Home > Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6)(10)

Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6)(10)
Author: Stephanie Hudson

“Luc, don’t go back there…don’t listen to what that hand is telling you to do,” Dom said for he knew what it wanted me to do. It wanted me to burn the entire place down beyond its foundations and even past the realms of Earth, sinking it into a portal in Hell I knew I had the power to open. I wanted his happiness consumed and twisted back into the hatred of mankind!

I wanted a war.

I wanted death.

And I wanted destruction!

I wanted to scorch the Earth, ridding it of all life until there was nothing in it but her! I wanted nothing in this world but her by my side for all of eternity!

“I want her back!” I snarled fisting my Devil’s hand. Dom released a sigh and told me,

“I know.”

“I WANT HER BACK, DOM!” I roared again, now looking back at him and he closed his eyes once more before telling me in earnest this time,

“I know, my friend.” I forced the hard lump of pain down my throat before I felt as if I would choke on it and heard Dom take in another breath before telling me,

“I will help you…I will help you get her back, Luc.” I took another breath, one that didn’t come easily, for I knew how hard those words had been for him to say and therefore the true meaning behind them.

“Then you accept my claim?” I asked near fucking ready to follow through with the destructive nature of my hand should he say anything but what I wanted him to say.

But this time when he closed his eyes, he didn’t open them again until after he answered me, making even his wife hold her breath.

“Yes, I accept your claim on my daughter,” he finally admitted, and it was a sentence that seemed as if it had been torn from him, forcing others to lay witness to his acceptance. I, too, found myself closing my eyes as the true meaning of this moment branded itself to my soul.

It was a decree he could never take back.

“Good, because I promise you this, the moment I find her again, then make no mistake, Dom…” I said taking pause and extinguishing the flames of Hell with nothing but a click of my fingers. Doing so with ease now that my mind was back to being centered and focused on only two things, one was finding her and the second was the promise I then made to her father,

A promise not even the Gods could prevent…


“Make no mistake…I am making her my wife!”






Chapter 4

Bribes and Phone Calls



Once I left the airport, I found myself driving until I could stand it no longer. I didn’t know how long it had been, but it was now dark, and I knew that if I didn’t fill up the car soon, then this journey would come to an end a lot quicker than I first anticipated. Now, that was the problem with stealing a twin turbocharged V8 engine that kicked out 986 horsepower…it was damn expensive to fill up the tank!

Now, if only my father had parked one of his electric sports cars nearer to the entrance then this little getaway of mine would have been a lot cheaper, as the electric part of this engine gave you all of about fifteen miles and that was it, although it did help air in making it go faster, so that was something at least. Damn it though, why couldn’t I have stolen a Tesla, his two-seater roadster could do about 600 miles on one charge.

Which meant that it was time to form the next stage of my plan. To be quite honest, I had been surprised I had even made it this far, knowing that by now my father had no doubt called the cops and reported the theft. Which meant that I needed to ditch the car as soon as I could, and to do that, I needed first to use it as collateral. Which was why the second stage of my plan was admittedly an insane one. But then again…

What did I have left to lose?

My heart was shattered.

My life was in pieces.

My future gone.

All I had left was my mind and before I would allow it to fully submerge in the self-loathing, self-pitying, bitter hatred, pathetic part of the night, I first had to use it to get the Hell out of Dodge. Which was why I had been ignoring all the tears that escaped, trying instead to focus on the road and not the sight of my own heartbreak in the mirror.

I barely knew how my mind had even managed to get this far, but it had. It had all started when I had run back into my room and just found myself standing in the centre of what had once been my entire world. But all I found myself saying over and over again whilst looking up at the ceiling was,

‘Lies, lies, lies…nothing but lies.’

I had then looked around the room and in the end knew I had no time to take any of it. I had no time to pack. I even grabbed my bag but then realised that I wouldn’t have been able to use anything inside it. Not my phone, not my bank cards, not even my passport…everything could be traced.

So, in the end, I grabbed the only thing that I knew was worth enough for me to make it as far as I did. Then, I pulled the map from my bag and placed it on my desk in plain sight, knowing that it would be found. Doing so in hopes of fooling whoever found it into believing that the last thing on my mind was anything to do with the problems we faced. After this I had run out of there and doing so to the sound of destruction as my father and Lucius obviously fought it out.

In fact, it brought me so much pain that I found myself falling into the wall and crying out in agony, knowing that I had caused the fight. Gods, but what if my father really hurt him…surely he wouldn’t go too far…surely he wouldn’t risk my own mother’s life? Because although I hated them both that didn’t mean I wanted either of them hurt by my own doing.

They could suffer with the knowledge of what they had done to me. From the knowledge that they had broken our family apart and hurt those they had deceived. But that was the extent of the pain I wanted them to suffer. Which was why I looked to the library and took a few steps towards it before stopping myself. I did this twice more before crying out in anger, hitting the side of my fist to the wall before running in the opposite direction, ignoring the pain to my hand or to the side of my head. I knew the cuts I had suffered, thanks to the deception of the witch, had already started to heal and it sickened me to know why.

Lucius’ essence was still a part of me.

After this decision was made, I continued running until I got to my father’s garage and stole the keys to the car nearest to the door. After that I had broken every speed limit and thanked whatever luck I had left in my life that I wasn’t pulled over by the cops on the way to the airport. But this wasn’t all I did. As after I had angrily swiped away my tears it then took me all of about two minutes of driving to form the first part of my plan.

Because I needed to disappear. I needed to leave once and for all. I could no longer be a part of that world…my father’s world…the world Lucius belonged to. It pained me to think of my parents splitting up or my father being in the same amount of pain as I was feeling. But then no matter how much I loved Lucius, I knew deep down that for my father it would be worse.

So much worse.

Which was why, after the first part of my plan was out of the way, I knew that I needed to call him. Just the once. I needed to know he was alright before leaving for good. But before that call, first came the one to my father’s pilot. A number that was thankfully still in the history of calls in the car’s fancy system. So, a few taps later and I was making plans with him to take me to London, knowing that his next call would be to my father asking his permission. After that I was relying on only one factor left and that was greed.

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