Home > Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6)(2)

Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6)(2)
Author: Stephanie Hudson

Gods, the pain of it rendered me unable to move.

Even as I watched as she had already started walking away, I could do nothing but roar in both anger and pain as it tore through my soul. Gods, but I wanted to hate her just as much as I fucking loved her! I was so Gods be damned angry that she could believe her words, I was struck unable to move!

That she could think of me as such was utterly unfathomable!

I vaguely watched as even Keira tried to reach out to her only to get Amelia’s venom lashed her way,

“Don’t fucking touch me! I never want to see you again! Either of you…you are both…lost to me!” She sobbed these last three words in such a way that I knew she had really meant them as something else, words that she couldn’t ever take back if spoken. Instead, she ran from the room with tears flooding those beautiful eyes of hers. Turning them into something beyond the realms of beauty…

…but into something breathtakingly haunting.

This was when I snapped.

“FUCK!” I flipped the nearest table closest to me, making the sound of it crashing against the far side of the room become an echoing shadow of my rage. The song of destruction doing little to ease my temper and neither did Keira when she ran to me and begged me to stop. To see reason and calm down before scaring her daughter with my anger. To let her be the one to go to her and explain everything, to show Amelia her thoughts, the images of the conversation before. She blamed herself and with tears streaming down her face she begged me to let her be the one. But I cared nothing for Keira’s tears.

I only cared for Amelia’s.

Which was why, without even answering her, I walked towards the door and ripped it from its hinges without taking a moment to think about the damage behind me, simply hoping that Keira had enough sense to get out of the way of it. I was both utterly numb and furious at the same time, that I could barely even think. To the point that the second I felt Keira following me out and grabbing me from behind, still begging me to stay, was when I turned to snarl down at her to let me go. But neither of us saw what was coming next…

Or should I say who.

Suddenly, before I could even fully register the reasons behind it, I found myself travelling backwards until I found my body being slammed back, smashing into the fireplace in the library. I groaned through the pain as some of my rips snapped. Then I gritted my teeth through the process as my body instantly started to mend, fusing the cracks and breaks, along with healing the puncture to my lung. I sucked in air as I started to breathe past the pain and after turning my head slightly, that’s when I noticed that the secret doorway into the Janus Gate was ajar. Something I knew wasn’t from my impact as I had landed against one of the cast iron sentinels.

Had this been where Amelia had come from? Was this where Dom kept his safe? For she had gotten hold of the box somehow, so it would make sense and might explain her injuries. But it didn’t explain the other evidence of blood, which now had me questioning, if this was the witch’s doing?

I located the box that in my rage I had thrown to one side, both damning its existence and questioning the reason for her trying to take it. But then these thoughts were ripped away from me the moment I saw the cause for my being back in the library with broken bones, which right now were nothing more than an inconvenience.

I didn’t have time for this shit.

I needed to find her!

But then, with one look at the Demonic King who had not an ounce of Angel in sight, then I knew I first had to deal with a son of Hell’s wrath.

“YOU KISSED MY WIFE!” his demon roared, and I found myself doing a double take the second he said the last words I believed his reason for attacking me to be.

“What the…” I never got the chance to finish as the asshole was charging at me, his dark wings taking him high first so he could gain leverage on his attack. Then he tried to barrel into me, making me move with only half a second to spare before he would have killed me from it, being as his twin swords extended from his wrists on his downward attack, making his wife scream out,


Thankfully, my senses returned quickly enough to save myself along with his wife, for had he succeeded, then it would have not only been my end, but hers too. But it was clear he was out of his mind with rage and had given total control over to his demon, who wasn’t acting rationally enough to function beyond the need for death and revenge.

“Fuck, Dom, you have it all…fuck!” I ended this the second he lashed out against me with his swords raised, ones that flamed purple and licked out at everything they touched, scoring it black instead of setting it alight.

“DRAVEN, STOP THIS!” Dom paused long enough to snarl at his wife, telling her,

“I will deal with your deceit later, woman!” She jerked back as if he had struck her and I could see for myself her own anger close to erupting and when it did, then I knew it would have been nothing compared to Dom’s.

Twin pools of crimson fire were igniting in her eyes but seeing this gave me barely enough time to dodge the blades he continued to swing at me. Meaning that I had no choice but to summon my own blade to my hand, thanking my foresight in having Nesteemia place a summoning spell on the sword of Kings, Caliburnus. A spell which enabled me to feel it start to materialise into a solid weight in my hand. And it was just in time too, for I held it up above my head with barely enough of it appearing in time to save my head as his blades collided with its growing length.

“FUCK DOM, LISTEN!” I roared as I pushed back on the blade making him take a step back allowing my anger to fight his own rage.

“Good, I wanted a fair fight before I see your head fucking roll from your vessel!” he shouted venomously and I snarled back, before swinging the sword around in my hand and showing him that I was ready. Because this time it was a fight I was not going to use my will against him to win. For he would soon discover that I wasn’t the same man he had once fought before.

I was something much more and had the Venom of God running through my veins to prove it!

“Then, in doing so, you see your Chosen One fall also!” I reminded him before I lashed out, hitting against his twin blades so quickly he slipped slightly, which was enough that I caught his shoulder with my blade. Because my words had started to penetrate through the demon’s rage, and he was weakening to the fact. He even looked towards Keira as if seeing her standing there for the very first time and there was only one emotion now clouding his judgement in the fight…doubt.

“Please…don’t do this,” Keira whispered at him, holding herself ridged as if she were now witnessing her whole world as it came crumbling down around her. As if she had failed in some secret quest. But whatever the cause it finally made an impact on Dom as his demon simmered down.

“I will not kill you, Luc, but that doesn’t mean I won’t bring you to your fucking knees!” he shouted back the moment he made his mind up about my death.

“I make no such promise in return, old friend!” I snapped back fighting him now with a far more equal footing, allowing my hits to mirror my deadly mood. I was unrelenting with my sword, swinging it so fast he could barely keep up and on a punishing downward slash, he only just managed to block against it. It was clear to me now that the wrath of his demon had relented even further to the emotional reasons behind the fight. Something I used to my advantage when his guard lowered our collided blades enough for me to punch out at his face, feeling the crack of bone crunch in both his nose and my knuckle.

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