Home > Hooked on You(43)

Hooked on You(43)
Author: Cathryn Fox

   Shit, don’t go falling for her, dumbass.

   She’s a nice girl and doesn’t need an asshole like me breaking her heart. After she sells the house, she’s leaving, and I won’t be too far behind. Yet, even knowing all that, a part of my brain registers that I don’t want—can’t—quit her.

   Not good asshole. Not good at all.

   After checking on the house, I drive slowly through the snow-dusted streets and go even slower when I see the land yacht parked outside the tall, wrought-iron gates of the cemetery.

   I guess Kira decided today was the day to visit Gram’s resting place. My gut squeezes. This is going to be so fucking hard on her, yet it just might be what she needs to get the closure she’s been seeking.

   I slow my truck to a snail’s pace and glance into the yard. I spot Kira on her knees, her entire body shaking as she prays over her grandparent’s burial spot. Fuck, man. Do I go in there, or do I leave her be? Which would she want more? I’m not sure, but I can’t just drive by, not when every instinct says she needs comfort.

   I slam my vehicle into park, slide from the driver’s seat, and close my door quietly. I don’t want any sudden noises to startle her. Wet leaves squish beneath my boots, and I follow the winding path to Kira as she sobs quietly in front of a small tombstone.

   The sound of my boots alerts her to my presence, and when she turns, her nose red, her eyes redder, my heart squeezes so hard, the world around me spins a little.

   She reaches a hand out to me. “Nate,” she whispers, and I hurry to her.

   “I’m here. I’ve got you,” I say and pull her to me. She presses a tissue to her face and leans her head on my shoulder. I just hold her, console her in silence the best way I know how. If she wants to talk, she’ll talk. If she doesn’t, we can sit here until nightfall, or for however long she wants, in silence. In typical Kira fashion that I’ve come to know and adore, she looks off in the distance, losing herself in her thoughts.

   I glance up at the clear blue sky as a seagull squawks overhead, undoubtedly headed to the dock for its morning breakfast. A car honks in the distance, and bells jingle over the doors as shops open for the day. Kira’s breathing slows, becomes less erratic, and I hug her to me, offering to be her life vest in the storm.

   After a long while, she whispers, “How did you know I was here?”

   “I saw the land yacht.”

   She chuckles slightly at that and grabs a new tissue from her coat pocket to wipe her red nose. Her head turns slightly, and those dark brown eyes meet mine. “Thank you, Nate,” she whispers, and I swallow against a tightening throat. I want to be here for her, and I want to be her rock in her time of need. I want to be everything she needs, but I can’t be that guy. Right?

   “I wasn’t sure you’d want the company,” I say. “Grieving can be a private matter.”

   She nods like she understands. Hell, I’ve been silently grieving the loss of my own mother, and to this day I have no closure. I honestly have no idea if she’s dead or alive, but I won’t go after her to find out. A cut that deep never heals properly, and I’m not interested in tearing it open again if she wants nothing to do with me. If only you could pick your family.

   “Why now, Kira? Why today?”

   “Today was Gram’s birthday.”

   “Ah.” I glance at the headstone. “Happy birthday, Gram. I’m sorry I never got to meet you, but I kind of do feel like I know you through Kira and the crew.” I hug Kira tighter. “You did a good job with this one. Like you, she’s one of a kind.” I stop short of saying she’s a keeper because I don’t want her to get the wrong idea, even though it’s quite likely that I do want to keep her.

   But that’s impossible.

   Her smile is so soft and appreciative when I shift my focus to her face. Her hand goes to my cheek. “Gram, you never got to meet this guy, but you would have liked him.”

   “Go ahead and tell her what she would have liked,” I say.

   Kira laughs, and it wraps around my soul and squeezes tight. Warmth moves through my veins.

   “He’s always fishing for compliments, Gram,” she says.

   “Fine, I’ll tell her all about the woman you’ve become. Gram, Kira is smart, like super smart, rocket science smart.” Kira grins and rolls her eyes. I wave my hand over my head. “She’s up here, and I try really hard to follow along, but I’m a bit slow at times.” Kira nudges me with her shoulder.

   “Stop it. You’re far from slow. It’s just not your field of study. I’m sure you excel at everything you do.”

   I give her a wink. “I try.” Her cheeks turn red, and I continue with, “She’s funny as hell.” Kira’s eyes go wide. “I mean heck,” I correct quickly. Yeah, using the word Hell in a graveyard, not my brightest moment. “She has an ironic sense of humor, and she’s nice to everyone. I think there’s a big part of you with her in here,” I say and put my hand over her heart.

   Tears pour down her face, and I wipe them away and press my lips to hers for a soft kiss.

   “I bet Gram really liked hearing that,” she whispers between kisses. “Thank you, Nate.”

   We both go quiet again, and seconds turn to minutes. I should be at work, returning my lawyer’s call, but no way am I about to leave Kira. Time passes slowly, and I break the quiet. “Kira, why didn’t your mother have a service?”

   “When mom left here, she wasn’t on good terms with Gram. I only recently found that out. Mom was involved with an older man, and Gram did everything to come between them. She only had my mom’s best interests at heart, though. In the end, the guy broke her heart, and Mom left town for a new life, one that had nothing to do with the fishing industry.” I nod. “Mom didn’t talk about her parents much. After Gram died, she flew back, had her buried with Grandad, and that was it. No service. Nothing.”

   “That’s not enough for closure,” I say.

   “You’re right.”

   “How are you feeling?” I tug on her hat, adjust it around her ears.

   “Tired and sad.”

   Wind from the ocean washes over us, and the wrought iron gate creaks. “Want to stay here longer, or do you want to go for a walk?”

   She lifts her head and looks off into the distance. “Don’t you have to be to work?”

   I pull my phone from my pocket, shoot a message to my receptionist, and say, “Nope. My day is free.”


   I hold up my hand and stop her protest. “Come on. I know exactly what you need.”

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