Home > Reid(32)

Author: Maddie Wade

“It does, although I’m not sure I can walk to the showers. My legs feel like noodles.”

Liam laughed, and she saw the handsome man he was when relaxed and let someone in. “Thank you for helping me.”

Liam sobered at her words and looked directly at her. “Reid is like a brother to me, a fucking annoying one, but still family. By extension, that makes you family whether you want it or not.”

She could hear the tiniest bit of vulnerability in his voice as he said the words. “I’m honoured to be considered family. I’ve never met a group like this. In my industry we have friends and colleagues, but nothing like you guys have here.”

“I’d die for these men, and I know they’d die for me.”

“That’s a special thing to be part of.”

“Yeah, it is.”

Liam seemed to snap out of the moment when a door slammed somewhere in the building, and he drew the walls back into place. “You need to eat some protein.”

Callie nodded. “Reid and I are going for lunch in town after. Come with us?” Liam hesitated. “Please, you can dish on Reid while we eat,” Callie begged hoping he’d come with hem.

“I don’t want to crash a romantic date.”

“It’s not a date, its lunch. See if Lopez and Waggs want to come too?”

Liam smiled. “I’ll ask them.”

Callie grinned pleased he might join them. She wanted to see Reid with his friends and not monopolise him. “Good.”

She trudged toward the showers with a smile, feeling happier than she should, given the circumstances, and then guilt hit her. Here she was enjoying herself when Tina was dead. She shoved the horrible thoughts away so she wasn’t pulled down a rabbit hole of depression.

After showering and dressing in dark blue skinny jeans, a white tee, and black leather jacket, with white converse trainers on her feet, she pulled her hair into a ponytail. She slicked on the tiniest bit of mascara and blush, but left her face bare. She considered lip gloss but knew Reid would have it kissed off her within seconds of seeing him so didn’t bother. She smiled giddily at the thought, and she wondered if everyone felt this ridiculous desire to smile all the time when they found the person who made their heart sing.

She had no clue when she’d fallen in love with this man, or when the realisation came, but now it seemed she’d always felt this way for him. Perhaps it was when he’d dropped everything and come to her rescue, or perhaps when he’d protected her body and soul from a stalker. Or maybe it was just that he was hers and always had been, they just hadn’t known it until they met.

Whatever it was, she loved him with everything in her and the thought of not being with him all the time filled her with dread. This stalker had brought them together, but would it also be the thing that ripped them apart? She couldn’t allow herself to think that or she’d go mad. She just had to trust in fate and the universe and not let fear ruin it.

Reid was waiting with Liam, Lopez, and Waggs when she emerged, and he instantly focused on her. His eyes heated as they wandered over her from her feet to her face before stopping. Then he pushed off the wall and stepped closer, his arm shooting out so he could pull her against him. His hand was on her hip as he looked down at her, she felt small and dainty. She loved that he was so tall. She could wear heels, and he was still a head above her.

“You sure you’re okay with these idiots hanging with us?”

“Yes, of course. They’re your friends, and I want to get to know them better.” She took his hand and turned to the others. “Plus, Liam promised to dish the dirt on everyone.” Callie winked at Liam as Reid groaned.

“Let’s get this ordeal over with.” Reid kept his hand in hers as they strode toward the cars. Liam and Lopez climbed in the back as Reid drove.

“Wagamama?” he asked as he looked in the rear view mirror.

“Fine with us,” Liam and Lopez replied.

Reid parked in the Old Market car park and retook her hand as he bleeped the locks on the car. His arm came around her as if he wanted her closer still.

Liam and Lopez were either side of them as they walked, and she felt a sense of protection once again and knew these men were all watching her back. She got the impression it was so ingrained in their psyche they had no clue they were doing it. Callie watched Lopez then Liam before her head tipped to catch Reid’s face. His head was in a constant movement as he watched everyone around them, looking for a threat.

Seemingly satisfied, he glanced down at her. “What’s on your mind, sunshine?”

“You’re constantly working.”

Reid frowned as he pulled open the door to the restaurant and let her proceed him behind Liam. “What do you mean?”

She waited until they were seated at a table before she answered, aiming her response at the table of men. “Even when you don’t realise it, you’re protecting me. Putting yourself between me and any danger.” She looked at Lopez and Liam. “You all do it.”

“It’s not work, sunshine, that’s just who we are. Protecting those you care for is as natural as breathing.”

“It is for you but not for all men. I’ve been shoved out of the way by men I’ve dated so they could get an autograph from another model.”

Reid’s face took on a thunderous expression. “Who the fuck did that?”

Callie shook her head. “That doesn’t matter. My point is that you guys are special.”

“Aww, shucks.” Lopez blinked and looked away pretending to blush.

“Can we order? I’m starved.” Liam picked up the menu and buried his head in it. Callie let it go and did the same.

She ordered an energy boost fruit drink and a chicken donburi. Famished, she wolfed down the lot. The men ate twice what she did, and she thought she could eat.

“So, tell us about the Princess, Liam? Reid says you saved her during a hostage situation.” Callie felt Reid’s arm come around the back of her chair and glanced at him.

Liam shrugged and tried to look nonchalant and failed. “She’s a pain in my arse.”

“Okay,” Callie said slowly. “I’ve met her once, and she’s very beautiful.”

Liam slow blinked and nodded his head before his eyes softened. “She’s one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever met.”

Callie wondered if there was perhaps more to his feelings than he was letting on. “Is it true she’s fallen out with her family?”

Liam’s jaw flexed as he clenched his fists. “The way they treated her they’re lucky she’s only just stopped speaking to them. They cut her loose to lunatics and did nothing to help her. If it weren’t for circumstance and luck, she would’ve been raped and murdered.”

Callie sucked in a breath, not just at his words but the obvious anger in them. “But she’s safe now?” Her hand slid to Reid’s thigh next to her own under the table and she felt the muscle and strength there. She felt safe, and the way his hand slid over hers and squeezed gently showed he knew how she was feeling. Her heart rate increased with love for this man.

“She is, and she’ll stay that way if she’d only start listening to her fucking security team and stop being a diva,” Liam said, his frustration clear in his tone.

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