Home > Wolf in Gucci Loafers (Tales of the Harker Pack #2)(2)

Wolf in Gucci Loafers (Tales of the Harker Pack #2)(2)
Author: Tara Lain

He racked the epée and came back to his mother. “Okay, love; tell me all about this perfect match you’ve set up for me.” They walked down the hall with its long, Turkish runners.

“You know the Westerbergs, darling. Bruce has come home with his Harvard MBA to take his rightful place in the family business.”

“So how old does that make him?”

“Twenty-three, I think. Just a little younger than you. He graduated at the normal time, not with your superhuman impatience.”

He’d just wanted out of school. One more full moon might have killed him. They got to his suite of rooms, and she stopped. “I so want to see you settled and happy.”

“I know.”

“I know Ga-Ga and Pop-Pop would love it if you were married before they die.”

He crossed his arms. “Okay, reduce the drama, dear. Pop-Pop will be shagging corporate takeovers when I’m old and gray, and Ga-Ga will still head the best-dressed list.”

“Life is uncertain. Look at your father.”

He gazed at her steadily. “Which father do you mean exactly?”

“Lindsey!” She stared at her very chic shoes. “You know full well I mean your father father. The person whose name you bear.”

He kissed her forehead. “Very well. I guess uncertainty is appropriate in either case.”

She crossed her arms tightly. “And with all these horrible kidnappings, I like to know you’re in safe places with nice people.”

“Actually, one of the victims was at home, so I’m not sure the locations are that important.”

Her eyes got huge. “Dear God, who would do such a thing? And the finest families.”

Who indeed, but he didn’t want to scare her. “Point taken. I’ll stay very safe, and I’ll give Bruce Westerberg every chance to sweep me off my feet and solidify my uncertain future.”

That prompted a smile. “You rascal.”

“Always. Now let me get to my bubble bath.”

He watched her walk away in her linen skirt, voile sweater, and second-best pearls. Hard to believe that genteel woman ever threw caution to the winds and drowned herself in one wild night of passion. The night that had produced him. No one knew he was a bastard except him and his mother. He’d been forced to ask her about his father because he was desperate, though he’d never told her why. Finally she’d confessed and saved his sanity. Maybe his life.

He sighed, went into his sitting room, and closed the door behind him. The soft greens and mauve accents always soothed him. He padded across the velvety Chinese rug with its huge abstract flower of pink and green against a background of dove gray.

Inside the enormous closet, he dumped his fencing costume.

Whoops. A couple of curls of his gray wig stuck out from the clothing storage bag at the back of his closet. Damn, he needed to be more careful. The maids weren’t looking for clues, but they weren’t blind either. Now that Granny was famous, he needed to increase his security. He unzipped the bag, pushed in the wig, pulled the old suits to the front to cover the other clothing, and zipped it back up. Better.

Naked, he walked through the side door that led to his bathroom, where the jetted tub dominated the room. Yes, it was so gauche, but it felt so good, especially when his cock needed some serious attention. Like when he didn’t have a boyfriend. As usual.

He started the water and dropped in two bath bombs that smelled like jasmine. With a quick turn, he stared in the mirror. His perpetually slender body reflected back at him. No matter how strong he got, it never seemed to show. Oh yes, his muscles popped out here and there. A lovely twelve-pack, if he did say so himself. But so odd that he wasn’t bulkier. Oh well, he worked with what he had.

With a twist of the leather tie, he unbound his hair and fluffed it out like a golden curtain that reached almost to his shoulders. Damned good thing he’d showed up blond. His so-called father had been blond, which added to everyone’s belief that Lindsey was really the scion of the Vanessen clan.

He’d believed it too, until that terrible, amazing day when everything changed. Adolescents coped with lots of crap. Brain expansion, hormone overload, growth spurts. But waking up covered in fur wasn’t a subject in his prep school health class.

Sighing, he dropped his hairbrush in the drawer.

He would have run screaming to his mother—if he’d been able to scream. By the time he changed back, some piece of his brain had figured out that this new quirk in his development would not go over well at the country club. So he had hidden it. Still did.

Moving over to the tub, he settled his long body in the hot water. Oh yes.

God, he hated lying to his mother. About so many things. She desperately wanted him to settle down and be happy, but it wasn’t going to happen with Bruce Westerberg or anyone else.

He laid his head back and draped a forearm across his eyes. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t picture the scene. Him gazing into the eyes of a man he loved and saying, “Honey, I’m a werewolf.”

The phone rang. Nobody had this number except friends. He glanced and smiled. Speaking of werewolves. “Hello, darling.”

Cole Harker’s soft, slightly hesitant voice barely went with the huge, superwolf that he was. “Hey, buddy. What’s up?”

“I’m reclining in a bubble bath.”

“How decadent. Are you coming to the Way Station when you get out of hot water?”

“I’m never out of hot water, darling. No, actually I have a date.”

“That sounds promising. Anyone I know?”

“A blind date with the son of family friends brokered by my mother.”

“A human?” A slight edge in his voice.

Lindsey sighed. “Yes, of course, darling. What werewolf would date me?”

“Hey, don’t give up hope. I got married.”

“There’s only one Paris.”

Cole laughed. “Is that a nice way of saying there’s only one weirdo gay half-panther exotic dancer around for a werewolf to marry?”

“Of course not. I mean there’s only one incredibly sexy, totally supportive shifter available who happens to be gay.” He chuckled. “And all that other stuff too.”

“Go easy on the human, buddy. Don’t have any dates on the full moon.” He laughed, but it was no joke.

“I’m careful, Cole.”

“I know you are. Hell, you spend more time around humans than any of us. You’re a credit to the pack in every way.”

Lindsey popped some bubbles. “Yes, but no one wants their son to marry me.”

“God, I’m sorry Lindsey. They’re changing. At least they don’t believe there’s no such thing as a gay werewolf anymore.”

“They make an exception for you and Paris. They just think I’m human, so I don’t count.” He stared down at his too-slim-for-a-werewolf body.

“They love you.”

He blew out his breath. “Like their maiden aunt. But it doesn’t get my cock sucked, so I need to get out of this water and get dressed.”

“Let me know how it goes.”

That meant Reassure me that you didn’t go biting the humans, that you didn’t violate the pack law that says no human can know about the existence of the wolves. “Sure.”

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