Home > Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6)(56)

Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6)(56)
Author: Stephanie Hudson

Where had that thought just come from?

I didn’t have long to think on it before Lucius tore his bloody lips from my neck and just as he held me so tight to him, I knew the last thrusts of his cock were all it would take before he came inside me. But before he did, he held my head to his neck and said,

“I’m yours, every fucking piece of me belongs to you! I love you, Gods, how I fucking love you! Now claim me! Bite and claim me now!” He roared just as he made me bite down on him and the second his blood burst across my tongue, he fisted my hair and roared!

“RAWWWHHH!” It was a sound that this time had the power to crack the walls above the bed. He bellowed his release as he continued to power into me, draining himself of every last drop until he was seated deep within my core.

After this I felt him lower my head gently back onto the bed, easing my lips from his neck. I couldn’t help but smile to myself at the sight I left, looking up at the crescent shaped cuts on his neck that I had made.

My mark.

My claim.

And one look at his bloodstained lips and I knew mine were the same. Something that turned into a crimson kiss, as he placed his lips to mine, this time in a sweet tender way that spoke only of the love he had declared to still have for me. One that this time couldn’t be denied, despite all my doubts.

What had just happened between us couldn’t have been faked…

It just wasn’t possible.

“Are you alright?” he asked softly after pushing all my hair back from my damp forehead. I couldn’t help but nod before saying in a breathy tone,

“So, you missed me then?” to which he threw his head back and burst into laughter… gut clenching, belly shaking, laughter. The kind that I felt everywhere, including my sex seeing as he was still seated deep within me. Then, when his amusement had eased, he licked his lips until the blood was mostly gone. Then he kissed my forehead and what he said next had the power to heal my heart for good.

Healed from the hurt the second he whispered tenderly…


“Every damn day, baby.”



Chapter 26

Boy Scout Ambush



The rest of the day was spent together and would have no doubt been in his bed, had it well…not been for the mess he had forced me to make. Geez, but just thinking about it made me start squirming and from the knowing spark of power in his eyes, then he knew it too. But since then we’d had sex three more times and I had to say by the time night started to fall, I was feeling it, both between my legs and with how tired I was.

But then, I most certainly wasn’t regretting it, as it had been like being reunited with an addiction. One, that granted was dangerous for my health considering the amount of my blood he had consumed. Although, he had also made sure I fed from him every time as well and I had an idea this was his way of trying to get back that bond. The exchange of our essence and what strengthened that link between Chosen Ones.

It was clear he wanted that connection back and I was only to eager to give it to him. But sex, after the first time, had been a mixture of frenzied sex in the shower, then playful sex on the sofa and last of all, making love. It had been slow, sensual, and adoring. And it had also been on fresh clean sheets back on the bed. This was after the chambermaid had come in and I had told her we were sorry, that I was clumsy and spilled water on the bed…all in a rush of words. Something Lucius ruined the second he said in perfect Hebrew,

“What she is trying to say is that I fucked her like a beast, and she loved it, but now she is shy because we made a mess.” Something I learned once the horrified woman left the room making a sign of God and I’d asked what he had said to her. I knew some Hebrew but nothing like Lucius’ skills. Of course, I had been mortified hearing this and hence how we ended up having playful sex on the sofa, which I made sure we didn’t make a mess on, this time.

But now, we had just finished making love. And honestly, it had been so utterly perfect that I felt myself getting emotional and having to hold back the signs of it. However, with the moonlight pouring in through the open windows and the hum of the city outside, it was a moment that I would never forget.

Especially with my body curled to his side and with him looking down at me the way he was. The way his gloved hand tipped back my face so I could look up at him, then he ran a covered thumb over the apple of my cheek and said,

“Gods, but how I have missed these stunning eyes of yours…no wonder I would dream of them every night, looking up at me the way you do now.” I blushed and turned my face quickly so I could kiss the palm of his bound hand, making him tense a little at the contact. Contact, I had never braved to attempt before, but then as soon as the gesture was done, he relaxed, lowered his hand, and pulled me tighter against him. Then he kissed my forehead, calling me,

“My Sweet girl.” I grinned before teasing him,

“Yeah, but I bet you weren’t calling me that only two days ago.” I felt him smile and admit in a knowing tone,

“No, I was not calling you that, Amelia.”

“I never asked, but how did you find me?”

“Apparently dumb luck can happen to us all,” he replied making me hit his belly, although little good it did me with all those tight abs bunched like a brick wall of muscle.

“Hey!” I shouted, making him question,

“And did it happen any other way?”

“Well no, but still, give me a little credit here,” I grumbled, knowing that dripping blood into that box had been more luck and less intelligence.

“Oh, my girl, I have given you enough credit over these last eight weeks to last you a lifetime…Of course I have also cursed your name equally so.”

“Gee, way to go in making a girl feel…” he quickly cut me off, reminding me that we may be in each other’s arms, but we still had a long way to go before trusting each other again.

“Hunted? Because that is precisely what you were. I told you that I would never give up, I warned you that I would find you and now here we are. You’re locked in my embrace and soon to find yourself this way every night that follows it, for I promise you, my Khuba, letting you out of my sight will not happen…not for quite some time.”

“You think I would run from you now, after what just happened between us?” I asked making him point out on a growl of words,

“I believe that is the second time for such a thing to happen between us and yet it still ended in you running.” I hated that he was right, because we had been like this together once before and I had run from it the first moment I had seen…well, what I thought I had seen. Something in itself that still needed to be explained. Yet, when I was just about to open my mouth to ask, he shook his head and told me,

“Not tonight, let us face everything else tomorrow, for today was perfection and tonight I get to sleep with you in my arms. Let us just enjoy the now.” I couldn’t argue with that and well, I also couldn’t argue with him playing with my hair the way he was, finding myself sinking into all that was Lucius,

And loving every breath I took doing so…

Sleeping in his arms.


The next day started pretty much the same as the one before, in the sense that we woke up late and Lucius and I were in bed together. Although the differences were that our first meal of the day wasn’t then followed by destruction, arguing, and being tied up before sex. No, it just started with sex, then came the meal and we skipped destruction and arguing altogether.

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