Home > While She Sleeps(39)

While She Sleeps(39)
Author: Dani Rene

“Fuck,” Axel curses as he drinks his beer, his gaze trailing the club, but focusing back on me. “What about if we did it silently? Send him away on vacation,” he says, the last word in air quotes. I like his suggestion, but it’s not going to work. My father’s clever. He’ll have men watching every move we make.

“If it were that easy, I would’ve done it ages ago,” I inform them. My phone rings before I have time to continue. I pull it out, finding my father’s name glaring at me. I consider not answering but realize if he’s up to something, perhaps I can drag it out of him. Pressing the device to my ear, I answer, “Nice to hear from you.” Sarcasm drips from my tone.

“I’d like to set up a meeting. You, me, and Vera. We’ll sort this out like a family.”

“And what makes you think a family with you is what I want?” I challenge, poking the bear, which I know is a bad idea.

“My suggestion would be to come here and listen to me. If Vera would like to see her father again, you’ll agree to my terms. I’m willing to work on this with you, Logan.” The tone of his voice is so cold I can’t help but shiver at the implication of him killing Vera’s father, his best friend. Or at least former best friend.

“Fine. We’ll be there.” I hang up, my gaze taking in Vera, who’s staring at me wide-eyed. “He wants to see us both. If I can get him to back down, it will give us time for Dax to get in touch with his contacts.” Even though I’m connected, most of the men I know get paid by my father, and they’ll never go against him.

“Are you sure you want to go in there?” Dax leans forward, his elbows on the table as he regards me. The man is big, as tall as I am, and just as broad shouldered. He looks strange, sitting at a table so small.

“I have to. If I don’t, he’ll come after Vera again, and I can’t let her get hurt.”

Vera’s soft voice breaks between us. “What if he does something to me while we’re there?”

I glance at her before answering, “Then I’ll take the fucker out in his own home.” Pushing off the chair, Dax rises with me, offering his hand. I take it and shake, knowing he would be there if need be.

“You have my number,” he reminds me with a small grin.

“I do. I’ll call you when I know something. Keep digging,” I tell him and offer my hand to Vera. She laces her delicate fingers with mine. “Kael, Axe, thanks for coming to help when I needed you,” I tell the two guys. I’ve only met them a few times over the years, but they’re good guys.

“Of course,” Kael says as he shakes my hand.

Axe rises, tipping his fingers in a mock salute. “Anytime you need some fucker dealt with, you call me.”

I turn and make my way out of the club with Vera hot on my heels. She’s taking the atmosphere in. I can see her head darting left and right as she watches the girls strut around in their skimpy outfits.

“Do those guys have girlfriends?” she whispers under her breath when we reach the door. “I mean, they work in a place where girls are stripping.”

“The ladies dance,” I tell her. “They’re professional. And yeah, all three have women.” I chuckle as her eyes go wide. “Why? Don’t think you can handle me working in a place like that, Beauty?”

“No. I mean, I trust you . . .” Her words taper off into the silence that surrounds us. She’s shy, I can tell by the way she looks at the ground, and her cheeks are flushed.

“Listen to me, Beauty.” I stop, cupping her face in my hands. “You’re mine. No other woman would ever come close to being what you are to me. It’s going to take us time to find our feet in this relationship, but I’m willing to try if you are. No woman has given me what you have, and I’m not about to allow that to leave my life. I’m not walking away from you, not this time.”

Her face is a picture of affection and happiness when she looks up at me. A quick nod and I press my lips to hers. “Let’s go.” Her words force me forward, and I know whatever we’re about to walk into will change our lives forever.

Either I’m going to kill my father, or he’s going to finally realize what an evil bastard he is and step back from everything. One thing is for sure—he isn’t getting his claws into mine and Vera’s lives or future family.

The drive through the city is silent, but the tension is heavy between us. The cab is filled with anxiety, which twists in my gut. Even though I won’t allow anyone to hurt Vera, the thought of losing her grips my heart painfully.

By the time we pull up outside the house, I’m so tense my white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel feels as if my hands are glued it. I want to tell Vera to wait here, but my father made it understood he wanted to see us both.

“When we walk in there, you stay behind me.” My order is clear. “Do you understand me, Vera?” I glance over at my girl in the passenger seat. “I don’t want you hurt in any way, and if he tries anything, I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you.”

My girl meets my stare, a small smile on her trembling lips. “I know. I’m not going anywhere without you.” Her promise calms me somewhat, but it can’t erase how something dark twists in my gut.

It feels as if it’s the calm before the storm.

And I’ve always hated rain.









Logan exits the vehicle without another word. I watch him round the front before getting to my door. He opens it, helping me from the seat. Our fingers are laced as we make our way toward the massive front door.

Carvings adorn the dark wood, and I can’t make out what they are before the portal slides open, and a beautiful woman smiles at us. She steps aside, allowing us entrance.

“Mr. Oakridge is in the office,” she tells Logan, but when she glances at me, her face pales in shock. “You look just like the lady.” She says, her mouth falls open, but she doesn’t say anything more.

“What lady?” I ask, but she only shakes her head and scurries away.

It’s strange, but when I look at Logan, I notice he seems as confused as I am. I follow him as he leads me through the entrance hall that reminds me of my childhood home.

I grew up with a beautiful, middle-class house. My father was always there for me. My mother died when I was young, and I don’t remember her much. Daddy always told me I was just like her with my beauty, but strangely enough, he never kept photos of her out like I would imagine any other widower would. There was only one I found when I was fifteen. When I saw her, I recognized her immediately—a dark-haired beauty who stole my father’s heart.

We reach a door I’m guessing is Herbert Oakridge’s office. Logan doesn’t knock; he pushes it open and steps inside with me following a step behind. He doesn’t allow me to come into view, so I don’t know why he stops short.

Silence hangs heavily with something I can’t quite pinpoint.

“What the fuck is this?” Logan questions as he moves farther into the room. I finally take everything in, and I notice it’s not only Herbert in the room. There’s a woman with her back to us. Slowly, she turns on her high, spiked heel, and I can’t help but notice how perfectly poised she is. Dark hair spills from the clip holding her hair up.

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