?” Mom prompted.

“Hmmm?” I leaned back against my kitchen counter.

“This is where you laugh, dear. I was just making a joke with that trust fund and identity theft stuff. See? I’m funny.” Her voice softened.

“Right. I really should be more on top of it, though, huh?”

“As much as I would love to know my granddaughter’s name and meet her mother,” her voice sharpened slightly before softening again, “I’m just really glad that you’ve met someone who can loosen you up a bit. You really care for her, don’t you?”

“Liberty? Yeah. I really do.” More than I’d admitted to myself.

“Good. I’ve been waiting a long time to hear the change in your voice when you talk about a woman.” She huffed a long, dramatic sigh. “So fine, I’ll wait to come down and terrify her. But only until after the holidays, Nixon. You understand me?”

“I really miss you, Mom.” I smiled.

“I really miss you, too, Nixon. I mean, now your poor father has to take out the garbage all on his own!”

We hung up while we were both still laughing, and my heart lightened. The idea of Dad taking out the trash solo made me laugh again. Mom was one of the hardest working women I knew, if not the hardest, and was up every morning at five a.m. to keep their place running and get Dad off to their shop.

My smile fell because that was something Liberty didn’t know…because I hadn’t told her. Because the deeper I let her in, the more she’d have the power to rip out if she left.

I heard the garage door open and glanced at the clock—six p.m. She was right on time.

Liberty burst through the door a couple of minutes later, dropping things here and there like a tornado. Her jacket dropped off a barstool, her bag landed on the floor, she heaped a stack of notebooks onto the kitchen island before turning that grin on me.

“Hey, handsome.” She came over and raised her face for a kiss.

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