Home > Wolf in Gucci Loafers (Tales of the Harker Pack #2)(17)

Wolf in Gucci Loafers (Tales of the Harker Pack #2)(17)
Author: Tara Lain

He needed Lindsey. He sighed. That was his story and he was sticking to it.

He stopped beside the bike, pulled up the number on his phone, and hit Send. One ring. Two rings. Three—

“Hello?” The voice sounded unsure and tentative. Like the Lindsey he’d left in the garage.

“Uh, Lindsey?”


“This is Seth.”

“I know.”

“Uh, are you okay?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You haven’t called me darling yet.”

Silence. Then he started to laugh, a musical sound that traveled down Seth’s spine and made three circles of his groin before diving to his balls. “Yes, darling, what can I do for you?”

“I hate to ask you to help me again since you’ve been so cooperative, but I sure could use an entrée into that country club of yours. Is there any chance you could, uh, go there with me?”

“You mean take you there?”

“I’d pay. I mean, the department will.”

Pause. “My oh my, how could I resist a meal compliments of Connecticut’s finest?”

“So you’ll go?”

Another pause, longer this time. “Yes, I’ll go. When?”

Seth swallowed and pressed a hand against his overactive cock. “How about tonight?”

“Lieutenant Zakowsky, what kind of man would I be if I didn’t already have a date for tonight and jumped at a last-minute invitation?”

“Uh, a man who wants to help out the dedicated efforts of his local law enforcement?” He held his breath.

“Yes, that describes me precisely.” This time the laugh didn’t bother to circle Seth’s cock. It just dove.



Chapter Six



Lindsey stood in his closet wearing teal boxer briefs and nothing else. How did one look really, really good—irresistible, in fact—without trying too hard?

Damn. He stalked from the closet, crossed to his big bed, and sat. He never wore the teal boxers unless he planned on getting some. What exactly did he have in mind? Murder/suicide? Jesus.

Of course, just because Zakowsky had called didn’t mean he was planning on seducing Lindsey. Ha, as if seduction would be required. But the chances of sex happening had gone up several thousand times since Seth had clearly made up an excuse to take Lindsey out. Did he have sex in mind? And if so, could Lindsey do it? Could he control himself when all he wanted to do was lose control?

Get dressed. He’d agreed to go and boxer briefs were not dress code at the country club. Besides, if nothing else, he’d find out more about how far along the police were in capturing the kidnappers. Yes, that was his story.

Back in the closet, he chose tight black slacks, a white dress shirt, a teal leather sport coat to match his boxers, and black ankle boots. He layered his favorite lavender scarf into the open neck of the shirt and added a diamond earring into his pierced right ear. The golden hair flowing free around his face added the final touch. There. He might as well emphasize how completely he wasn’t Seth’s type. It would save everyone a lot of torn clothing and scratches on their backs.

One last glance in the mirror and he headed out the door of his suite. He was halfway down the stairs to the main floor when the doorbell rang. Wow. Heart racing. Rooted to the spot. He heard James, his butler, greet the guest. Then Seth’s deep, rumbly baritone followed. Could you have an orgasm from the sound of a voice? Add that man’s heavenly smell and Lindsey was a goner.

James walked into the receiving room, leading Seth. The butler looked up and saw Lindsey—stuck. “Oh, sir. I didn’t know you were here. Uh, you have a guest.”

Seth stared at him. He stared at Seth. A gray suit. He wore a gray suit that fit like it had been tailored to his broad shoulders and big biceps. He’d pulled his hair back tight but the tendrils escaped as always. Funny, the soft hair didn’t feminize that chiseled face. It just made him look more male in contrast. Best of all, he’d tucked the scarf Lindsey had given him into the neck of his white shirt. Lindsey swallowed hard.

Seth kept staring.

Lindsey’s grandfather’s voice came from his right. “Excuse me, don’t mean to interrupt.”

What? Oh. Lindsey looked toward his grandfather, who had walked in from the living room. “Oh, uh, hi, Pop-Pop.”

The old man grinned. “Since Lindsey seems to have lost his voice, I’m Casper Vanessen.” He stuck a hand out to Seth. “I’m pleased to meet you.”

“Seth Zakowsky.”

“Yes, the policeman, I believe.”

Lindsey gave himself a little shake. “Pop-Pop, Seth is a specialist in kidnapping. I met him at Dave’s.”

“Ah-ha. And you two are going—?” He waved a hand inquiringly.

Lindsey swallowed. “To the country club, sir.”

Seth nodded. “Lindsey was kind enough to offer to introduce me around. We can’t really investigate the kidnappings without looking into the people closest to the families.”

The old man looked intently at Seth. “Very wise, of course. I hope you two have a lovely evening.”

Lindsey took a breath and forced his feet to move. “Thank you, sir.” He walked over and kissed the old man’s cheek. Hidden from Seth, Pop-Pop gave him a wink. He grinned back. Though grinning may not have been the optimum response.

He turned to Seth. “Shall we go?” He raised a brow. “We wouldn’t want any of those suspects to get away while we dillydally.”

James held his cashmere overcoat while he slipped it on, and he walked to the side door toward the garage. He glanced back to be sure Seth was following, cleared the portico in a few steps, and opened the door to the huge house of vehicles. He swept his hand out in an arc. “Pick a car, any car.”

Seth walked up to him. “I’m sorry I made the whole evening sound so professional, but I wasn’t sure what you might have said to your grandfather.”

Hmm. “But then, it is professional, isn’t it?”

Seth frowned. “Yes, of course.”

Lindsey looked back at the cars. “So choose. We might as well have a little fun while you catch a kidnapper.”

That got the half grin. “The Roadster.”


Seth climbed in the sports car while Lindsey got in the driver’s seat. He was a good driver. Might as well prove it. “Buckle up and hold on.”

He backed out of the garage, traveled down the private road sedately, and came to the stop sign at the country road that led to the club. Seth snorted. “Uh, I’m waiting.”

Lindsey toggled the pedals and took off like a wolf in heat. Seth pressed back against the leather seat. “She-it!”

“Zero to sixty in three point seven seconds, darling.”

“Yeah, well, we left sixty a distance back.” He held on, but he was smiling.

The trees raced by in a blur. “So true, but sadly they’ve software limited the car to one hundred and twenty top speed, so you’ll have to find your thrills elsewhere.”

“Uh, this will do nicely.”

Lindsey glanced at him, then back at the road. “How disappointing.”

Seth laughed, though he sounded a little uneasy. It only took about four minutes before Lindsey pulled in to the parking lot for the club. Another sad valet, but he never let them touch his babies.

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